Starting back in November 2011, Courtney of Hack & Slash did a long series of posts on skills.
Really long; even ignoring the posts that had little or nothing to do with D&D 3.x (where he spent most of his time) we’re left with the list below.
- On Skills in Games (A Surprising Insight!)
- On A Primer: Skill Deconstrution
- On Skill Deconstruction: Why Skill Light is Not Pixel Bitching, Nor DM Fiat
- On Skill Confusion: The Character Customization Conundrum
- On Skill Confusion: The Accuracy of the Roll
- On Skill Deconstruction: Why Roll for Resolution?
- On Skill Deconstruction: An Assessment
- On Skill Deconstruction: Acrobatics
- On Skill Deconstruction: Appraise
- On Skill Deconstruction: Bluff
- On Skill Deconstruction: Climb
- On Skill Deconstruction: Craft
- On Skill Deconstruction: Diplomacy
- On Skill Deconstruction: Disable Device & Slight of Hand
- On Skill Deconstruction: Disguise
- On Skill Deconstruction: Escape Artist
- On Skill Deconstruction: Fly & Ride
- On Skill Deconstruction: Handle Animal
- On Skill Deconstruction: Heal
- On Skill Deconstruction: Intimidate and Customization Options
- The Epic Failure of Perception and Stealth, A Skill Deconstruction Post
- On Skill Deconstruction: The Travesty of Knowledge & Linguistics
- On Skill Deconstruction: The Fluff Fallacy, Perform & Profession
- On Skill Deconstruction: Sense Motive
- On Skill Deconstruction: Survival & Swim
- On Skill Deconstruction: Use Magic Device
- On Ignorance of Skill Based Play
- On Skill Deconstruction: Skills: The Middle Road
- On Skill Deconstruction: A Summary
- Skills: A Conclusion With 10 Rules
So… huge set of posts. Enjoy the read.