These are ‘holy warrior’ (abstracted paladin class) and ‘unholy warrior’ (abstracted anti-paladin/blackguard class) domain powers. I don’t have spell lists at hand because the spells available to the various holy warriors were based more on the god followed than the domains granted. I’ll do a more complete adaptation later, this is being posted now because it came up in a conversation in IRC.
(Un)Holy Warrior Domains
These domains provide holy warriors and unholy warriors with their powers. To duplicate the paladin class, grant the Champion and Guardian domains. To duplicate the blackguard class, grant the Corruption and Treachery domains.
(1) Air Ken (Su)
The holy warrior is intimately familiar with the element of air. She gains the Auran language for free and gains some of the pure power of air. Like air, she has the ability to dart to and fro, seeming to be in many places at once. The holy warrior receives the Improved Initiative and Dodge feats, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
(1) Rebuke Air Elemental (Su)
The holy warrior may rebuke creatures of the appropriate plane exactly as a cleric of her holy warrior level may rebuke undead. Unlike the Turn Undead ability, the holy warrior receives her full level for this ability. Because the rebuking does not involve negative energy, the number of times she may rebuke planar creatures and the number of times she may turn undead are from separate pools and the Extra Turning feat must be purchased separately for each kind of turning.
(2) Energy Resistance (cold or lightning) (Su)
The holy warrior may ignore much of the damage done to her by the selected energy — natural or magical — including dragon’s breath. Each day she ignores the selected kind of energy damage equal to her Charisma modifier times her holy warrior level. This ability may not be activated voluntarily and automatically affects the first such damage of the day, even if the holy warrior expects much worse later that day. If the first energy damage she sustains does not do enough damage to deplete her resistance, she uses the rest on the next attack, and the next, until her resistance is fully depleted for the day. After all her resistance is used, she takes damage from the selected energy normally.
For example: A 10th-level holy warrior with a 16 Charisma (+3 modifier) and Energy Resistance (fire) may resist a total of 30 points of fire damage a day. She is hit by a flame arrow, which does 14 points. This leaves her with 16 more points of resistance. The next round, she is caught in a fireball, which does 26 points of damage. She resists the first 16 and is out of resistance, taking the remaining 10. For the rest of the day, until she rests, she takes fire damage as normal.
Holy warriors with Energy Resistance (cold or lightning) must choose one or the other when they take the ability.
(1) Divine Health (Su)
See the paladin class in the PH for details.
(1) Towering Stature (Su)
When the holy warrior gains this ability, she mysteriously gains in size after each night’s sleep over the following month until, at the end of that time, she is the maximum height for her species and comes to be of imposing and impressive stature. She gains a bonus to all future Fortitude saves equal to her Charisma modifier, the Toughness feat (giving her an immediate +3 hit points), and a +1 enlargement bonus to Intimidate, which becomes a class skill if it is not already. If the holy warrior loses her class abilities for whatever reason, she loses the Toughness feat, the bonus to her Fortitude save, and the bonus to her Intimidate skill, but she doesn’t not shrink back to her original height. Instead she loses the imposing appearance and seems drawn and gaunt.
(2) Temple of Flesh (Su)
The holy warrior’s body is pure and protected by her god as if a living temple. As she gains in power and becomes more and more of an instrument to her god, her body is protected from certain deleterious effects delivered by any force short of the most powerful magic (a wish spell) or divine/diabolical will. To determine her protections, consult this table. She receives all protections at and below the total of her holy warrior level and her Charisma modifier:
2: Immune to scarring, even that caused by acid, though takes damage normally
5: Immune to intoxication
8: Immune to natural poisons
11: Immune to mineral poisons
14: Immune to poison gas
16: No need for food
18: Immune to polymorph and shapechange — either by or against her will
20 Immune to petrification and disintegration
22: No need for drink
24: Immune to death from massive damage
26: No need to breathe
(1) Detect Evil (Sp)
As per the spell in the PH.
(1) Lay on Hands (Sp)
See the paladin class in the PH for details on this ability. If a holy warrior receives lay on hands from both her domains (Champion and Life), she may add two to her effective level for determining the number of hit points she can heal.
Keith’s Notes
This is a ripoff — if you get lay on hands from two domains, you should add the totals together, not increase effective level by 2.
(2) Smite Evil (Su)
See the paladin class in the PH for details.
(1) Confer Blessings (Sp)
With a touch, the holy warrior may grant the boons of her god to another. The touch grants the person touched 1 temporary hit point per holy warrior level, which last for 24 hours or until lost. Also, the touched party receives a +4 morale bonus to saving throws versus fear effects for a number of minutes equal to her holy warrior level. A holy warrior with this ability may use it once per day per holy warrior level.
(1) Healer’s Aid (Sp)
Given a minute to prepare, once per day the holy warrior may call upon her god to aid the casting of any one healing spell — her own or another’s. The spell automatically heals the maximum possible hit points, plus an additional 1 hit point per holy warrior level.
For example, a 9th-level holy warrior with this ability seeks to aid her 9th-level cleric companion in healing a sorely wounded comrade. The two pray together for a full minute; at the end of the time, the cleric casts cure serious wounds supported by the holy warrior’s healer’s aid ability. The spell heals 42 hit points: 3d8 maximized is 24, plus 1 per cleric level of the caster (9), plus one per holy warrior level of the aid (9); 24+9+9=42. In the case that the holy warrior is aiding her own casting, her 1 hit point per level bonuses (caster and aid) stack.
(2) Sacrifice (Sp)
Once per day, the holy warrior may call upon her god to help her make a great sacrifice. As as standard action, the holy warrior may touch a wounded person and absorb his pain and injuries. The holy warrior may absorb up to as many hit points of that person’s wounds as the holy warrior has max hit points, plus an additional 10 points. The touched person is healed that many points. For every two points of damage the holy warrior absorbs, there is a 1% chance that she will be overwhelmed by the target’s pain and wounds and be knocked unconscious and reduced to -1 hit points. Of course, the holy warrior may choose to die by absorbing enough damage to take her to -10 or more. If the holy warrior voluntarily reduces her hit points to less than -1, she need not roll the percentile chance.
Even if the holy warrior is wounded, she may absorb up to her maximum hit points plus 10. Temporary hit points do not affect the amount of damage she can heal. A holy warrior with the lay on hands ability may combine it with sacrifice, with both abilities coalescing into a single standard action. The healing from lay on hands takes effect prior to any healing from sacrifice.
Example: K’tor has a maximum of 30 hit points. He is currently bleeding, with -4 hit points. A wounded holy warrior with this ability and a maximum of 50 hit points who is currently at 40 hit points sacrifies herself by touching K’tor. She may heal up to 60 points (her maximum hit points + 10; her wounds do not matter in this equation), but she cannot heal more damage than K’tor has maximum hit points. She heals 34, bringing K’tor to full health. She takes 34 points of damage in the process, which reduces her to 6 points, and has a 17% chance of being knocked out and reduced to -1 hit point. She rolls an 18 on percentile dice and narrowly escapes.
(1) Dark Blessing (Ex)
This ability functions as for the blackguard class, found in the DMG.
(1) Dark Host (Ex)
The unholy warrior hosts a number of virulent diseases. Since he is adapted to the constant presence of contagions in his system, he gains immunity to all diseases, including those of magical origin.
