The eldritch weaver’s spells are arranged in threads (see the eldritch weaver class entry in Chapter Three), listed here along with each thread’s major and minor powers. Note all eldritch weavers have access to the Cantrip thread, which consists exclusively of 0-level spells, and is presented first for ease of reference.
Spelled marked with an asterisk were introduced in the Advanced Player’s Manual and are not yet referenced on this site.
Thread of Cantrips
Acid Splash: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Daze: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Disrupt Undead: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.
Thread of Air
1st-Level Spells
Feather Fall. Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you.
Shocking Grasp. Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
2nd-Level Spells
Fog Cloud. Fog obscures vision.
Gust of Wind. Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Ride Winds*. Fall safely, levitate, or fly by floating on the air.
3rd-Level Spells
Fly. Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.
Stinking Cloud. Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
Wind Wall. Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
4th-Level Spells
Solid Fog. Blocks vision and slows movement.
Teeth of the Wind*. Blast of air bludgeons and knocks creatures back.
Windrazor*. Make weapon attack with a blast of high-pressure air.
5th-Level Spells
Air and Water*. Intermix air and water in 15-ft.-radius emanation to allow breathing and impede movement or melee.
Control Winds. Change wind direction and speed.
Overland Flight. You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
6th-Level Spells
Chain Lightning. 1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage.
Wind Walk. You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.
7th-Level Spells
Control Weather. Changes weather in local area.
Reverse Gravity. Objects and creatures fall upward.
8th-Level Spells
Horrid Wilting. Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
Whirlwind. Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
9th-Level Spells
Airform*. Transmute your body into solid air to gain Dex bonus, fly speed, air immunity.
Deadly TempestM *. Powerful whirlwind deals bludgeoning, cold, and electricity damage.
Minor Power: Call Air Elemental (Su)
As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the eldritch weaver can call a Small air elemental (see the MM) to a location within 60 feet of himself. The elemental acts immediately upon arriving, and it serves the eldritch weaver for 1 round per class level. This is a calling effect (see Chapter Ten of the PHB), but otherwise works just like a summon monster spell. At 6th level, the eldritch weaver can call one Medium or up to two Small air elementals with a single use of this power. At 12th level, the eldritch weaver can call one Large, or up to two Medium or four Small air elementals.
Once the eldritch weaver uses this power, he must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again, though his Wisdom bonus still determines how often he can use it each day (see Minor Thread Power in the eldritch weaver class description in Chapter Three).
Major Power: Create/Destroy Air (Su)
The eldritch weaver can instantly create approximately 30,000 cubic feet of pure air or cause the same volume of air to vanish. When used to create air, this power works like a gust of wind spell, except that it creates a 20-foot burst of strong wind centered on a point within 60 feet of the caster. In a sealed area, this power introduces enough fresh air to fill 30 10-foot cubes, refreshing the air and allowing trapped creatures to breathe (see Suffocation in Chapter Eight of the DMG). Underwater, this power creates a 40-foot-radius spread of foaming bubbles that lasts 1 round and obscures vision (including darkvision) beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance), while creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target).
If used to destroy air, this power also duplicates the effects of a gust of wind spell, except that the resulting blast of air flows toward the effect’s center rather than away from it. Using this power in a sealed area robs creates within of breathable air, just as though the area contained 30 fewer 10-foot cubes of air than it originally did. Destroying air has no effect underwater.
The eldritch weaver can also use the power to destroy air as a targeted effect against a single creature with the air subtype, or against a single magic item that creates or controls air, within 60 feet. The eldritch weaver deals 1d6 points of damage per two class levels (maximum 10d6) to target creatures, or 3d6 points of damage if the target creature makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). In either event, if the damage dealt reduces an air creature to 0 or fewer hit points, it is destroyed without a trace.
A target magic item takes no damage but loses all its air-based magical abilities for 1d4 hours unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). Artifacts are immune to this effect.
Thread of the Archer
1st-Level Spells
Produce Flame. 1d6 damage +1/level, touch or thrown.
Magic Stone. Three stones gain +1 on attack rolls, deal 1d6+1 damage.
Magic Weapon. Weapon gains +1 bonus.
2nd-Level Spells
Acid Arrow. Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round +1 round/ three levels.
Protection from Arrows. Subject immune to most ranged attacks.
Scorching Ray. Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3).
3rd-Level Spells
Flame Arrow. Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage.
Magic Weapon, Greater. +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
Ray of Exhaustion. Ray makes subject exhausted.
4th-Level Spells
Searing Light. Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage, more against undead.
Lesser Spiritbow*. Bow of magical force can be wielded or attack on its own, firing regular or special force projectiles.
5th-Level Spells
Produce Searing Flame*. Flames deal 2d6+1/level fire damage as melee or ranged attack.
6th-Level Spells
Spiritbow*. As lesser spiritbow, except greater range and damage, plus brilliant energy effect.
7th-Level Spells
Sunbeam. Beam blinds and deals 4d6 damage.
8th-Level Spells
Polar Ray. Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage.
9th-Level Spells
Greater Spiritbow*: As lesser spiritbow, except greater range and damage, plus additional magical effects.
Minor Power: Precision Shot (Ex)
The eldritch weaver can aim a single ranged attack so precisely she ignores the normal penalty for firing into melee. Any cover bonus to Armor Class the target has is reduced to +2, and any miss chance the target has from concealment is reduced by half.
Using this power is part of the attack and does not require a separate action.
Major Power: Deflect
Projectile (Ex)
Once per round, the eldritch weaver can attempt to knock aside a fairly small projectile that would otherwise hit and deal damage. To do so, the eldritch weaver must have one hand free and must make a level check (1d20 + class level). If the check result is higher than the attacker’s attack roll, the eldritch weaver knocks aside the projectile (essentially, the level check result becomes the eldritch weaver’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the eldritch weaver’s regular AC).
Attempting to deflect a projectile doesn’t count as an action, but the eldritch weaver must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted to use this power. The eldritch weaver cannot deflect ranged attacks generated by spells or magical effects with this power (even those that require attack rolls), nor can he deflect projectiles any larger than he could throw with one hand.
Thread of the Artisan
1st-Level Spells
Animate Rope. Makes a rope move at your command.
Magic Aura. Alters object’s magic aura.
Magic Weapon. Weapon gains +1 bonus.
2nd-Level Spells
Arcane LockM. Magically locks a portal or chest.
Make Whole. Repairs an object.
Wood Shape. Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
3rd-Level Spells
Magic Weapon, Greater. +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
Tiny Hut. Creates shelter for ten creatures.
Stone Shape. Sculpts stone into any shape.
4th-Level Spells
Minor Creation. Creates one cloth or wood object.
Replicate ObjectX*: Split object in two to make a functioning copy.
Secure Shelter. Creates sturdy cottage.
5th-Level Spells
Fabricate. Transforms raw materials into finished items.
Major Creation. As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
Wall of Stone. Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
6th-Level Spells
PermanencyX. Makes certain spells permanent.
Wall of IronM. 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.
7th-Level Spells
Instant SummonsM. Prepared object appears in your hand.
SimulacrumMX. Creates partially real double of a creature.
8th-Level Spells
Polymorph Any Object. Changes any subject into anything else.
Prismatic Wall. Wall’s colors have array of effects.
9th-Level Spells
Prismatic Sphere. As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
Minor Power: Arcane Creation (Su)
The eldritch weaver can create a single object of up to Tiny size (maximum weight 8 lb., maximum volume 4 cubic feet) with a maximum market value of 5 gp. The conjured object appears in the eldritch weaver’s hand or within arm’s reach, and lasts up to 10 minutes per class level or until consumed or expended. The conjured object cannot function as a material component for a spell and will not provide sustenance if imbibed.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can use this power when making a single Craft check, adding her class level as a bonus on the check if she has at least one rank in the skill, or one-half her class level if untrained.
Major Power:
Enhance/Diminish Items (Su)
The eldritch weaver can magically alter one or more nonmagical items, making them stronger or weaker, or changing their color and general appearance (dull or bright, smooth or rough, clean or dirty, and so on). The eldritch weaver can affect one Small or smaller object per class level, with a Medium object counting as two Small objects, a Large object counting as two Medium objects (or four small objects), a Huge object counting as two Large objects, and so on.
A strengthened object doubles its hit points and increases its hardness by 50% (though an object without a hardness rating cannot gain one). A weakened object’s hit points are reduced by half and its hardness decreases by 2 (minimum 0). If a weakened object contains moving parts, it becomes nonfunctional while the effect lasts.
Objects remain strengthened or weakened for 10 minutes per class level (though objects which are subsequently broken remain so). Changes to appearance are permanent (though alterable by normal means) unless they would also render an object nonfunctional, in which case the effect lasts 10 minutes per class level. For example, a scuffed tabletop remains scuff ed until someone polishes it, but a scuffed mirror remains scuffed only temporarily.
Thread of Benighting
1st-Level Spells
Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you.
Sleep. Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Torchdim*. Reduce illumination from mundane and magical light.
2nd-Level Spells
Blindness/Deafness. Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Darkness. 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Fog Cloud. Fog obscures vision.
