Matt of the Land of Nod described half a dozen ‘shades’, variations on the colors of the chromatic dragons.
- Shades of Red (Carnelian, Crimson, Florid, Ginger, Sanguine, Vermilion)
- Shades of Blue (Azure, Cerulean, Glaucus, Indigo, Sapphire, Ultramarine)
- Shades of Green (Moss, Chartreuse, Celadon, Beryl, Viridian, Harlequin)
- Shades of White (Achromatic, Cinereous, Ghastly, Isabelline, Ivory, Pearl)
- Shades of Black (Arsenic, Bistre, Charcoal, Liver, Taupe, Onyx)
He also describes what happens when dragons of different colors fall in love (or at least mate, regardless of how they feel about each other).
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