(2) Aura of Fear (Sp)
Enemies within 10 feet of the unholy warrior must make a Will save against a DC 10 + 1/2 the unholy warrior’s level. Failure indicates the foe is shaken, suffering a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws while within the area of effect. A successful save means aura of fear cannot affect the foe again for 24 hours.
(1) Cherished Bond (Su)
Many holy warriors care more about the world beyond the mortal veil than earthly concerns; they focus their lifelong work on life after death or th realm of the heavens. This holy warrior, on the other hand, is strongly tied to the mortal world and the power fo creation — both creations of mortal hands and the work of the Creator, which is abundant throughout the mortal sphere. Her bond to what is real makes her nearly impervious to illusion and other tricks. Whenever the holy warrior encounters a magical effect that may be disbelieved (usually illusion spells), she is automatically granted a Will save against it even before she interacts with the effect, as though she disbelieves it. She receives a bonus equal to her Charsima modifier on teh saving throw and is automatically considered to have takena 10 on all such rolls; she may roll if she would like a chance at a higher result (but must take the result of the roll, even if lower than 10). This ability has no effect on spells that seek merely to obscure the real (such as invisibility) or spells that draw on illusion but do not seek to trick the senses (like hypnotic pattern). In general it affects all types of illusion that work against the senses except for Shadow illusions, which are like actual creations. If she succeeds in the saving throw, it does not mean that the illusion is dispelled; her allies may still be affected by it.
(1) Divine Inspiration (Ex)
The holy warrior is inspired by her god or goddess in acts of creation and in the celebration and preservation of creation’s beauty. The holy warrior picks two skills from the following list, but she must pick skills that are among her class skills. She henceforth adds her Charisma modifier as a sacred bonus to all rolls she makes using these skills. Further, she receives 4 additional skill points to apply to the two skills however she chooses, though neither skill may exceed the maximum rank for her character level. The skills she may choose from are as follows:
- Profession (farming), Profession (any pertaining to woodcraft or creative pursuits), Wilderness Lore, Knowledge (nature), Appraise, Perform, Craft (any)
The additional skill ranks are not lost if the character loses her holy warrior powers, but she loses the sacred bonus.
(2) Creation’s Guardian (Su)
Once per day, the holy warrior may take a defensive stand to protect the creations aligned to her god. Because creation takes so many forms, the kind of thing the holy warrior may use this ability to defend will vary based on her god — holy warriors of Korak use it to defend great buildings or magnificent artifacts of steel; holy warriors of Aymara use it to defend great sculptures, gifted artists, and other works of beauty; holy warriors of Rontra might use it to defend a farm community or a place of great natural beauty. All holy warriors may use this power to defend temples or other sites sacred to the gods.
When Creation’s Guardian is activated (a free action), the holy warrior may not move from where she stands. She defends this spot fiercely for the next 3 rounds + her holy warrior level. During that time she may add her Charisma modifier (if positive) to her Strength, Constitution, and all saving throws. She also gain sa +4 dodge bonus to her AC.
The increase in Constitution may increase her hit points; these hit points go away at the end of Creation’s Guardian. They are not lost first like temporary hit points. During Creation’s Guardian, sh emay not move from the spot she is defending, though she may voluntarily choose to end the ability. The saving throw bonus stacks with other domain additions to saving throws, such as Divine Grace, but the holy warrior may not use this ability with similar warrior bonuses like Barbarian Rage or Warrior’s Heart. All of her attention must be focused on the defense, and during the defense she is constantly uttering prayers to her god. Because her god provides her the strength, she is not tired at the end of Creation’s Guardian; however, because she is in a state of powerful concentration on defense and praryer, she may not cast spells that require verbal components or do anything else that requires speech.
(1) Dismiss Light (Sp)
The power of darkness can be physically manifested by the unholy warrior with this power. As a standard action, the unholy warrior may extinguish any natural light from torches or lanterns within 60 feet. If the light emanates from a magical source, the unholy warrior must make a level check just as if she had cast dispel magic. Refer to the PH for details on area dispelling.
(1) Shadow Host (Su)
The unholy warrior automatically dims all lighting by one degree, providing one-tenth concealment at all times. A daylightspell or brighter light source supressess this concealment. Unholy warriors in the presence of existing concealment, such as moderate darkness, increase the concealment by one step. Thus, if this unholy warrior moves into dense fog, normally conferring a 20% miss chance, the shadowhost ability increases the concealment percentage to 30%.
(2) Night’s Warrior (Ex)
The unholy warrior gains the Blind-Fight feat as a bonus feat. If the character already has the Blind-Fight feat, he gains no benefit from this ability.
(1) Save Soul (Su)
Any ally of the holy warrior’s within 10 times her Charisma modifier feet of her is marked as protected and does not easily cross over into death. When a protected person reaches -10 hit points, he dies as normal, but his spirit does not depart his body. Instead, it remains there in a slumber. This also pertains to anyone slain by negative energy attacks that have given him too many negative levels or reduced his Constitution to 0. Such people are not possessed or turned into wights, shadows, or other undead. They instead die, awaiting salvation. The exception is any negative energy attack that also destroys the body. Without a vessel, the spirit will not remain.
When the body is subjected to raise dead or other spells that restore life, the spirit awakens and decides if it wishes to return to life. If the spirit chooses to return, it is without trauma and loses no stats or levels in the process. If no raising or resurrecting is possible, or if the holy warrior knows such things are against her ally’s wishes, she may release the spirit at any time. Sometimes the spirit will appear before the holy warrior and her companions in the moment of release, offering a final farewell, although these instances are unpredictable and rare. The spirit will remain attached to the body as long as it remains within range of the holy warrior and the body exists.
(1) Turn Undead (Su)
The holy warrior with this domain ability may begin turning undead at first level, where most have to wait until third. This means she turns undead exactly as a cleric. However, when she reaches third level and recieves the “turn undead” power that other holy warriors receive, she may being doubling her Charisma modifier when rolling her turning damage. In addition, at third level, she gains a special turning function: retributive rebirth.
Whenever the 3rd-level or higher holy warrior with this ability turns undead and does enough turning damage to destroy the undead, she may instead call upon the spirits that once inhabited the now desecrated and undead bodies. If the person who raised the undead is in the area (one mile radius per holy warrior level) the spirits come into the undead vessels and then go to destroy the evil creature or spellcaster that has so desecrated their mortal vessels. The holy warrior may choose not to call for retributive rebirth, and indeed some holy warriors feel it is distasteful to so disturb the sleeping spirits. Yet others feel that it is the ultimate justice. An undead turned on its creator will pursue him doggedly until it is destroyed or he is. Once the undead’s creator is destroyed, the undead itself turns to dust and the spirit returns from whence it came. The undead’s creator cannot turn, or rebuke, or in any other way control the undead that have come for their revenge, but his allies may.