3rd-Level Spells
Deep Slumber. Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
Sleet Storm. Hampers vision and movement.
Stinking Cloud. Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
4th-Level Spells
Deeper Darkness. Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius.
Solid Fog. Blocks vision and slows movement.
5th-Level Spells
Nightmare. Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
Symbol of SleepM. Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
Waves of Fatigue. Several targets become fatigued.
6th-Level Spells
Circle of DeathM. Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures.
Shaded Sight*. 20-ft. radius of shadow grants total concealment.
Shadow Walk. Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
7th-Level Spells
Finger of Death. Kills one subject.
Power Word Blind. Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
Waves of Exhaustion. Several targets become exhausted.
8th-Level Spells
Blackburst*. Globe of blackness sickens, deals 1d6/level cold/negative energy damage (max. 25d6).
Symbol of DeathM. Triggered rune slays nearby creatures.
9th-Level Spells
Wail of the Banshee. Kills one creature/level.
Minor Power: Touch of Fatigue (Su)
At the eldritch weaver’s touch, any living creature must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) or become fatigued for 1 minute. Touch of fatigue does not stack with itself, but if the fatigued subject undertakes any action which would normally cause fatigue or receives another magical fatigue effect (such as the waves of fatigue spell), he becomes exhausted for the balance of the power’s duration.
Major Power: Cloud of Night (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates a billowing mass of wispy, inky tendrils that fill a 20-foot-radius spread at any point within 60 feet. Creatures within the cloud which fail a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) are blinded for as long as they remain inside and for 1d4 rounds after leaving. A creature that makes a successful save cannot be blinded again by the same cloud of night. The effect lasts 1d6 minutes.
If the cloud blinds a creature with a gaze attack, its gaze attack does not function until its sight returns. In addition, the cloud has a 50% chance to automatically negate gaze attacks if line of sight between the creature with the gaze attack and the attack’s subject passes through any part of the cloud. Check separately for each creature subjected to the gaze attack.
The cloud has a 50% chance to automatically suppress any magical light effect. If the source or point of origin for the light effect lies within the cloud, the light effect is completely suppressed while the cloud lasts, while if the source or point of origin for the light effect lies outside the cloud, the light effect’s area does not into extend into or past the cloud. Check once per effect.
Thread of Blight
1st-Level Spells
Cause Fear. One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Color Spray. Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.
Ray of Enfeeblement. Ray deals 1d6 +1 per two levels Str damage.
2nd-Level Spells
Blindness/Deafness. Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Daze Monster. Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action.
Touch of Idiocy. Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis, and Cha damage.
3rd-Level Spells
Rage. Subjects gains +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
Ray of Exhaustion. Ray makes subject exhausted.
Slow. One subject/level takes only one action/round, –1 to AC, Reflex saves, and attack rolls.
4th-Level Spells
Bestow Curse. –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
Contagion. Infects subject with chosen disease.
Crushing Despair. Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
5th-Level Spells
Blight. Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature.
Feeblemind. Subject’s Int and Cha drop to 1.
Waves of Fatigue. Several targets become fatigued.
6th-Level Spells
Disintegrate. Makes one creature or object vanish.
Eyebite. Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
Flesh to Stone. Turns subject creature into statue.
7th-Level Spells
Insanity. Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Power Word Blind. Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
Waves of Exhaustion. Several targets become exhausted.
8th-Level Spells
Power Word Stun. Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
Scintillating Pattern. Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious.
9th-Level Spells
Energy Drain. Subject gains 2d4 negative levels.
Power Word Kill. Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.
Minor Power: Sickening Touch (Su)
At the eldritch weaver’s touch, any aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or outsider must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) or become sickened for 1d4+1 rounds.
Major Power: Ray of Nausea (Su)
As sickening touch, except that this power produces a ray up to 60 feet long that causes nausea in the target creature for 1d4+1 rounds.
Thread of the Cavalier
1st-Level Spells
Command. One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.
Magic Weapon. Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Mount. Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
2nd-Level Spells
Bear’s Endurance. Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
Bull’s Strength. Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Shield OtherF. You take half of subject’s damage.
3rd-Level Spells
Keen Edge. Doubles normal weapon’s threat range.
Magic Weapon, Greater. +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
Phantom Steed. Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
4th-Level Spells
Crushing Despair. Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Heal Mount. As heal on warhorse or other special mount.
StoneskinM. Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
5th-Level Spells
Command, Greater. As command, but affects one subject/level.
Disrupting Weapon. Melee weapon destroys undead.
Mage’s Faithful Hound. Phantom dog can guard, attack.
Waves of Fatigue. Several targets become fatigued.
6th-Level Spells
Bear’s Endurance, Mass. As bear’s endurance, affects one subject/ level.
Bull’s Strength, Mass. As bull’s strength, affects one subject/level.
Eyebite. Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
7th-Level Spells
ForcecageM. Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.
Repulsion. Creatures can’t approach you.
Waves of Exhaustion. Several targets become exhausted.
8th-Level Spells
Iron Body. Your body becomes living iron.
Mind Blank. Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
Protection from Spells M F. Confers +8 resistance bonus.
9th-Level Spells
Freedom. Releases creature from imprisonment.
Imprisonment. Entombs subject beneath the earth.
RefugeM. Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
Minor Power: Skilled Riding (Su)
The eldritch weaver can use this power to avoid a melee or ranged attack that would otherwise hit and deal damage to her mount. The eldritch weaver riding the mount makes a level check (1d20 + class level), and if the check result is higher than the attacker’s attack roll, the attack against the mount fails (essentially, the level check result becomes the mount’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the mount’s regular AC). Attempting to avoid an attack against a mount doesn’t count as an action, but the eldritch weaver must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted to use this power.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can use this power when making a single Ride check, adding her class level as a bonus on the check if she has at least one rank in the skill, or one-half her class level if untrained.
The eldritch weaver can use this power only once per round, though her Wisdom bonus still determines how often she can use it each day (see Minor Thread Power in the eldritch weaver class description in Chapter Three).
Major Power: Enhance Mount (Su)
This power allows the eldritch weaver to grant his mount a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. In addition, the mount gains 2 temporary hit points per eldritch weaver level. The bonus and temporary hit points last a maximum of 1d6+1 minutes.
Thread of Changes
1st-Level Spells
Disguise Self. Changes your appearance.
Expeditious Retreat. Your speed increases by 30 ft.
Jump. Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.
2nd-Level Spells
Alter Self. Assume form of a similar creature.
Blur. Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Spider Climb. Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
3rd-Level Spells
Displacement. Attacks miss subject 50%.
Haste. One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Vampiric Touch. Touch deals 1d6/two levels damage; caster gains damage as hp.
Polymorph. Gives one willing subject a new form.
4th-Level Spells
StoneskinM. Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
Stone Shape. Sculpts stone into any shape.
5th-Level Spells
Animal Growth. One animal/two levels doubles in size.
Baleful Polymorph. Transforms subject into harmless animal.
Transmute Mud to Rock. Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.
Transmute Rock to Mud. Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.
6th-Level Spells
TransformationM. You gain combat bonuses.
Flesh to Stone. Turns subject creature into statue.
Stone to Flesh. Restores petrified creature.
7th-Level Spells
Control Weather. Changes weather in local area.
Reverse Gravity. Objects and creatures fall upward.
Statue. Subject can become a statue at will.
8th-Level Spells
Iron Body. Your body becomes living iron.
Polymorph Any Object. Changes any subject into anything else.
9th-Level Spells
ShapechangeF. Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round.
Minor Power: Change Object (Su)
The eldritch weaver can change a single object into another, similar object. The subject object can be no larger than Tiny size (a typical book, a dagger sized for a Medium creature, and so on) which the eldritch weaver must touch and which cannot be worn or carried by another creature.
With each use of the power, the eldritch weaver can make one of the following changes to the object:
- Increase the object’s size up to double. Doubling an object’s size changes its size category to the next larger one, doubling its height, width, and thickness, and increasing its weight by a factor of 8.
- Decrease the object’s size up to one-half. Halving the object’s size changes its size category to the next smaller one, halving its height, width, and thickness, and decreasing its weight by a factor of 8.
- Change the object’s color. The eldritch weaver can select any color he wishes, and can add or remove a fairly simple pattern such as stripes or spots.
- Change the material from which the object is made to one of the following: brass, cloth, glass, iron, leather, stone, or wood. The new material must be of mundane quality, so that items might be transformed to linen, pine, or granite, for example, but not to silk, ebony, or diamond.
The changed object gains no special properties, except that if the type of material changes, an object gains or loses the appropriate hardness and hit points.
The change persists for 1d4 hours, or until the eldritch weaver touches the object and dismisses the effect.
Major Power: Augment Self (Su)
This power functions exactly like the alter self spell, as well as allowing the eldritch weaver to add or subtract one or two limbs or other external body features. Possible changes include:
- Carapace: The eldritch weaver gains a shell or thick hide which provides a natural armor bonus of +2.
