Feats, collected from several sources (including some I wrote myself) and split into different, higher-resolution groups than in the RSRD.
- Armor Focus
- Armor Proficiency
- Clairsentience
- Combat Expertise
- Divine
- Endurance
- Witchsight
- Wildshape
- Evasion
- Familiar
- Item Creation
- Leadership
- Martial
- Metamagic
- Metapsychic
- Mobility
- Mounted
- Movement
- Power Attack
- Psychic
- Psychokinesis
- Psychometabolism
- Psychoportation
- Rage
- Ranged
- Saving Throws
- Skill
- Sneak Attack
- Speed
- Spell
- Telepathy
- Tradition
- Two-Weapon Fighting
- Unarmed
- Weapon Focus
- Weapon Proficiency