For example: A 10th-level holy warrior of Mormekar with an 18 Charisma faces 14 skeletons. The skeletons are guarding the door to a necromancer’s tower and were created by him. She rolls a 17 for her turning check, for a total of 21 (a roll of 17 + her Charisma modifier of +4). This means she can turn undead up to 13 hit dice. Fortunately, the skeletons are not that powerful, at 1 hit die each. Rolling her damage, she gets an 11, for a total of 29 (11 + 10 for her level +8 for her Charisma modifier times 2). Since the skeletons have a total of 14 hit dice, she has rolled enough to destroy them all. She chooses instead to call for retributive rebirth, with the spirits of the skeletons coming to take control of their bodies. The skeletons batter down the door of the tower, which is within 10 miles (1 mile times her holy warrior level of 10), and attack the necromancer, who is alone and cannot control his creations. When the holy warrior enters the tower an hour later, there is nothing left but dust and a dead necromancer.
(2) Counterspell: Necromancy (Sp)
ONce per day per holy warrior level, the holy warrior level may begin chanting prayers to the powers of the dead. Her prayers appeal to the sacredness of death and solemnly condemn any who would violate that sanctity. As long as she continues to chant, any of her allies within 10 feet times her holy warrior level receive mystic protection against necromatic spells. The allies receive a sacred bonus to thei rsaving throws equal to the holy warrior’s Charisma modifier against all necromancy spells. In cases of necromantic spells against which saves are not usually allowed, the holy warrior’s allies receive saves (with the standard DC of 10 + caster’s applicable modifier + spell’s level), though without the additional sacred bonus. The saving throws must be made using the appropriate type of save; Will for mind-affecting magic, Fortitude for direct physical effects, and Reflex for area or ranged spells.
The counterspell is most powerful, however, against any necromantic touch attack that seeks to destroy life by perverting the power of death. It affects the following spells when cast by evil divine or arcane spellcasters: the cleric Death Domain’s “death touch” ability and the spells death knell, slay living, and destruction. When the evil spellcaster touches his target, his blasphemy catches up to him and the spell is reversed, affecting the caster instead of the target. For example, an evil spellcaster casts destruction and touches the holy warrior’s companion while she is chanting the necromantic counterspell. The spell is reversed onto the evil spellcaster, who fails his saving throw — killing him instantly and destroying his body. Evil never pays.
The holy warrior may move and perform free actions while chanting the counterspell prayers, but may not fight or cast spells. The counterspell confers all of its benefits to her as well as her companions.
(1) Dark Host (Ex)
The unholy warrior hosts a number of virulent diseases. Since he is adapted to the constant presence of contagions in his system, he gains immunity to all diseases, including those of magical origin.
(1) Rotting Touch (Su)
Once per day, the unholy warrior may make a melee touch attack against a target opponent. On a successful hit, she inflicts 1d6 points of temporary Constitution damage. Activating this ability is a free action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
(2) Instant Affliction (Su)
Anytime the unholy warrior makes use of contagion, the spell counts as being Quickened. This supernatural ability extends to all instances of the spell, whether cast or part of a granted power. For unholy warriors without the ability to cast the contagion spell, this power has no effect.
(1) Earth Ken (Su)
The holy warrior is intimately familiar with the element of earth. She gains the Terran language for free and gains some of the pure power of earth. Once per day, the holy warrior may harden herself to all blows. For one round her armor class receives a natural armor bonus equal ot her holy warrior level, and her skin takes on a rocky hue. Activating her hardening powers is a free action.
(1) Rebuke Earth Elemental (Su)
The holy warrior may rebuke creatures of the appropriate plane exactly as a cleric of her holy warrior level may rebuke undead. Unlike the Turn Undead ability, the holy warrior receives her full level for this ability. Because the rebuking does not involve negative energy, the number of times she may rebuke planar creatures and the number of times she may turn undead are from separate pools and the Extra Turning feat must be purchased separately for each kind of turning.
(2) Damage Reduction (Su)
Holy Warrior
Once per day for a number of rounds equal to 3 + her holy warrior level, the holy warrior gains damage reduction 2/+5. Activating damage reduction is a free action. In the case that the holy warrior has more than one instance of damage reduction, when she activates this power she simply adds 2 to the amount of her damage reduction for the duration.
Unholy Warrior
Once per day for a number of rounds equal to 3 + her class level, the unholy warrior gains damage reduction 2/+5. Activating this ability is a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The unholy warrior may be granted this ability more than once, gaining an additional 2 points of damage reduction each time (to 4/+5, 6/+5, etc.).
(1) Charming Demeanor (Ex)
The holy warrior exudes friendliness; everyone but the most hard-hearted or evil-minded person likes her. This is actually a manifestation of her holiness and piety — she simply glows with the emotional power of her patron. She receives Bluff and Diplomacy as class skills and applies her Charisma bonus to all rolls of these skills (in other words, when using these skills, her Charisma bonus is added twice). She may also buy the Famous feat two levels earlier than normal; if she ever takes the feat, she receives a bonus equal to half her holy warrior level to all Famous skill rolls.
(1) Untamable Heart (Ex)
The holy warrior is immune to any magical effort to alter her emotional state against her will. This includes charm, fear, suggestion, emotion, and calm emotions, but it extends to any other spell or magical effect in which the caster seeks the change the holy warrior’s feelings (for instance, a succubus’ seduction powers). The holy warrior may submit to these effects if she likes, such as emotion (hope). Further, she is very practiced at keeping hself under control emotionally, and recieves a bonus to her Will save equal to her Charisma modifier against natural emotional effects (like natural fear of enormous creatures). The simple rule to follow: She is immune to spell-like and supernatural emotional effects, but receives only a bonus against extraordinary emotional effects.
(2) Aura of Hope (Su)
The holy warrior exudes the happy bliss of her god, setting the hearts of her companions at ease. All allies within 10 feet of hte holy warrior receive a +1 morale bonus to all saving throws and attack rolls. While the aura does not provide these bonuses to the holy warrior herself, who is already suffused with the hope of her god, she does become completely immune to all forms of fear (as with Aura of Courage), magical or otherwise.
(1) Cloak of Envy (Su)
Unholy warriors with this ability gain a +4 profane bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Innuendo, and Intimidate checks when negotiating an exchange of goods, information, or services. The unholy warrior also gains a +4 profane bonus to Gather Information checks.
(1) Touch of Discord (Sp)
Once per day, the unholy warrior may make a melee touch attack against a foe. On a successful hit, the opponent must pass a Fortitude save against a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the unholy warrior’s level + the unholy warrior’s Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the victim is overcome by envy, attacking the most powerful ally visible for 1 round. Activating this ability is a move-equivalent action and may be held until discharged.
(2) Burst of Confusion (Sp)
With this ability, the unholy warrior may unleash, once per day, a 20-foot spread of raw envy, jealousy, and greed. All those within the area of effect must attampt a Will save against a DC equal to 10 + the unholy warrior’s level + the unholy warrior’s Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the victim is confused, as per confusion, for 1d10 rounds.
(1) Fire Ken (Su)
The holy warrior is intimately familiar with the element of fire. She gains the Ignan language for free and gains some of the pure power of flame. Once per day, she may make a flaming attack. Her weapon, hand, or other method of attack bursts into flame for a round, causing an additional 1d6 plus her Charisma modifier in damage. Obviously, this damage does not affect creatures immune to flame. The flaming attack lasts for a full round, so all attacks made with the weapon for that round do the extra damage.
(1) Rebuke Fire Elemental (Su)
The holy warrior may rebuke creatures of the appropriate plane exactly as a cleric of her holy warrior level may rebuke undead. Unlike the Turn Undead ability, the holy warrior receives her full level for this ability. Because the rebuking does not involve negative energy, the number of times she may rebuke planar creatures and the number of times she may turn undead are from separate pools and the Extra Turning feat must be purchased separately for each kind of turning.