- Extra Arms: The eldritch weaver gains 1 or 2 extra arms, all of which are fully functional and can be used for spellcasting or three- or four-weapon fighting. Attacks with the extra arms are treated as light off hand-attacks (see Table 8–10: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties in the PHB). In addition, any attack the eldritch weaver makes with her primary hand suff ers an additional –2 penalty from the new form’s general lack of coordination. Each extra arm gives the eldritch weaver a +2 bonus on Climb and Swim checks and a +1 bonus on grapple checks. The eldritch weaver can use four hands to wield a twohanded weapon one size category larger than normal. For example, a human eldritch weaver could use four hands to wield a greatsword made for a large creature.
- Extra Eyes: The eldritch weaver gains one or two extra eyes, each granting a +1 bonus on Spot checks. In addition, he cannot be flanked (as if he had the improved uncanny dodge Souct class ability; see page 28).
- Extra Legs: The eldritch weaver gains one or two extra legs, each adding 5 feet to her land speed and granting a +2 bonus on Balance checks. Having multiple legs also grants the eldritch weaver a +4 bonus on resisting trip attempts (see Chapter Eight of the PHB).
- Fins: Fins reduce the eldritch weaver’s land speed by 10 feet (minimum 10 feet), but provide a +10 bonus on swim checks.
- Gills: Gills allow the eldritch weaver to breathe underwater.
- Quills: The eldritch weaver gains a layer of quills on his head, back, and arms which can be used as a natural weapon, dealing piercing damage according to the eldritch weaver’s size:
Size | Quill Damage |
Tiny | 1d3 |
Small | 1d4 |
Medium | 1d6 |
Large | 1d8 |
Huge | 2d6 |
Gargantuan | 2d8 |
Colossal | 4d6 |
The eldritch weaver can make a regular melee attack or an off -hand attack with the quills (treat as a light weapon). The eldritch weaver can’t make an attack with quills if she has already made an attack with another off -hand weapon (and vice versa), but if fighting unarmed, can use the Full Attack action to make two quill attacks. In addition, any opponent that hits the eldritch weaver with an unarmed attack, natural weapon, or grapple must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) or take quill damage.
- Tail: The eldritch weaver can grow a small prehensile tail or a large strong one. A prehensile tail functions like an extra arm, while a strong tail provides a +4 bonus to Balance, Jump, and Swim checks, and can be used to deliver a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage according to the eldritch weaver’s size (as noted for quills). The eldritch weaver can use the tail as a secondary natural weapon (–5 to the tail attack, no penalty to his other attacks), or as a sole natural weapon (multiply any Strength bonus by 1-1/2).
- Wings: The eldritch weaver can fly at a speed of 30 (poor maneuverability) provided she carries no more than a light load.
The augment self power lasts 1d4+1 minutes, but the eldritch weaver cannot apply two transformations (fins and gills, for instance) at the same time.
Thread of Chicanery
1st-Level Spells
Animate Rope. Makes a rope move at your command.
Expeditious Retreat. Your speed increases by 30 ft.
Grease. Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
2nd-Level Spells
Hideous Laughter. Subject loses actions for 1 round/level.
Knock. Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Pyrotechnics. Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.
3rd-Level Spells
Blink. You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.
NondetectionM. Hides subject from divination, scrying.
Stinking Cloud. Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
4th-Level Spells
Confusion. Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
Foozle*. Subjects become clumsy, taking check, attack, and otherpenalties.
Resilient Sphere. Force globe protects but traps one subject.
5th-Level Spells
Alter MetalM*. Transmute 1 lb./level (max. 20 lb.) of metal objects.
Feeblemind. Subject’s Int and Cha drop to 1.
Telekinesis. Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
6th-Level Spells
ContingencyF. Sets trigger condition for another spell.
Mislead. Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Repulsion. Creatures can’t approach you.
7th-Level Spells
Insanity. Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Limited WishX. Alters reality—within spell limits.
Reverse Gravity. Objects and creatures fall upward.
8th-Level Spells
Irresistible Dance. Forces subject to dance.
Telekinetic Sphere. As resilient sphere, but you move sphere telekinetically.
9th-Level Spells
Time Stop. You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.
Minor Power: Minor Sophistry (Su)
The eldritch weaver draws on spurious logic, half-truths, and outright lies to make whatever he says seem plausible. As a free action, he gains a bonus equal to his class level on a single Diplomacy check, Intimidate check, or Bluff check made to convince another of the truth of his words (but not on other uses of the Bluff skill, such as feinting in combat, creating a diversion to hide, or communicating a hidden message via innuendo.)
Alternatively, as a full-round action, the eldritch weaver can cause a single creature within 30 feet to sink into a bemused state, becoming dazed for 1d4 rounds on a failed Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). Creatures that save successfully cannot be affected by the use of this form of the power by the same eldritch weaver for one day, though the eldritch weaver still gains bonuses to skill checks used against those creatures. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Major Power: Sophistry (Su)
As a full-round action, the eldritch weaver weaves a cocoon of fallacious reasoning, equivocal statements, and mumbo-jumbo around herself. The eff ort creates a 30-foot emanation, centered on the eldritch weaver, which causes all intelligent creatures within it (except the eldritch weaver and her allies, if desired) to question their senses and their sanity.
Lawful creatures within the area of effect become confused (as the spell) for the duration of the effect or until they leave the area. Nonlawful creatures become unable to focus their senses or organize their thoughts, and any attacks they make have a 20% miss chance. Likewise, any spells they cast have a 20% chance of failure (including spells from scrolls), as does any attempt to activate a magic item by spell trigger (if failure occurs, the item is not triggered and no charges are expended). Nonlawful creatures also take a –4 penalty to Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks, all Intelligence checks, and a –4 penalty on Will saves. These penalties last for the duration of the effect or until the affected creatures leave the area.
The effect lasts as long as the eldritch weaver concentrates, and for 1d3 rounds thereafter. Creatures with Intelligence scores of 2 or less are unaffected. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) negates the effect, and creatures making successful saves cannot be affected by the same eldritch weaver’s sophistry power for one day. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Thread of Deception
1st-Level Spells
Disguise Self. Changes your appearance.
Silent Image. Creates minor illusion of your design.
Ventriloquism. Throws voice for 1 min./level.
2nd-Level Spells
Minor Image. As silent image, plus some sound.
Mirror Image. Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8).
Misdirection. Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
3rd-Level Spells
Major Image. As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.
Muddled Auras*. Magical auras vary randomly in strength and school.
Secret Page. Changes one page to hide its real content.
4th-Level Spells
Hallucinatory Terrain. Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like).
Illusory Wall. Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.
Modify Memory. Changes 5 minutes of subject’s memories.
5th-Level Spells
Persistent Image. As major image, but no concentration required.
Seeming. Changes appearance of one person per two levels.
6th-Level Spells
Permanent Image. Includes sight, sound, and smell.
Veil. Changes appearance of group of creatures.
7th-Level Spells
Project Image. Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
Statue. Subject can become a statue at will.
8th-Level Spells
Screen. Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
Id Assassin*. Waking nightmare reduces Con, deals damage to one living creature.
9th-Level Spells
OppositionM*. Phantasmal duplicate attacks target creature.
Minor Power:
Mask Personal Aura (Su)
This power suppresses the eldritch weaver’s aura and the aura of any item she wears or carries. Spells and magical effects that detect any kind of aura (including detect evil, detect magic, detect undead, and discern lies) are ineffective against the eldritch weaver and her equipment. Note, though, that the same information revealed by an aura might still be discerned by other magical means (clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect thoughts, true seeing, and so on).
Once invoked, this power lasts 1d4+1 hours.
Major Power: Alter Aura (Su)
Using this power the eldritch weaver can temporarily alter one aura of any creature or object that he touches, either suppressing the aura entirely or making it appear as if it was a different aura. For example, the eldritch weaver could touch a red dragon and alter its aura of chaos. She could either suppress it, making it appear as some other alignment aura (on either the lawful/chaotic or good/evil axis), or make it appear as an undead or magical aura.
The new aura has the same strength as the aura it replaced (see the detect evil spell description in the PHB for examples of aura strengths), but if an aura’s alteration gives the subject two auras of the same kind, the auras overlap but their strength does not stack.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can alter an aura to make it stronger (one category maximum) or weaker than normal. For example, the eldritch weaver could increase an adult red dragon’s strong aura of evil to an overwhelming aura, or decrease it to a dim, faint, or moderate aura.
When any creature uses an aura-detecting effect on a creature or object targeted by this power, the GM makes a secret caster level check (DC 10 + eldritch weaver level). On a successful check, the subject’s true aura can be read, but if not, the subject’s aura reads exactly as the eldritch weaver has altered it.
Once used, this power lasts one hour per class level, or until dismissed by the eldritch weaver.
Thread of Delusion
1st-Level Spells
Hypnotism. Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Magic Aura. Alters object’s magic aura.
Undetectable Alignment. Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
2nd-Level Spells
Blur. Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Misdirection. Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
Phantom TrapM. Makes item seem trapped.
3rd-Level Spells
Displacement. Attacks miss subject 50%.
NondetectionM. Hides subject from divination, scrying.
4th-Level Spells
Confusion. Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
Hallucinatory Terrain. Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like).
