Thanks John

I’d like to thank John Reyst for taking a look over what I’ve written for Echelon d20 and providing feedback.  I’ve been doing a series of articles that does much the same for his Threshold d20 system. This post is my response to his initial feedback.

Threshold d20 Review: Archetypes

In this post I review pages starting at (and under) These pages tend to be fairly content-light, so I’ll just do an overview. This section of my review may seem harsh.  It is based on material that has not been completed (the number of partially-implemented archetypes makes that point …

Converting RSRD Abilities to Echelon Talents

Converting RSRD abilities to Echelon talents is usually pretty straightforward. Many abilities in D&D 3.x are built up of smaller abilities, usually along a path of some sort. Feat paths are pretty obvious (weapon focus and weapon specialization are an example, as is the Mobility feat path leading to Whirlwind …

Actions in Echelon

Actions in D&D 3.x got fairly complicated in the end. They range from full-round through standard action, move action, swift action, free action, to immediate action. Plus ‘not an action’, but since those… things people do are by definitions ‘not actions’, I’ll ignore them. There are distinct differences between them, …

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