(2) Energy Resistance (fire) (Su)
The holy warrior may ignore much of the damage done to her by the selected energy — natural or magical — including dragon’s breath. Each day she ignores the selected kind of energy damage equal to her Charisma modifier times her holy warrior level. This ability may not be activated voluntarily and automatically affects the first such damage of the day, even if the holy warrior expects much worse later that day. If the first energy damage she sustains does not do enough damage to deplete her resistance, she uses the rest on the next attack, and the next, until her resistance is fully depleted for the day. After all her resistance is used, she takes damage from the selected energy normally.
For example: A 10th-level holy warrior with a 16 Charisma (+3 modifier) and Energy Resistance (fire) may resist a total of 30 points of fire damage a day. She is hit by a flame arrow, which does 14 points. This leaves her with 16 more points of resistance. The next round, she is caught in a fireball, which does 26 points of damage. She resists the first 16 and is out of resistance, taking the remaining 10. For the rest of the day, until she rests, she takes fire damage as normal.
Holy warriors with Energy Resistance (cold or lightning) must choose one or the other when they take the ability.
(1) Indomitable (Ex)
The holy warrior is a testament to stubbornness. Whenever she must make a Will save, she may add her Charisma modifier. This stacks with other holy warrior bonuses to her Willpower modifier, such as Divine Grace. Further, the holy warrior can never be forced by magic or other means to perform an act against her will. She may not be dominated or mind-controlled by any means and, while she is susceptible to charm and suggestion, if teh casting party suggests a course of action counter to the holy warrior’s desire in the slightest, she will not comply. She is completely immune to geas and quest unless placed on her by an agent of her god. It is recommended that the GM check with the player what her intentions are before having a party casting charm make a suggestion — this way there will be no question as to whether the suggestion is counter to her will.
(1) Slip Bonds (Ex)
The holy warrior cannot be contained by normal means; the power of her god makes her free from any but the most horrible restraint. She gains Escape Artist as a class skill, receiving a number of ranks equal to her Charisma modifier (though it may not exceed the maximum ranks for a character of her level). Whenever making an Escape Artist skill check, shemay add her Charisma modifier to the roll as a sacred bonus. Also, whenever she is imprisoned or intentionally locked into some sort of confinement, she may use her Escape Artist skill to open the lock as though it were the Open Lock skill. She retains the Charisma modifier bonus on these rolls. Allies observing her when opening such locks will note that she is in a trance while doing so. She can’t replicate the skill unless she is actually being held against her will.
(2) Overthrow Tyranny (Su)
Once per day, the holy warrior may call upon her god’s will to smite tyrants for one round. When fighting a member of the forces of tyranny (slavers, corrupt guards, soldiers from a totalitarian empire, etc.), the Overthrow Tyranny power allows the holy warrior to add her Charisma modifier to all attack rolls and her holy warrior level to all damage rolls during the round. This ability only works against a tyrant or tyrannical forces the holy warrior is overthrowing and, as such, may only be used against those who are somehow oppressing the five mortal races (or half-breeds thereof), since these are the races over which the gods hold sway. In other words, while orcs routinely enslave goblins, it doesn’t count. However, if there is an orcish empire enslaving and oppressing gnomes, this power could be used against orcs of the empire. If there is doubt in the holy warrior’s heart as the participation of the opponent in tyranny, the ability does not work. It will certainly work if the holy warrior is breaking up some act of tyranny, or is defending herself against such an act, like raising a mutiny on a slave ship onto which she has been impressed. It is a free action to activate this ability.
(1) Taste (Ex)
Unholy warriors with this ability may taste the air, gaining information from it as if they had the Scent ability. Consult the MM for details on Scent. If the unholy warrior already has the Scent ability, the effective range doubles.
(1) Wave of Hunger (Sp)
As a standard action, once per day, an unholy warrior may release a wave of putrescent energy, forcing all within 30 feet ot attempt a Fortitude save against a DC equal 10 + 1/2 the unholy warrior’s levels + the unholy warrior’s Charisma modifier. On a failed save, insatiable hunger overcomes the victim, who can do nothing else but attempt to feed for 1d6 rounds. If there is no available food source nearby, the victim will set up the dead, filth, dung, or anything remotely edible (even slime). Victims will not attempt to eat inorganic material such as weaponry, rocks, or anything else similarly harmful.
(2) Empower through Consumption
Some say consuming life confers great power. Unholy warriors with this ability may devour the flesh of their enemies to obtain stored energy units for later use. For every Hit Die of formerly living flesh consumed, the unholy warrior received 1 stored energy unit. Thereafter, as a free action, the unholy warrior may trade in these energy units for a +1 profane bonus to any d20 roll. Thus, he may swap these energy units for bonuses to saving throws, skill checks, attack rolls, and so on. An unholy warrior may spend as many or as few of the energy units as he wishes. No unholy warrior may store more energy units than he has Hit Dice. Any energy units consumed in excess of the unholy warrior’s Hit Dice are lost. Stored energy units are lost after 12 hours.
For the unholy warrior to gain the benefits of this ability, the meal must be living at the start of the consumption process. To consume a target, the unholy warrior must make a bite attack. This is considered an unarmed attack that provokes an attack of opportunity, unless the unholy warrior has a natural bite attack. Attempting to eat a target inflicts 1d2 points of damage per round, unless the unholy warrior has a normal bite attack (see the champion of the dark seven for an example). The biter may perform a coup de grace attack against a helpless opponent using the normal rules as defined in the PH. Once the target is dead, it takes 1d6 – the target’s size bonus to AC + the unholy warrior’s size bonus to AC in minutes (if the result is 0 minutes or less, 1 full-round action completes the consumption). For example, for a medium (size bonus 0) unholy warrior to consume a rat (tiny, a -2 size modifier) requires 1d6-2 minutes. Note that a rat only has 1/4d8 Hit Dice, so four rats must be eaten to gain a single stored energy unit. An unholy warrior may hurry the consumption process, reducing the consumption time by half to a minimum of one round — but such gorging carries the risk of choking. For each full minute that the unholy warrior eats at a rapid pace, he must pass a Concentration check against a DC equal to 10 plus the number of Hit Dice is he trying to consume. A failed check results in choking. See the DMG for rules on suffocation. Someone else assisting the unholy warrior may remove the obstruction. However, considering the unholy warrior’s penchant for destruction and evil, it is unlikely such help would occur.
(1) Cutpurse (Ex)
Most unholy warriors are not stealthy. However, those with greed in their hearts overcome any deficiencies in their capacity to perform as thieves. Unholy warriors with this ability receive a +4 profane bonus to all Pick Pocket checks and a +2 profane bonus to all Disable Device and Open Lock checks. In addtiion, the unholy warrior can use these skills untrained.
(1) Sneak Attack (Ex)
Gaining this power confers the sneak attack ability at +1d6. Additional instances of this ability provide an extra 1d6 of sneak attack damage. This ability stacks with other sneak attack abilities, adding +1d6 to the sneak attack damage. See the PH for details on this ability.