5th-Level Spells
False VisionM. Fools scrying with an illusion.
Mind Fog. Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks.
Mirage Arcana. As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.
6th-Level Spells
Mislead. Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Veil. Changes appearance of group of creatures.
7th-Level Spells
Sequester. Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose.
SimulacrumMX. Creates partially real double of a creature.
8th-Level Spells
Maze. Traps subject in extradimensional maze.
Screen. Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
9th-Level Spells
Unmind*. Disrupt higher mental functions to remove target creature’s Int score.
Minor Power: Confuse Senses (Su)
The eldritch weaver’s touch scrambles the senses, causing creatures failing a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) to receive incomplete or contradictory sensory information for 1d4 rounds. While affected, a creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and all Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks, as well as a –2 penalty to AC. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Major Power: Confuse Mind (Su)
This power is similar to confuse senses, except that it instantaneously affects all creatures within the area of a 30-foot cone for 2d4 rounds. The creatures in the cone suffer all the penalties listed under the confuse sense power, in addition to suffering the effects of a confusion spell.
Thread of Destruction
1st-Level Spells
Burning Hands. 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Shocking Grasp. Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
True Strike. +20 on your next attack roll.
2nd-Level Spells
Scorching Ray. Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3).
Shatter. Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
Lesser Staff strike *. As staff strike, except less damage and creatures can be deafened only when you slam your staff .
3rd-Level Spells
Explosive Runes. Deals 6d6 damage when read.
Fireball. 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
Lightning Bolt. Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
4th-Level Spells
Corrosive Touch*. Corrosive slime deals 2d6 acid damage plus 2d6 in subsequent rounds.
Shout. Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic
Staff strike*. Shockwaves from your staff deal bludgeoning and sonic damage plus deafen creatures; slamming staff can also knock creatures down.
5th-Level Spells
Arcane Ram*. Shaped force deals 3d6 damage plus delivers bull rush.
Blight. Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature.
Transmute Rock to Mud. Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.
6th-Level Spells
Acid Fog. Fog deals acid damage.
Chain Lightning. 1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage.
Disintegrate. Makes one creature or object vanish.
7th-Level Spells
Delayed Blast Fireball. 1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for 5 rounds.
Greater Staff strike *. As staff strike, except more damage and power.
8th-Level Spells
Incendiary Cloud. Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round.
Shout, Greater. Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects.
9th-Level Spells
Mage’s Disjunction. Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.
Meteor Swarm. Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage.
Minor Power: Sundering Touch (Su)
The eldritch weaver adds destructive power to her touch, granting a +5 bonus on a single Strength check to break an unattended object.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can make a touch attack against an object in order to deal it damage or make a sunder attempt against an object in another creature’s possession (resolve the sunder attempt exactly as you would if the eldritch weaver were using a slashing or bludgeoning weapon). The eldritch weaver’s touch deals 2d6+5 points of damage to the object, though a target object’s hardness (if any) applies.
Major Power: Sundering Ray (Su)
This power works like the sundering touch power, except it produces a ray up to 30 feet long. When attacking an unattended object with the ray, the eldritch weaver gains a +7 bonus to a single Strength check to attempt to break the object, or deals 2d6+7 points of damage.
If the eldritch weaver uses the ray to sunder an object in another creature’s possession, the attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The eldritch weaver makes a normal attack roll against the Armor Class of a foe’s weapon or shield, not an opposed attack roll.
Thread of Dimension
1st-Level Spells
Enlarge Person. Humanoid creature doubles in size.
Reduce Person. Humanoid creature halves in size.
Spacious Sleeves*. Garment’s sleeves can magically store up to 60 lb. or 6 cubic ft.
2nd-Level Spells
Dimension Hop*. You, touched objects, and familiar or companion teleport to any spot within close range.
Rope Trick. As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space.
3rd-Level Spells
Blink. You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.
Shrink item. Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size.
4th-Level Spells
Dimensional Anchor. Bars extradimensional movement.
Enlarge Person, Mass. Enlarges several creatures.
Reduce Person, Mass. Reduces several creatures.
5th-Level Spells
Secret ChestF. Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will.
Teleport. Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level.
6th-Level Spells
Shadow Walk. Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
WarpwallM*. Dimensional barrier blocks line of effect, provides cover, transports creatures that touch it.
7th-Level Spells
Teleport, Greater. As teleport, but no range limit and no off-target arrival.
Teleport Object. As teleport, but affects a touched object.
Ethereal Jaunt. You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
8th-Level Spells
Dimensional Lock. Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level.
Maze. Traps subject in extradimensional maze.
9th-Level Spells
Astral ProjectionM. Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane.
Etherealness. Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Minor Power: Dimensional Shield (Su)
The eldritch weaver can literally warp the space around him to grant him soft cover (+4 AC bonus) against melee or ranged attacks. This bonus stacks with any AC bonus the eldritch weaver gains from another source, but the eldritch weaver takes a -2 penalty on his own melee and ranged attacks while the power is in effect.
The power lasts 2d4 rounds once invoked, but the eldritch weaver can dismiss it as a free action.
Major Power: Fold Dimensions (Su)
The eldritch weaver can warp the space within a continuous area equal to four 10-foot cubes (shaped any way she wishes), inside which distance can be extended or contracted, even to the point of ceasing to exist altogether.
If the eldritch weaver chooses to expand distance within the area, each 5-foot square effectively becomes a 10-foot by 10-foot space. Creatures and loose unattended objects within the area maintain their sizes and positions relative to each other, but the distances between them suddenly double. Immobile fixed objects, such as floors and doors, double their sizes.
If the eldritch weaver chooses to contract distance within the area, each 10-foot by 10-foot space effectively becomes a 5-foot square. Creatures and loose, unattended objects within the area maintain their sizes and positions relative to each other, but the distances between are halved. Creatures and loose unattended objects too large to fit in the reduced area are forced into the nearest open space big enough to hold them. Immobile fixed objects, such as floors and doors, shrink by half.
If the eldritch weaver chooses to make distance cease to exist in the affected area, the area becomes a null space, with any creature or object entering it immediately emerging on the other side as though the space does not exist. Creatures and objects cannot pass through solid objects in this manner, and their movement is blocked at the edge of the nullspace if that movement would take them through a solid object or cause them to end their movement there.
Creatures and objects within the nullspace remain unaffected until they attempt to move, at which point they are immediately ejected to the nearest open space that can hold them. Unattended objects remain in the nullspace.
No matter which effect the eldritch weaver chooses, the affected space appears normal to anyone looking in or through it. Only entering or passing through the area reveals anything amiss, though a true seeing spell reveals the altered space as being either stretched out or pushed in on itself.
Unattended objects in a null space become nearly untouchable, though creatures can try to reach inside the space to manipulate them by using a full-round action and making a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). On a failed save, the creature fumbles blindly around and fails to actually touch or affect anything in the nullspace.
Ranged attacks and magical effects cannot extend into a nullspace. The affected area provides cover (+4 AC bonus, +2 bonus on Reflex saves) if line of effect between an attacker and a defender (or between an effect’s point of origin and its subject) passes through any part of the affected area.
Thread of Earth
1st-Level Spells
Grease. Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
Magic Weapon. Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Pass without Trace. One subject/level leaves no tracks.
2nd-Level Spells
Dust Wall*. Curtain of airborne dust grants soft cover, blinds living creatures.
Earthmaw*. Gaping maw in the ground bites to grapple and swallow any creature in its space.
Stonefist*. Stony shell encases your hand, grants bonuses on unarmed strikes.
3rd-Level Spells
Magic Weapon, Greater. +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
Meld into Stone. You and your gear merge with stone.
Tremor*. Minor earthquake shakes 40-ft. radius, deals nonlethal damage and can collapse structures.
4th-Level Spells
Dust Cloud*. Obscures vision, blinds creatures, impedes movement.
Stone Shape. Sculpts stone into any shape.
Stoneskin M. Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
5th-Level Spells
Alter MetalM*. Transmute 1 lb./level (max. 20 lb.) of metal objects.
Passwall. Creates passage through wood or stone wall.
Wall of Stone. Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
6th-Level Spells
Flesh to Stone. Turns subject creature into statue.
Move Earth. Digs trenches and builds hills.
Stone to Flesh. Restores petrified creature.
Wall of IronM. 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.
7th-Level Spells
Earthwalk*. Gain burrow speed of 20 ft.
Statue. Subject can become a statue at will.
8th-Level Spells
Iron Body. Your body becomes living iron.
Earthquake. Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.
9th-Level Spells
Earthform*. Transmute your body into solid earth to gain Str bonus, burrow speed, damage reduction, special abilities.
Imprisonment. Entombs subject beneath the earth.
Minor Power:
Call Earth Elemental (Su)
As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the eldritch weaver can call a Small earth elemental (see the MM) to a location within 60 feet of herself. The elemental can act immediately upon arriving, and it serves the eldritch weaver for 1 round per class level. This is a calling effect (see Chapter Ten in the PHB), but otherwise works just like a summon monster spell. At 6th level, the eldritch weaver can call one Medium or up to two Small earth elementals with a single use of this power. At 12th level, the eldritch weaver call one Large, or up to two Medium or four Small earth elementals.
Once the eldritch weaver uses this power, she must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again, though her Wisdom bonus still determines how often she can use it each day (see Minor Thread Power in the eldritch weaver class description in Chapter Three).
Major Power: Create/Destroy Earth (Su)
The eldritch weaver can instantly create a small slab of pure earth or stone, or cause the same volume of earth or stone to vanish. He can create a 2-inch thick slab of stone that covers eight 5-foot squares within 60 feet of himself, but the slab cannot be conjured so it occupies the same space as a creature or another object. The stone slab is similar to a wall of stone spell, except it need not be placed so it merges with existing stone (though it can be).
If placed so it is not merged with and supported by existing stone, the slab must be flat but can be placed horizontally or vertically. When created vertically and not attached to the surface it sits on, the slab can be tipped over to fall on and crush creatures beneath it. The slab is 50% likely to tip in either direction if not pushed, put can be pushed in one direction or the other with a DC 30 Strength check. Creatures with room to flee the falling slab may do so by making successful Reflex saves (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). Any Large or smaller creature that fails takes 6d6 points of damage, but the wall cannot crush Huge and larger creatures.
If placed so it is merged with and supported by existing stone, the slab can be shaped just as a wall of stone spell (made longer and wider by reducing its thickness, or formed into some shape the eldritch weaver desires).
When used to destroy earth, the power causes a single mundane earthen object (clay, dirt, rock, sand, or stone) of up to Large size to vanish.
The eldritch weaver can also use the power to destroy earth as a targeted effect against a single creature with the earth subtype, or against a Large or larger object earth or stone object, within 60 feet. The eldritch weaver deals 1d6 points of damage per two class levels (maximum 10d6) to target creatures, or 3d6 points of damage if the target creature makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). In either event, if the damage dealt reduces an earth creature to 0 or fewer hit points, it is destroyed without a trace.
A Huge or larger earth object likewise takes 1d6 points of damage per two class levels (maximum 10d6), and the attack ignores the object’s hardness.
Thread of Emotions
1st-Level Spells
Cause Fear. One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Id Seizure*. Disorienting thoughts limit actions in target creature.
Read Emotions*. Reveals creatures’ emotional states and strength.
2nd-Level Spells
Calm Emotions. Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
Hideous Laughter. Subject loses actions for 1 round/level.
Scare. Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
3rd-Level Spells
Crushing Despair. Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Good Hope. Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Rage. Subjects gains +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.
4th-Level Spells
Fear. Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
Maddening Insult*. Uncontrollable anger drives target creature to attack you with penalty to AC and on attack rolls.
Phantasmal Killer. Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
5th-Level Spells
Dominate Person. Controls humanoid telepathically.
Song of Discord. Forces targets to attack each other.
Waves of Fatigue. Several targets become fatigued.
6th-Level Spells
Eyebite. Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
Symbol of FearM. Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.
Symbol of PersuasionM. Triggered rune charms nearby creatures.
7th-Level Spells
Insanity. Subject suff ers continuous confusion.
Waves of Exhaustion. Several targets become exhausted.
8th-Level Spells
Antipathy. Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
SympathyM. Object or location attracts certain creatures.
9th-Level Spells
Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but any creature.
Minor Power: Calming Touch (Su)
The eldritch weaver’s touch induces calm in a living creature, similar to the effects of a calm emotions spell except it affects only a single creature and the effect lasts 1d4+1 rounds (or until broken by an attack on the creature). A touched creature can avoid the effects with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier).
Major Power: Control Emotions (Su)
The eldritch weaver can induce a strong emotion in a single living creature within 30 feet (including himself) with each use:
- Despair: The creature takes a –2 penalty to saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Despair counters and dispels hope effects (including the good hope spell), but only for the targeted creature.
- Fear: The creature becomes panicked and flees from the eldritch weaver. Fear counters and dispels rage effects (including the rage class feature and the rage spell), but only for the targeted creature.
- Camaraderie: The creature reacts more positively toward others, taking a –5 penalty to Sense Motive checks made to resist Bluff attempts, and granting a +5 bonus on Diplomacy checks made to improve its attitude (NPCs only). Camaraderie counters and dispels hostility.
- Hostility: The creature reacts more negatively toward others, gaining a +5 morale bonus to Sense Motive checks made to resist Bluff attempts, and adding +5 to the DC of Diplomacy checks made to improve its attitude (NPCs only). Hostility counters and dispels camaraderie.
- Hope: The creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Hope counters and dispels despair effects (including the crushing despair spell), but only for the targeted creature.
- Rage: The creature gains a +2 morale bonus to its Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a –1 penalty to AC, then attacks the closest enemy (or the closest creature if no recognized enemy is in line of sight). This rage effect does not stack with the effects of the rage class feature or the rage spell, but it counters and dispels all fear effects.
All emotions induced through this power are mind-affecting effects, and last for 1 round per point of the eldritch weaver’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round). If desired, the subject can avoid the effects of this power with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier).
Thread of the Executioner
1st-Level Spells
Cause Fear. One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Chill Touch. One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
Inflict Light Wounds. Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
2nd-Level Spells
Ghoul Touch. Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened.
Inflict Moderate Wounds. Touch attack, 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
Scare. Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
3rd-Level Spells
Hold Person. Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
Inflict Serious Wounds. Touch attack, 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
Vampiric Touch. Touch deals 1d6/two levels damage; caster gains damage as hp.
4th-Level Spells
Enervation. Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
Inflict Critical Wounds. Touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
Phantasmal Killer. Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
5th-Level Spells
Cloudkill. Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.
Hold Monster. As hold person, but any creature.
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass. Deals 1d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
Slay Living. Touch attack kills subject.
6th-Level Spells
Circle of DeathM. Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures.
Harm. Deals 10 points/level damage to target.
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass. Deals 2d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
7th-Level Spells
Finger of Death. Kills one subject.
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass. Deals 3d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
8th-Level Spells
Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass. Deals 4d8 damage +1/level to many creatures.
Symbol of DeathM. Triggered rune slays nearby creatures.
9th-Level Spells
Power Word Kill. Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.
Wail of the Banshee. Kills one creature/level.
Minor Power: Resist Fear (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power in order to gain spell resistance (equal to the eldritch weaver’s class level +10) against magical fear effects for 1d6 minutes. Only the eldritch weaver benefits from the resistance, which applies to only one use of any particular fear effect. If this power fails to protect the eldritch weaver against a particular fear effect, she is still entitled to any saving throw that effect normally allows.
Major Power: Resist Death (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power in order to gain spell resistance (equal to the eldritch weaver’s class level +10) against magical death effects for 1d6 minutes. Only the eldritch weaver benefits from the resistance, which applies to only one use of any particular death effect. If this power fails to protect the eldritch weaver against a particular death effect, he is still entitled to any saving throw that effect normally allows.
This power also allows the eldritch weaver to avoid death, such that any attack that would reduce him to 0 or fewer hit points has a 50% chance to reduce him to 1 hit point instead. If the attack deals more than 50 points of damage, the eldritch weaver does not need to make the required Fortitude save against death by massive damage (see Injury and Death in Chapter Eight of the PHB).
Regardless of how many daily uses of this power he normally has, the eldritch weaver can avoid death only once per day.
Thread of Factotums
1st-Level Spells
Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Summon Monster I. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Unseen Servant. Invisible force obeys your commands.
2nd-Level Spells
Command Undead. Undead creature obeys your commands.
Summon Monster II. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Summon Swarm. Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.
3rd-Level Spells
Phantom Steed. Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
Summon Monster III. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Suggestion. Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
4th-Level Spells
Animate DeadM. Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Summon Monster IV. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
5th-Level Spells
Dominate Person. Controls humanoid telepathically.
Planar Binding, Lesser. Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
Summon Monster V. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
6th-Level Spells
Planar Binding, Lesser. Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
Suggestion, Mass. As suggestion, plus one subject/level.
Summon Monster VI. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
7th-Level Spells
Control Undead. Undead don’t attack you while under your command.
SimulacrumMX. Creates partially real double of a creature.
Summon Monster VII. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
8th-Level Spells
Charm Monster, Mass. As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
Planar Binding, Greater. As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD.
Summon Monster VIII. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
9th-Level Spells
Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but any creature.
Summon Monster IX. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Minor Power: Strengthen Servant (Su)
The eldritch weaver can use this power as a free action when casting any conjuration spell that produces a creature which serves him, with the creature gaining a +2 bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws. The creature also gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and 1 temporary hit point per eldritch weaver level. These benefits lasts 1d4+1 minutes, or until the spell that produced the creature expires. If the spell produces multiple creatures, the eldritch weaver chooses which single creature is affected when the spell is cast, and this choice cannot be changed (even if the chosen creature is slain or dispelled before the effect ends).
The eldritch weaver can use this power only once per spell, though his Wisdom bonus still determines how often he can use it each day (see Minor Thread Power in the eldritch weaver class description in Chapter Three).