(2) Burst of Desire (Sp)
Once per day, for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his unholy warrior levels, the unholy warrior acts as if under the effects of a haste spell. See haste in the PH for details on how this spell works.
(1) Divine Grace (Su)
See the paladin class in the PH for details. This abilty is the peak saving throw enhancing ability for holy warriors and, unless otherwise noted, does not stack with other holy warrior abilities that add to just one saving throw (such as Unyielding).
(1) Divine Health (Su)
See the paladin class in the PH for details.
(2) Aura of Courage (Su)
See the paladin class in the PH for details.
Note: if the holy warrior has more than one instance of Aura of Courage (Guardian and Leadership domains), the radius of its effect and the bonus provided to those near her are multiplied by the number of instances of the ability she has.
(1) Fearsome Ire (Su)
This unholy warrior’s hatred burns so hotly that, when she is reduced to 50% or less hit points by an opponent, she may make a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 + her attacker’s Hit Dice or level. If she succeeds, she heals 2d8 + her unholy warrior levels. She may use this ability once per day.
(1) Loathsome Strike (Ex)
Unholy warriors with this ability may make a specialized attack capable of destroying an opponent’s soul. On a successful attack roll, in lieu of normal damage, the unholy warrior may inflict, once per day, 1d8 points of temporary Charisma damage. He may use this ability after the attack roll; it does not provoke an attack of opportunity.-+
(2) Roaring Fury (Sp)
Once per day, as a move-equivalent action, the unholy warrior may release a shriek of hatred so fierce that it forces all within 30 feet to make a Will save versus DC 10 + 1/2 the unholy warrior’s level. A failed save indicates the opponent is panicked. See DMG for the panicked status. Creatures immune to fear effects are immune to this spell-like ability.
(1) Dissuade (Sp)
Preying upon an individual’s doubts and misgivings, the unholy warrior can prevent a particular course of action by an enemy from being completed. Once per day, by succeeding at a Concentration check against DC 10 + the opponent’s Hit Dice or levels, the unholy warrior may force an opponent to rethink the action she is about to take. Essentially, the unholy warrior may force a target to change his action from the intended course. Actions affected an only be of the standard or move-equivalent varieties. Full-round actions cannot be dissuaded, as the target is more committed to the action.
For instance, an unholy warrior could dissuade an opponent from using a standard attack action, drinking a potion of cure light wounds, or tumbling through a threatened square. Affected targets may perform another action instead of the one they had initially chosen. The dissuade ability is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Multiple instances of this ability confer additional uses of the power per day.
(1) Unspeakable Visage (Su)
The unholy warrior has adapted to horror’s maddening effects and, to some extent, reflects those horrors upon those who behold him. These unholy warriors are immune to fear, and all those seeing them catch sight of their own fears manifested in the unholy warrior’s features. Characters with this special ability gain a +4 insight bonus to all Intimidate checks anda +2 profane bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks due to the fluid nature of the fears he echoes.
(2) Manifest Horror (Sp)
Once per week, the unholy warrior may conjure forth the darkest fears of his opponent and make them real. This power functions like phantasmal killer in that it preys upon the fears of its victim. All similarities to the spell stop there. Everyone present can see the manifested horror. If the opponent fears some hideous monster, this power creatures a replica of that creature. If the fear is a situation, even, or some other circumstance, the horror manifests as a quasi-real, monstrous beast reflecting images related to the victim’s worst fears.
The nightmarish creature persists for a number of rounds equal to the unholy warrior’s Charisma modifier. Each round the manifestation makes a melee touch attack at the unholy warrior’s base attack bonus. On a successful attack, the manifestation inflicts 1d6 Wisdom damage and forces the target to make a Will save against a DC 10 + the unholy warrior’s charisma modifier. A failed save means the victim is shaken. Remember, multiple fear effects stack. See DMG for more details on fear effects.
The manifestation is immune to all attacks and most spells, excluding dispel evil, dispel magic, limited wish, miracle, and wish. Each round, the victim may make an additional Will save agains ta DC 10 + 1/2 the unholy warrior’s level + the unholy warrior’s Charisma modifier. On a successful save, the victim defeats the manifestation and is forever immune to this power. Allies of the victim may make aid another checks (Diplomacy checks against DC 10) to help the Will save. On a successful roll, the victim may add a +1 to his Will save.
(1) Silent Stalker (Ex)
The holy warrior is an expert hunter and is blessed by her god with the skill of moving without a sound while stalking her prey. A holy warrior with this ability has access to Move Silently as a class skill (if not otherwise available) and receives a number of ranks in the skill equal to her Charisma modifier (though it may not exceed the maximum ranks for a character of her level). Further, when making Move Silently checks while in light armor or unarmored, th eholy warrior may add her Charisma modifier to the roll as a sacred bonus. The additional skill ranks are not lost if the character loses her holy warrior powers, but she loses the sacred bonus.
(1) Tracker (Ex)
The holy warrior is adept at hunting through any clime and can track man or beast. She gains Wilderness Lore and Knowledge(nature) as clas skills and gains the Track feat for free. If Wilderness Lore and Knowledge(nature) were class skills to begin with, she gains 2 bonus ranks in each skill (though this may not exceed her total number of ranks possible for her level).
(2) Dead Shot (Su)
Once per day, the holy warrior with this ability may call upon her god to aid her in a nearly impossible missile shot. She may add her holy warrior level to the attack roll of a single arrow (or other missile weapon) shot, and her Charisma modifier to the damage roll. This ability may be used with enchanted or enhanced arrows or missiles.
(1) Gaze of Justice (Ex)
The holy warrior gains a piercing stare that sees deep into the mortal heart. Gifted by her god, the holy warrior is able not only to better perceive peoples’ intents, but also make those with guilty consciences feel that they are caught and judged. The Gaze of Justice grants the holy warrior a bonus rank in both Sense Motive and Intimidate (though the character may not exceed the maximum ranks for her level), each of which becomes a class skill if it is not already. The character also receives a sacred bonus to both skills equal to her Charisma modifier. The additional skill ranks are not lost of the character loses her holy warrior powers, but she loses the sacred bonus.
(1) Shield of Righteousness (Su)
Whenever the holy warrior is in battle with known criminals, she is protected by her god’s just will. As such, she receives a +4 sacred bonus to her armor class and all saving throws for the duration of the combat. This ability only works against a criminal the holy warrior is bringing to justice and, as such, may only be used against a being of one of the five mortal races (or half-breeds thereof), since these are the races over which the gods hold sway. The opponent must be wanted for a crime. If there is doubt in the holy warrior’s heart as to the guilt of the opponent, the ability does not work — it is not a built-in jury. As with Righteous Fury, it will work if the holy warrior is in the midst of stopping a crime, or is defending herself against a criminal assault, such as robbery. Unlike Righteous Fury, this ability lasts for the entire combat, and there is no daily limit to its use: it is automatically in effect every time the holy warrior fights criminals.
(2) Righteous Fury (Su)
Once per day, the holy warrior may call upon her god’s righteous fury to smite the wicked for one round. When fighting a known criminal, the Righteous Fury power allows the holy warrior to add her Charisma modifier to her attack roll and her holy warrior level to her damage roll. This ability only works against a criminal the holy warrior is bringing to justice and, as such, may only be used agianst a being of the five mortal races (or half-breeds thereof), since these are the races over which the gods hold sway.
Note: It is not enough that the opponent is evil. The opponent must be wanted for a crime. If there is doubt in the holy warrior’s heart as to the guilt of the opponent, the ability does not work — it is not a built-in jury. It will certainly work if the holy warrior is in the midst of stopping a crime, or is defending herself against a criminal assault, such as robbery. It is a free action to activate this ability.
(1) Battle Cry (Su)
As a move-equivalent action, the holy warrior can release a powerful cry that summons up the very power of her god. IN the round following the cry and all rounds of this combat thereafter, the holy warrior and all allies within 10 feet gain a bonus to their initiative equal to the holy warrior’s Charisma bonus. For obvious reasons, it is not possible for the holy warrior to use this ability when surprised.
(1) Shining Captain (Su)
In great battles, the holy warrior seems to glow with the power of her god’s authority. Her allies can see her from anywhere on the field and, if she is in vocal range, can hear her issue orders over any din of battle. Further, she inspires those who are under her command for the duration of the battle, and they may add her Charisma bonus to any morale or fear checks made during the combat. This bonus stacks with the bonus provided by Aura of Courage only if they are from separate sources (the troops are inspired by one holy warrior and stand in the Aura of Courage of another). When troops are inspired by multiple commanders (if their captain and general are both holy warriors with this ability, for instance), they are subject only to the highest bonus. The holy warrior may only use this ability when commanding a force of soldiers at least 50 times her holy warrior level, but only affects that many soliders (so 20th-level holy warrior must be leading at least 1,000 troops, but only affects the first 1,000 no matter how large a force she leads, counted lowest hit dice first).
(2) Aura of Courage (Su)
See the paladin class in the PH for details.
Note: if the holy warrior has more than one instance of Aura of Courage (Guardian and Leadership domains), the radius of its effect and the bonus provided to those near her are multiplied by the number of instances of the ability she has.
(1) Hand of Life (Su)
When attacking an undead or negative energy creature, the holy warrior’s hands or weapons are considered to be +1 for purposes of counteracting damage reduction. This only affects the undead and other creatures of negative energy. Further, once per day, the holy warrior may make her weapon flare with positive energy for a round, doing an additional 1d6 of holy damage to any undead or negative energy creatures she hits during that time — even those she hits with a missile weapon within 30 feet.
(1) Lay on Hands (Sp)
See the paladin class in the PH for details on this ability. If a holy warrior receives lay on hands from both her domains (Champion and Life), she may add two to her effective level for determining the number of hit points she can heal.
Keith’s Notes
This is a ripoff — if you get lay on hands from two domains, you should add the totals together, not increase effective level by 2.
(2) Abundant Life (Su)
The holy warrior is considered to have a number of ‘positive levels’ equal to her Charisma modifier. POsitive levels only exist to counteract negative levels, as well as the ability drain done by some negative energy creatures. When the holy warrior is given a negative level — for any reason — she loses one of her positive levels rather than taking the negative level. Each positive level can only counteract one negative level, but can also counteract several points of ability loss. Whenever a negative energy creature’s attack causes the holy warrior’s abilities to be drained, the entire attack is canceled by the loss of one positive level.
For example: A holy warrior with a +6 Charisma modifier is fighting a wight and a shadow. The shadow hits her and causes her to lose 4 Strength points. She counteracts this attack with the loss of one positive level. The next round the wight hits her with a critical, causing the infliction of 2 negative levels. In order to counteract this, she must lose 2 positive levels. Lost positive levels are regenerated after a night’s rest.
(1) Slave to Lust (Sp)
As a standard action, the unholy warrior may make a melee touch attack. On a successful hit, the victim must mak ea Will save against a DC 10 + 1/2 the unholy warrior’s levels + the unholy warrior’s Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the victim is overwhelmed by an insatiable need for the physical contact of the unholy warrior; he loses all Dexterity bonuses to AC and is considered flatfooted until his next action. Furthermore, on the victim’s next action, he must roll to see what he will do as if under the influence of the random action spell.
(1) Stirrings of Desire (Su)
Unholy warriors having access to the lust domain have an aura of sexuality noticeable by any creature of similar subtype. These creatures gain Skill Focus (Bluff) and Skill Focus (Intimidate) as bonus feats. In addition, all interactions with NPCs attracted to members of the unholy warrior’s gender are one step improved.
(2) Allure (Sp)
Once per day, the unholy warrior may cast charm person at a sorcerer level equal to his unholy warrior level.
(1) Read and detect magic (Sp)
Once per day per holy warrior level, the holy warrior may cast read magic and detect magic. She does this instantly and without components; otherwise both powers work as the spells. She may cast the two spells at the same time or separately.
(1) Spell Resistance (Su)
Holy Warrior
During the holy warrior’s training, she learned every secret and mystery of a school of magic. During a three-day holy rite, she then calls up on her god for protection against that sort of magic. Holy warriors so empowered receive an SR equal to their holy warrior level against the chosen school; the SR cannot exceed 15 but does stack with other SRs unless a relevant other source states to the contrary.
Unholy Warrior
The unholy warrior gains spell resistance equal to her unholy warrior levels, to a maximum of 15. This resistance only applies to one school of magic, which she chooses after an intense ritual mirroring the procedures undertaken by holy warriors with the Magic domain. Once the unholy warrior chooses the school, the choice may never be changed. Spell resistance derived from this ability stacks with other spell resistance.
(2) Aura of Antimagic (Su)
Holy Warrior
Connected as she is to the divine power of magic, it is very difficult for those who pervert magic to evil to affect the holy warrior and her allies. Whenever the holy warrior makes a saving throw against magic from an explicitly evil source (e.g. an evil spellcaster or evil magic item) she may add her Charisma modifier to her saving throw. All allies of the holy warrior within 10 feet receive a +2 sacred bonus on such saves. This bonus does not affect saving throws against magical effects from neutral or good sources triggered by evil sources. For instance, an evil wizard using a perfectly ordinary wand of fireball will not activate the aura, as it is not a perversion of the power of magic; a magic item must be explicitly evil for the aura to activate against its magic, no matter who wields it.
Unholy warrior
Spells cast from good sources or from sacred items have difficulty affecting unholy warriors. Whenever magic from an explicitly good source (such as sacred items or spells with the “good” descriptor) is used against the unholy warrior, she may add her Charisma modifier to her saving throw. All allies within 10 feet of the warrior receive a +2 profane bonus to their saves. Magic items in the hands of a good caster are unaffected by this aura. For instance, the aura of antimagic does not provide additional protection against a spell from a wand of fireball in the hands of a goodly sorcerer.
(1) Feat of Strength (Su)
Once per day, the holy warrior can call up on her god for strength, enabling her to commit a feat of strength that lasts for one round. A feat of strength of this sort has one of two effects (whichever is more beneficial): Either the holy warrior’s total Strength modifier becomes +6, or the holy warrior receives a bonus to her Strength statistic equal to her holy warrior level plus her Charisma modifier. A 13th level paladin with a Strength of 14 and a Charisma of 20 performing a feat of strength would have 32 Strength for one round (13 for level +14 for base Strength +5 for Charisma modifier for a total of 32). Activating this power is a free action.