Major Power: Succor Servant (Su)
This power allows the eldritch weaver a limited ability to protect a creature serving her from harm. The creature must be bound to the eldritch weaver in some special way—typically a familiar, animal companion, cohort, special mount from a class feature, or a creature obligated to serve the eldritch weaver through a conjuration or compulsion effect.
The eldritch weaver must touch the creature to bestow the effect, whereupon she gains a sixth sense granting her instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm to the subject, and can warn the subject of the danger provided she has some means of communicating that information. Once per round as a move action, the eldritch weaver can grant the subject a +2 insight bonus on any one saving throw or check made to avoid danger, or a +2 insight bonus to AC against one attack.
Once while the effect lasts, the eldritch weaver can transfer the subject and all objects it is wearing and carrying at the time the succor effect was received (to a maximum 50 lb. of nonliving objects, or the subject’s heavy load, whichever is less) to within 10 feet of the eldritch weaver. This transportation works just like a greater teleport spell, except the eldritch weaver and the subject must be on the same plane and the eldritch weaver can use this power on a single creature only once per day.
Thread of Fire
1st-Level Spells
Affect Flames*. Dampen or fan nonmagical fires.
Burning Hands. 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Produce Flame. 1d6 damage +1/ level, touch or thrown.
2nd-Level Spells
Flaming Sphere. Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level.
Pyrotechnics. Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.
Scorching Ray. Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3).
3rd-Level Spells
Fireball. 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
Flame Arrow. Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage.
Quench. Extinguishes nonmagical fires or one magic item.
4th-Level Spells
Fire Shield. Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.
Fire TrapM. Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level damage.
Wall of Fire. Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.
5th-Level Spells
Enchanting Flames*. Creatures are fascinated by nonmagical fire source.
Produce Searing Flame*. Flames deal 2d6+1/level fire damage as melee or ranged attack.
6th-Level Spells
Fire Imps*. Swarm of Tiny fire elementals attack opponents
Fire Seeds. Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs.
7th-Level Spells
Delayed Blast Fireball. 1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for 5 rounds.
Fire Storm. Deals 1d6/level fire damage.
8th-Level Spells
Incendiary Cloud. Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round.
Ring of Fire*. Shimmering violet fire deals 2d6 fire damage within 10 feet, 1d6 damage between 10 and 20 feet.
9th-Level Spells
Fireform*. Transmute your body into solid flames to gain Dex bonus, speed increase, damage reduction, fire immunity, special abilities.
Meteor Swarm. Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage.
Minor Power: Call Fire Elemental (Su)
As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the eldritch weaver can call a Small fire elemental (see the MM) to a location within 60 feet of himself. The elemental can act immediately upon arriving, and it serves the eldritch weaver for 1 round per class level. This is a calling effect (see Chapter Ten in the PHB), but otherwise works just like a summon monster spell. At 6th level, the eldritch weaver can call one Medium or up to two Small fire elementals with a single use of this power. At 12th level, the eldritch weaver can call one Large, or up to two Medium or four Small fire elementals.
Once the eldritch weaver uses this power, he must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again, though his Wisdom bonus still determines how often he can use it each day (see Minor Thread Power in the eldritch weaver class description in Chapter Three).
Major Power: Create/Destroy Fire (Su)
The eldritch weaver can instantly create approximately 30,000 cubic feet of flame or cause the same volume of fire to vanish. When used to create flames, this power creates a 20-foot-radius burst of flame centered on a point within 60 feet of the caster and dealing 8d6 points of fire damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) reduces damage by half.
If used to destroy fire, this power extinguishes nonmagical fires in a 20-foot-radius burst centered on a point within 60 feet of the eldritch weaver. The effect also dispels any spells with the fire descriptor in its area of effect, though the eldritch weaver must succeed on a caster level check (as greater dispel magic) for each spell to be dispelled.
The eldritch weaver can also use the power to destroy fire as a targeted effect against a single creature with the fire subtype, or against a single magic item which creates or controls fire, within 60 feet. The eldritch weaver deals 1d6 points of damage per two class levels (maximum 10d6) to target creatures, or 3d6 points of damage if the target creature makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). In either event, if the damage dealt reduces an air creature to 0 or fewer hit points, it is destroyed without a trace.
A target magic item takes no damage but loses all its fire-based magical abilities for 1d4 hours unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). Artifacts are immune to this effect.
Thread of Fetters
1st-Level Spells
Animate Rope. Makes a rope move at your command.
Grease. Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
Hold Portal. Holds door shut.
2nd-Level Spells
Arcane LockM. Magically locks a portal or chest.
Ghoul Touch. Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened.
Web. Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs.
3rd-Level Spells
Halt Undead. Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level.
Hold Person. Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
Sepia Snake SigilM. Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader.
4th-Level Spells
Black Tentacles. Tentacles grapple all within 20 ft. spread.
Dimensional Anchor. Bars extradimensional movement.
Resilient Sphere. Force globe protects but traps one subject.
5th-Level Spells
Hold Monster. As hold person, but any creature.
Planar Binding, Lesser. Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.
6th-Level Spells
Flesh to Stone. Turns subject creature into statue.
Geas/Quest. As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature.
Planar Binding. As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
7th-Level Spells
ForcecageM. Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.
Hold Person, Mass. As hold person, but all within 30 ft.
8th-Level Spells
Binding M. Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature.
Dimensional Lock. Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level.
Sequester. Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose.
Trap the SoulMF. Imprisons subject within gem.
9th-Level Spells
Imprisonment. Entombs subject beneath the earth.
Hold Monster, Mass. As hold monster, but all within 30 ft.
Minor Power:
Master of Bindings (Su)
The eldritch weaver’s touch causes ropelike threads to cover a creature and entangle it for 2d4 rounds. The creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity, and is slowed to one-half speed (including flying and swimming creatures). Any spellcasting creature affected by this power must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.
An entangled creature must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) or be bound so securely it falls prone, where threads of force fasten it to the surface and leave it unable to move from the spot (though the creature can still act and even attack foes within its melee reach). A creature that flies with wings falls out of the air if bound this securely, while swimming creatures are slowed to one-quarter speed.
A creature fastened to a surface can break free by making a Strength check (DC 15 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) as a full-round action. Alternatively, the bindings fastening the creature to the surface can be broken with weapon attacks (an automatic hit, with bonds taking 20 points of damage before breaking).
The eldritch weaver can also use this power when making a Use Rope or Escape Artist check, adding his class level as a bonus on the check if he has at least one rank in the skill, or one-half his class level if untrained.
Major Power: Binding Ray (Su)
As master of bindings, except that this power produces a ray up to 30 feet long that causes the target creature to become entangled for 2d8 rounds. If the target creature becomes bound to a surface, the bonds have hardness 10 and 30 hit points.
Thread of Gemini
1st-Level Spells
Disguise Self. Changes your appearance.
Quickscribe*. Magically copy text, images, or spoken words.
Silent Image. Creates minor illusion of your design.
2nd-Level Spells
Alter Self. Assume form of a similar creature.
Minor Image. As silent image, plus some sound.
Mirror Image. Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8).
3rd-Level Spells
Major Image. As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.
Sculpt Sound. Creates new sounds or changes existing ones.
Split Mind*. Gain +2 bonus on Concentration checks, Will saves, Int- and Wis-based checks, plus gain protection against mind-affecting spells or effects.
4th-Level Spells
Hallucinatory Terrain. Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like).
Polymorph. Gives one willing subject a new form.
Replicate ObjectX*. Split object in two to make a functioning copy.
5th-Level Spells
Mirage Arcana. As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.
Persistent Image. As major image, but no concentration required.
Telepathic Bond. Link lets allies communicate.
6th-Level Spells
Mislead. Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Permanent Image. Includes sight, sound, and smell.
Programmed ImageM. As major image, plus triggered by event.
7th-Level Spells
Project Image. Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
SimulacrumMX. Creates partially real double of a creature.
8th-Level Spells
CloneMF. Duplicate awakens when original dies.
9th-Level Spells
ShapechangeF. Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round.
Minor Power: Link Minds (Su)
The eldritch weaver can create a telepathic link between any two creatures (one of which can be her) with Intelligence scores of 3 or higher. The subject or subjects must be within 30 feet of the eldritch weaver and each other when the link is established, but once in place, the creatures can communicate telepathically at any range so long as both have line of sight to each other, or a range of 60 feet without line of sight. One foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks the link, regardless of range.
The link lasts 10 minutes per two eldritch weaver levels, and creatures can communicate freely through the link regardless of language. Unwilling creatures can avoid the link by making a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier).
Major Power: Fate‘s Twin (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates a mystical link allowing any two living creatures (one of which can be him) to share each other’s fate. The subject or subjects must be within 30 feet of the eldritch weaver and each other when the link is established, but once in place, the link has unlimited range so long as both creatures are on the same plane.
Whenever either creature makes a saving throw while the link is in effect, the other linked creature makes a saving throw of the same kind, with the creature making the original save using whichever result is better. However, any damage taken from the effect against which the creature was saving (whether either save was successful or not) is halved and applied to each creature equally (round down). Effects which don’t deal hit point damage are not shared between the two creatures; but if either dies, the other must immediately succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15 + 1/2 the dead creature’s Hit Dice) or gain a number of negative levels equal to the character level of the creature that died (minimum one).
The link lasts 10 minutes per two eldritch weaver levels. Unwilling creatures can avoid the link by making a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier).
Thread of Knowledge
1st-Level Spells
Comprehend Languages. You understand all spoken and written languages.
Detect Secret Doors. Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
IdentifyM. Determines properties of magic item.
2nd-Level Spells
Fox’s Cunning. Subject gains +4 Int for 1 min./level.
Locate Object. Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
Read History*. Gain a sense of an area’s history.
3rd-Level Spells
Arcane Sight. Magical auras become visible to you.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.
4th-Level Spells
Arcane Eye. Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
Locate Creature. Indicates direction to familiar creature.
ScryingF. Spies on subject from a distance.
5th-Level Spells
Contact Other Plane. Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.
Prying Eyes. 1d4 +1/level floating eyes scout for you.
Telepathic Bond. Link lets allies communicate.
6th-Level Spells
Analyze DweomerF. Reveals magical aspects of subject.
Fox’s Cunning, Mass. As fox’s cunning, affects one subject/ level.
Legend LoreMF. Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
7th-Level Spells
Arcane Sight, Greater. As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.
Scrying, Greater. As scrying, but faster and longer.
VisionMX. As legend lore, but quicker and strenuous.
8th-Level Spells
Discern Location. Reveals exact location of creature or object.
Prying Eyes, Greater. As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing.
9th-Level Spells
ShowallM*. See things as they really are, plus study area or object to gain additional information.
Minor Power: Flash of Insight (Su)
As a free action on her own turn, the eldritch weaver can call upon her subconscious to grant her +5 bonus on any Intelligence check or any Intelligence-based skill check.
Major Power: Flash of Genius (Su)
As flash of insight, except that the eldritch weaver gains a bonus on any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check, and on any skill checks based on those abilities. The bonus on ability checks and for skill checks for which the eldritch weaver has ranks in the skill is equal to his class level (one-half class level on skill checks for which the eldritch weaver has no ranks).
Thread of the Mage
1st-Level Spells
IdentifyM. Determines properties of magic item.
Mage Armor. Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Magic Weapon. Weapon gains +1 bonus.
2nd-Level Spells
Arcane LockM. Magically locks a portal or chest.
Knock. Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Locate Object. Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
3rd-Level Spells
Arcane Sight. Magical auras become visible to you.
Dispel Magic. Cancels spells and magical effects.
Illusory ScriptM. Only intended reader can decipher.
4th-Level Spells
Locate Creature. Indicates direction to familiar creature.
Mnemonic EnhancerF. Wizard only. Prepares extra spells or retains one just cast.
ScryingF. Spies on subject from a distance.
5th-Level Spells
Baleful Polymorph. Transforms subject into harmless animal.
Break Enchantment. Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
Telekinesis. Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
6th-Level Spells
ContingencyF. Sets trigger condition for another spell.
Dispel Magic, Greater. As dispel magic, but +20 on check.
Mage’s Lucubration. Wizard only. Recalls spell of 5th level or lower.
7th-Level Spells
Arcane Sight, Greater. As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.
Scrying, Greater. As scrying, but faster and longer.
Spell Turning. Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.
8th-Level Spells
Polymorph Any Object. Changes any subject into anything else.
Protection from SpellsMF. Confers +8 resistance bonus.
9th-Level Spells
Mage’s Disjunction. Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.
RefugeM. Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
Minor Power: Enhance Spell (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can impart extra power to any arcane spell she casts (but not to spells cast from scrolls or other magic items). The eldritch weaver chooses one of the following enhancements, as appropriate to the spell:
- +1 saving throw DC
- +1 to any caster level check made with the spell
- +1 caster level for the spell
The power is wasted if the enhancement chosen isn’t relevant to the spell. For example, it’s useless to improve the saving throw DC for a spell that doesn’t allow a saving throw.
Major Power: Retain Spell (Su)
The eldritch weaver can attempt to retain an arcane spell he casts (but not spells cast from scrolls or other magic items). To do so, the eldritch weaver first must cast the spell as a full-round action (use an additional full-round action to cast the spell if it already has a casting time of a full round or more). As the spell is cast, the eldritch weaver makes a Spellcraft check (DC 20 +2 per spell level), with success indicating the spell has been retained and can be subsequently cast in a later round.
Whether the attempt to retain the spell succeeds or fails, the eldritch weaver takes 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per spell level (1 point of damage for a cantrip). The eldritch weaver cannot take 10 or take 20 on the Spellcraft check.
Thread of the Mendicant
1st-Level Spells
Endure Elements. Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Mount. Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
Summon Monster I. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
2nd-Level Spells
Resist Energy. Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Rope Trick. As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space.
Summon Monster II. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
3rd-Level Spells
Protection from Energy. Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
Summon Monster III. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
4th-Level Spells
Minor Creation. Creates one cloth or wood object.
Secure Shelter. Creates sturdy cottage.
Summon Monster IV. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
Tiny Hut. Creates shelter for ten creatures.
5th-Level Spells
Fabricate. Transforms raw materials into finished items.
Major Creation. As minor creation, plus stone and metal.
Summon Monster V. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
6th-Level Spells
Instant SummonsM. Prepared object appears in your hand.
Summon Monster VI. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
7th-Level Spells
Limited WishX. Alters reality—within spell limits.
Mage’s Magnificent MansionF. Door leads to extradimensional mansion.
Summon Monster VII. Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.
8th-Level Spells
Demand. As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
Polymorph Any Object. Changes any subject into anything else.
9th-Level Spells
WishX. As limited wish, but with fewer limits.
Minor Power:
Resourceful Entreaty (Su)
The eldritch weaver can use this power to create a single object up to Diminutive size (maximum weight 2 lb., maximum volume 1 cubic foot) with a maximum market value of 1 gp. The eldritch weaver can also conjure a group of similar objects whose total weight and volume don’t exceed the power’s limit (trail rations or a pile of 100 copper coins, for example). The conjured object or objects appear in the eldritch weaver’s hand or within arm’s reach, and last up to 5 minutes per class level or until consumed or expended. The conjured object cannot function as a material component for a spell, but will provide sustenance if imbibed.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can use this power to gain a bonus on a single Diplomacy or Bluff check made to convince another of the truth of his words or to persuade a creature to take some action (but not on other uses of the Bluff skill, such as feinting in combat, creating a diversion to hide, or communicating a hidden message via innuendo.) The eldritch weaver adds his class level as a bonus on the check if he has at least one rank in the skill, or one-half his class level if untrained.
Major Power: Zone of Comfort (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates a 20-foot emanation, centered on herself, shielding those within it from precipitation caused by inclement weather, but not from storms (see Chapter Three in the DMG) or from precipitation caused by any magical effect.
Although the temperature inside the emanation remains the same as the temperature in the surrounding area, creatures within the area (and their equipment) don’t suffer the effects of a hot or cold environment. Shielded creatures will remain comfortable in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves (see Chapter Eight in the DMG), and gain cold and fire resistance 1.
Once invoked, the emanation lasts 4 hours.
Thread of the Mind
1st-Level Spells
Charm Person. Makes one person your friend.
Read Emotions*. Reveals creatures’ emotional states and strength.
Telekinetic Puppet*. Move an inanimate object as though it was a marionette.
2nd-Level Spells
Detect Thoughts. Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
Touch of Idiocy. Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis, and Cha damage.
Read History*. Gain a sense of an area’s history.
3rd-Level Spells
Steely Will*. Recipient gains defenses against charms, compulsions, and mind-affecting effects.
Suggestion. Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
Third Eye*. Additional eye grants +4 on Search and Spot checks, prevents you from being flanked.
4th-Level Spells
Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Mnemonic Enhancer F. Wizard only. Prepares extra spells or retains one just cast.
ScryingF. Spies on subject from a distance.
5th-Level Spells
Dominate Person. Controls humanoid telepathically.
Telekinesis. Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
Telepathic Bond. Link lets allies communicate.
6th-Level Spells
Mage’s Lucubration. Recalls spell of 5th level or lower.
Suggestion, Mass. As suggestion, plus one subject/level.
True SeeingM. Lets you see all things as they really are.
7th-Level Spells
Insanity. Subject suffers continuous confusion.
Scrying, Greater. As scrying, but faster and longer.
8th-Level Spells
Charm Monster, Mass. As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
Mind Blank. Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
9th-Level Spells
Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but any creature.
Minor Power: Guarded Mind (Su)
By invoking this power, the eldritch weaver gains a +2 bonus on Will saves for 1d4+1 minutes. If the eldritch weaver should fail a saving throw against any charm or compulsion effect while this power lasts, he can attempt a new saving throw at the original DC after 1d4 rounds (assuming the effect is still in operation). The eldritch weaver gets only one extra saving throw against any particular charm or compulsion effect.
Major Power: Mental Shock (Su)
This power creates a line of terrible mental force 30 feet long. Creatures in the area must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) or be dazed for 1d4 rounds.
Thread of Oration
1st-Level Spells
Charm Person. Makes one person your friend.