(1) Unyielding (Su)
The holy warrior’s body does not easily yield to damage. She recieves a bonus to all Fortitude saves equal to her Charisma modifier. In addition, she may continue to function at negative hit points equal to her Charisma modifier, and does not die until she reaches negative hit points equal to 10 or her holy warrior level (whichever is higher).
For example: a 15th-level holy warrior with a 20 Charisma may continue functioning until she reaches -5 (her Charisma modifier) hit points — though she continues to bleed as normal. She will not die until she reachers -15 (her holy warrior level).
(2) Warrior’s Heart (Ex)
Once a day, the holy warrior may call upon her god to instill in her a kind of ecstatic religious frenzy, making her the perfect weapon. For a number of rounds equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier, the holy warrior receivies a +6 bonus to her Strength and Constitution scores. In this religious ecstasy, she ceases to feel pain or to be concerned about her safety, and therefore suffers from a -4 penalty to her Armor Class. The benefit of this painless stat, however, is that she may fight through any injury (including massive damage, against which she need not make a Fortitude save) until she is at negative hit points equal to 10 + her holy warrior level. When she reaches that much damage her mangled body can no longer maintain her fierce spirit and she dies on the spot; her body falls to pieces, having been kept together only by her religious fervor. Beginning the Warrior’s Heart is a free action and the holy warrior may end it at any time. It is not a form of madness or rage but rather a blissful trance, and therefore cannot be ended by spells such as calm emotion.
The increase in Constitution will incrase her hit points by 3 per level; these hit points go away at the end of Warrior’s Heart. The hit points are not lost first like temporary hit points, so one should exercise caution. The holy warrior may not use this ability with similar warrior bonuses like Barbarian Rage or Creation’s Guardian. She is in an ecstatic trance of battle, and during it she is in constant contemplation of her god. Because the additional prowess is provided to her by her god, she is not tired at the end of the Warrior’s Heart, but because she is in a state of trance, she may not cast spells that require verbal components or do anything else that involves speech.
(1) Clarity (Sp)
With a touch, the holy warrior may cut through anything altering the mental capacity of another, removing insanity, confusion, charm, loss to intelligence or wisdom, or other mind-altering effects for one round per holy warrior level. At the end of this time, if the effect on the touched person is permanent or has remaining duration, it returns. However, if it is an effect for which a negative saving throw was possible when it first took hold, the touched party receives an additional saving throw at the end of clarity‘s duration, this time with a bonus equal to the holy warrior’s Charisma modifier.
Clarity may be used on naturally occuring effects, such as drunkeness, exhaustion’s effect on mental clarity, or natural insanity. However, the affected party does not receive a saving throw at the end of clarity‘s duration and, instead, reverts to his original state. Clarity does not aid those affected by alterations to their emotional states (barbarian rage, fear) or perceptions (illusions, blindness, deafness).
(1) Impervious Mind (Ex)
The holy warrior is immune to all effects, magical or otherwise, that directly alter her mind. She is immune to all of the following spells or spell-like effects that yield these results (not a complete list): otto’s irresistible dance, insanity, dominate person, feeblemind, mind fog, confusion, tasha’s hideous laughter, hypnotism, and daze. She cannot be driven mad by any natural force short of her god abandoning her. She cannot lose her memory, have a memory implanted, or in any way have the integrity of her mind assaulted short of a god’s will or a wish spell. She is not, however, immune to fear, illusion, blindness, charm, or other effects that play on her perceptions or emotions. If your campaign includes psionics, the holy warrior may be granted extraordinary defense against psionic attacks — at your GM’s discretion.
(2) Insight (Ex)
The holy warrior gains a mystical insight into any one thing of her choice. Essentially, her god provides her with the keys to fully understand that thing — a skill or a weapon. She may choose one of the following abilities:
- She may permanently gain double her Charisma modifier as an insight bonus to a skill in which she has ranks;
- she may gain her Charisma modifier in skill ranks of a skill in which she has no ranks (and may, from that point on, purchase ranks in that skill as a class skill) — though she may not exceed the maximum possible ranks for a character of her level;
- or she may gain a +1 insight bonus to her attack rolls with any one weapon.
If she chooses an insight bonus to a skill, it will increase or decrease if her Charisma modifier increases or decreases, but if she chooses skill ranks, they do not change. If she chooses the insight bonus to attack rolls, the bonus stacks with similar bonuses, such as Weapon Focus. The holy warrior need not pick the nature of the insight when she first receives this power; often the insight comes in the middle of an adventure when it is most fortuitous. Once the insight is chosen, however, it is permanent and may not be altered.
(1) Dissuade (Su)
Preying upon an individual’s doubts and misgivings, the unholy warrior can prevent a particular course of action by an enemy from being completed. Once per day, by succeeding at a Concentration check against DC 10 + the opponent’s Hit Dice or levels, the unholy warrior may force an opponent to rethink the action she is about to take. Essentially, the unholy warrior may force a target to change his action from the intended course. Actions affected an only be of the standard or move-equivalent varieties. Full-round actions cannot be dissuaded, as the target is more committed to the action.
For instance, an unholy warrior could dissuade an opponent from using a standard attack action, drinking a potion of cure light wounds, or tumbling through a threatened square. Affected targets may perform another action instead of the one they had initially chosen. The dissuade ability is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Multiple instances of this ability confer additional uses of the power per day.
(1) Sadistic Strike (Ex)
Unholy warriors with this ability take perverse pleasure in harming others. Every hit inflicting maximum damage sends a surge of pleasure through the warrior, granting him +5 to his speed, a +1 bonus to attack rolls, and a -1 penalty to his AC. Unholy warriors may only benefit from this ability during one combat per day; multiple instances of maximum damage stack in that combat. Hency, if an unholy warrior manages to inflict maximum damage three times in the same combat, he would receive +15 feet to his speed, a +3 bonus to his attack rolls, and a -3 penalty to his AC. At the end of the combat, these bonuses fade. Most unholy warriors with this ability favor daggers, as the chances to inflict maximum damage are greater. This effect is intentional — sadists like to be up close and personal when inflicting pain.
(2) Aura of Despair (Su)
Wherever the unholy warrior treads, there are sensations of bitter pain and sorrow. All enemies within 10 feet of the unholy warrior receive a -1 morale penalty to all saving throws and attack rolls. Furthermore, all those within this area suffer a -2 morale penalty to saving throws against fear effects.
(1) Hamartia (Su)
An unholy warrior with this ability may deduce the fatal flaw in one opponent by observing him for one round and making a successful Concentration check (DC 15). If the check is successful, she gains a bonus equal to her unholy warrior levels to a single attack roll. If that attack succeeds, she may add her Charisma modifier to the damage roll for that attack. This ability may be used with either melee or ranged weaponry.
(1) Self-Satisfied (Ex)
The prideful unholy warrior with this ability gains a +4 morale bonus to all saves against Enchantment [mind-affecting] spells. In addition to this bonus, once per day she may attempt to reflect the Enchantment spell cast upon her back at the caster. Doing so requires her to pass the Will save and make a ranged touch attack against the caster. On a successful attack, the original caster must make a WIll save with a DC four points higher than that which the spell carried initially. Failure indicates he is under the effects of his own spell as if the unholy warrior had cast it.
(2) Impervious Persona (Su)
The unholy warrior has an indomitable psyche, buttressed by his arrogance and self-love. Characters with this ability are immune to any form of psionic attack, including spell-like abilities replicating psionic attacks. In addition, the character gains a +6 competence bonus to saves agianst psionics. Unholy warriors having attained levels in psion or psychic warrior derive no benefit from this ability.
(1) Resist Compulsion (Ex)
These lazy figures are difficult to impel to action, even when an opponent uses magic against them. Unholy warriors with this ability receive a +6 competence bonus to all saves against Enchantment [compulsion] spells and effects.
(1) Distract Foe (Ex)
Sometimes a momentary distraction is all that is necessary for an unholy warrior to make his move. As a move-equivalent action that does not draw an attack of opportunity, the unholy warrior may attempt to distract an opponent, which has the same effect as feinting in combat through use of the Bluff skill, as described in the PH. If the character has another feat or ability reducing feinting from a standard action to a move-equivalent action, distract foe further reduces the action to a free one.
(2) Slow Aura (Sp)
Once per day, the unholy warrior can emit a slow effect in a 30-foot spread originating from his position. He is unaffected by the aura. The slow field functions as the spell of the same name. All those within the area of effect are entitled to a Will saving throw against a DC of 13 + the unholy warrior’s Charisma modifier to avoid the effect. If the opponent fails her saving throw with a natural roll of 1, she falls fast asleep, though she may be roused normally. Consult the PH for details on the slow spell.
(1) Relentless Runner (Ex)
The holy warrior is gifted by her god with an uncanny ability to carry messages and get places on foot. This ability grants the holy warrior the Run feat. Further, the length of time the holy warrior can sustain a run before making Endurance checks is multiplied by her Charisma modifier. Once she does make Endurance checks, she adds her holy warrior level to the check.
For example: A 12th-level holy warrior with this ability, a 14 Constitution, and a 20 Charisma starts running down the road to warn a nearby town of an invading army approaching. Since she has the Run feat, she can run at 5x her speed. She can sustain this for 70 rounds (14 for her Constitution multipled by her Charisma modifer of 5). After 70 rounds, she starts making Endurance checks at +12 (for her level). The difficulty of these checks goes up one per round, as normal.
(1) Winged Feet (Su)
The holy warrior runs as though carried by celestial wings. She gains a bonus +10 feet to her movement. She also ignores all armor penalties to movement for medium armor or lighter, and movement penalties for heavy armor are halved. Carrying a medium load does not slow her at all, but a heavy load will reduce her speed by 5 feet.
(2) Tireless Traveler (Ex)
A holy warrior with this ability can go for many days without food, water, or rest, as she is kept alive and moving purely by faith. The holy warrior may go without sleep or water for a number of days equal to her level. She may go without food for a number of days equal to her Charisma modifier times her level.
(1) Poison Use (Ex)
This ability is the same as the assassin ability described in the DMG.
(1) Sneak Attack (Ex)
Gaining this power confers the sneak attack ability at +1d6. Additional instances of this ability provide an extra 1d6 of sneak attack damage. This ability stacks with other sneak attack abilities, adding +1d6 to the sneak attack damage. See the PH for details on this ability.
(2) Aura of Despair (Su)
Wherever the unholy warrior treads, there are sensations of bitter pain and sorrow. All enemies within 10 feet of the unholy warrior receive a -1 morale penalty to all saving throws and attack rolls. Furthermore, all those within this area suffer a -2 morale penalty to saving throws against fear effects.
(1) Detect Good (Sp)
This power functions just as the spell in the PH, the only difference being that the unholy warrior may use this ability at will.
(1) Injurious Touch (Sp)
Each day an unholy warrior can inflict an amount of damage equal to her Charisma bonus times her unholy warrior level. The unholy warrior may choose to divide this damage among multiple recipients, and does not have to use it all at once. Injurious touch is a touch attack whose use is a standard action.
(2) Smite Good (Su)
As the palain ability in the PH, except this attack affects good instead of evil.
(1) Death Touch (Sp)
The unholy warrior gains access to the death touch ability as described under the Death domain in the PH.
(1) Soulless (Su)
Unholy warriors with this domain lose their souls to the negative energy plane; the dark energies found there fueld them. These unholy warriors are unaffected by negative energy levels, but may be turned as if they were undead. In all other respects, these characters are functionally living creatures, being susceptible to any other attack affecting creatures of their subtype. Dead characters with this ability are unaffected by raise dead or resurrection spells. Wish or miracle spells are the only means to restore these characters to life.
(2) Shadowform (Sp)
Once per day, the unholy warrior may become incorporeal for a number of rounds equal to his unholy warrior levels. Incorporeal creatures can only be harmed by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, or magic, with a 50% to ignore damage from a corporeal source. The unholy warrior may pass through solid objects at will, and his own attacks pass through armor, ignoring armor bonuses to AC. While in this form he always moves silently.
(1) Rebuke Water Elemental (Su)
The holy warrior may rebuke creatures of the appropriate plane exactly as a cleric of her holy warrior level may rebuke undead. Unlike the Turn Undead ability, the holy warrior receives her full level for this ability. Because the rebuking does not involve negative energy, the number of times she may rebuke planar creatures and the number of times she may turn undead are from separate pools and the Extra Turning feat must be purchased separately for each kind of turning.
(1) Water Ken (Su)
The holy warrior is intimately familiar with the element of water. She gains the Aquan language for free and gains some of the pure power of water. She gains a sacred bonus to her Swim skill eequal to her Charisma bonus times her holy warrior level. She may also breathe underwater once per day for a number of rounds equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
(2) Energy Resistance (acid) (Sp)
The holy warrior may ignore much of the damage done to her by the selected energy — natural or magical — including dragon’s breath. Each day she ignores the selected kind of energy damage equal to her Charisma modifier times her holy warrior level. This ability may not be activated voluntarily and automatically affects the first such damage of the day, even if the holy warrior expects much worse later that day. If the first energy damage she sustains does not do enough damage to deplete her resistance, she uses the rest on the next attack, and the next, until her resistance is fully depleted for the day. After all her resistance is used, she takes damage from the selected energy normally.
For example: A 10th-level holy warrior with a 16 Charisma (+3 modifier) and Energy Resistance (fire) may resist a total of 30 points of fire damage a day. She is hit by a flame arrow, which does 14 points. This leaves her with 16 more points of resistance. The next round, she is caught in a fireball, which does 26 points of damage. She resists the first 16 and is out of resistance, taking the remaining 10. For the rest of the day, until she rests, she takes fire damage as normal.
Holy warriors with Energy Resistance (cold or lightning) must choose one or the other when they take the ability.
(1) Enhanced Move (Ex)
The unholy warrior’s anger propels her into combat, granting +5 feet to her speed.
(1) Rage (Ex)
The unholy warrior may enter a barbarian rage once per day as described in the PH. Unlike the barbarian, however, the unholy warrior may not voluntarily come out of this altered state of mind, and attacks the closest moving thing each round, charging when able. If the unholy warrior already had the rage ability, he may rage one additional time per day, but still cannot end any rage voluntarily.
(2) Rabid Frenzy (Su)
This unholy warrior is too angry to die. She may continue to fight until her negative hit points exceed her Constitution score. Hence, if Xhella has a 13 Constitution, she could fight until she reached -13 hit points, then die immediately. A character reduced below -10 hit points may only take partial actions.