Comprehend Languages. You understand all spoken and written languages.
Ventriloquism. Throws voice for 1 min./level.
2nd-Level Spells
Enthrall. Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
Hideous Laughter. Subject loses actions for 1 round/level.
Magic MouthM. Speaks once when triggered.
3rd-Level Spells
Heroism. Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
Suggestion. Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
Tongues. Speak any language.
4th-Level Spells
Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Shout. Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic
Secret Speech*. You and creatures you select conceal hidden messages in your normal speech.
5th-Level Spells
Dominate Person. Controls humanoid telepathically.
Sending. Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
6th-Level Spells
Heroism, Greater. Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.
Suggestion, Mass. As suggestion, plus one subject/level.
7th-Level Spells
Power Word Blind. Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
Charm Monster, Mass. As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
8th-Level Spells
Demand. As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
Power Word Stun. Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
9th-Level Spells
Power Word Kill. Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.
Minor Power: Skilled Oration (Su)
This power makes the eldritch weaver’s voice more compelling.When the eldritch weaver makes a Bluff , Diplomacy, or Perform (Oration) check, she adds her class level as a bonus on the check if she has at least one rank in the skill, or one-half her class level if untrained.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can create a 20-foot emanation to negate sonic or language-dependant effects. This use of the power lasts as long as the eldritch weaver speaks and concentrates, during which time she makes a level check (1d20 + class level) each round. Sonic or language-dependent effects are negated within the emanation unless the creatures wielding those effects make a level check equal to or higher than the eldritch weaver’s level check.
If a creature is already under the effect of an ongoing sonic or language-dependent effect when it finds itself within the emanation, the effect is negated if the wielder’s level check fails to overcome the eldritch weaver’s.
Major Power: Great Oration (Su)
The eldritch weaver can hold creatures spellbound with his voice, affecting up to one creature per point of Wisdom bonus (minimum one) if he speaks continuously for a full round. To be affected, the creature and the eldritch weaver must have line of sight to each other and the creature must be able to hear the eldritch weaver speak. Creatures with Intelligence scores of 2 or lower are not affected.
An affected creature must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) or become dazed, taking no actions as it sits or stands calmly and listens to the oration. The creature remains dazed for as long as the eldritch weaver continues to speak and concentrate (up to a maximum of 1 round per two eldritch weaver levels). Any attack upon or damage dealt to the creature allows it a new saving throw.
The eldritch weaver and the subject creature need not share a common language, but if they don’t, the subject gains a +2 bonus on its save. Likewise, the subject creature gains +2 bonus on its save if it is a different creature type than the eldritch weaver, and gains a further +2 bonus whenever combat or some other distraction is occurring in the area.
After holding creatures dazed for at least 1 round, the eldritch weaver can attempt to impose one of three additional effects. As any saves allowed against the new effects, the attempt allows creatures a new saving throw against the great oration’s original daze effect.
- Suggestion, as the spell. All the creatures affected must be given the same suggestion, which lasts a maximum of 1 minute.
- Confusion, as the spell, except that the effect lasts a maximum of 1 minute.
- Hideous laughter, as the spell, except that the effect lasts 1 round per two eldritch weaver levels.
This power is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Thread of the Rogue
1st-Level Spells
Jump. Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.
Slip Bonds*. Subject gains bonus on Escape Artist checks, can squeeze through small spaces.
Unseen Servant. Invisible force obeys your commands.
2nd-Level Spells
Cat’s Grace. Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
Knock. Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Spider Climb. Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
3rd-Level Spells
Displacement. Attacks miss subject 50%.
Gaseous Form. Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
Shrink Item. Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size.
4th-Level Spells
Arcane Eye. Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
Dimension Door. Teleports you short distance.
Invisibility, Greater. As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.
5th-Level Spells
Alter MetalM*. Transmute 1 lb./level (max. 20 lb.) of metal objects.
Passwall. Creates passage through wood or stone wall.
Telekinesis. Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
6th-Level Spells
Cat’s Grace, Mass. As cat’s grace, affects one subject/level.
ContingencyF. Sets trigger condition for another spell.
7th-Level Spells
Ethereal Jaunt. You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
Phase Door. Creates an invisible passage through wood or stone.
8th-Level Spells
Polymorph Any Object. Changes any subject into anything else.
Screen. Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
9th-Level Spells
Astral ProjectionM. Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane.
Etherealness. Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
Minor Power: Evade Foe (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver selects one foe and gains a 20% miss chance against that foe’s attacks for 1 round. If the eldritch weaver is subject to another effect that imposes a miss chance on attacks against him (such as concealment or a blur spell), each miss chance is checked separately (with the higher chance typically checked first).
The eldritch weaver cannot attack the foe he is evading with this power, though he still threatens that foe if he is armed. Should the eldritch weaver attack the foe he is evading (including making an attack of opportunity against that foe), the effect of this power is negated (though the eldritch weaver could use the power against the same foe during his next turn).
Major Power: Precise Attack (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can designate one melee or ranged attack she makes as a precise attack, dealing an additional 2d6 points of damage on a successful hit. The eldritch weaver cannot use this power against a foe that is not normally subject to sneak attacks or critical hits (such as constructs and undead), and if the precise attack is a ranged attack, the foe must be within 30 feet.
If the eldritch weaver also has the sneak attack ability, the damage from a precise attack stacks with any sneak attack damage the eldritch weaver might deal.
Thread of the Scribe
1st-Level Spells
Comprehend Languages. You understand all spoken and written languages.
Erase. Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
Quickscribe*. Magically copy text, images, or spoken words.
2nd-Level Spells
Arcane Seal, LesserM*. Magic seal protects door or other closure, can deal energy damage if broken.
Obscure Text*. Magical or mundane writing appears illegible.
Secret Page. Changes one page to hide its real content.
3rd-Level Spells
Explosive Runes. Deals 6d6 damage when read.
Illusory ScriptM. Only intended reader can decipher.
Sepia Snake SigilM. Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader.
4th-Level Spells
Arcane SealM*. As lesser arcane seal, except greater strength and damage.
Secret MissiveM*. Short message is concealed within larger text.
Symbol of DespairM*. Triggered rune fills nearby creatures with utter despair.
5th-Level Spells
Symbol of PainM. Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain.
Symbol of SleepM. Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.
Tangled ScriptM*. Reading text deals Int damage, causes creatures to be fascinated.
6th-Level Spells
Arcane Seal, GreaterM*. As lesser arcane seal, except greater strength and damage.
Symbol of FearM. Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.
Symbol of PersuasionM. Triggered rune charms nearby creatures.
7th-Level Spells
Symbol of StunningM. Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures.
Symbol of WeaknessM. Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures.
8th-Level Spells
Symbol of DeathM. Triggered rune slays nearby creatures.
Symbol of InsanityM. Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane.
9th-Level Spells
Symbol of DestructionM*. Triggered rune destroys nearby creatures and consumes their remains.
Minor Power: Quicken Scroll (Ex)
The eldritch weaver can activate one spell from a scroll as a free action, provided the spell has a casting time of one standard action or less.
Major Power: Delay Spell (Su)
As a full-round action, the eldritch weaver can cast a spell and cause its effects to be delayed for up to 1 round per class level. A delayed spell is cast according to all the same rules as a normal spell (including provoking attacks of opportunity).While casting the spell, the eldritch weaver scribes a magical inscription, tracing glowing script on an object, a willing creature, or into empty air. This script glows dimly, shedding about as much light as a candle. A successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) allows a viewer to identify the delayed spell.
When the specified delay is up, the spell takes effect at whatever point the caster left the inscription. Delayed spells with touch range are wasted unless the caster leaves the inscription somewhere that the spell can take effect. For example, a delayed shocking grasp will take effect normally if inscribed onto a person, but would be wasted if scribed into empty air or onto an unattended object.
A spell with personal range or targets the caster is ineffective as a delayed spell unless the caster places the inscription on himself or his equipment. Likewise, effects that spring from the caster’s person are wasted unless the caster places the inscription on himself or his equipment. Spells with areas or effects take effect where the inscription is left, with the point of origin for the area or effect centered on the inscription.
The glowing script from a delayed spell has the same magical aura as the spell itself when the spell is active. A delayed spell is subject to dispelling, with the dispel attempt simply directed at the glowing inscription.
If the spell to be delayed has a casting time longer than one standard action, casting it as a delayed spell requires one additional full-round action.
Thread of Shadows
1st-Level Spells
Affect Flames*. Dampen or fan nonmagical fires.
Sleep. Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Torchdim*. Reduce illumination from mundane and magical light.
2nd-Level Spells
Blindness/Deafness. Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Darkness. 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Invisibility. Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
3rd-Level Spells
Deep Slumber. Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
Displacement. Attacks miss subject 50%.
Invisibility Sphere. Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible.
4th-Level Spells
Deeper Darkness. Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius.
Invisibility, Greater. As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.
Shadow Conjuration: Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real.
5th-Level Spells
Mind Fog. Subjects in fog get -10 to Wis and Will checks.
Shadow Evocation. Mimics evocation of lower than 5th level, but only 20% real.
6th-Level Spells
Mislead. Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Shadow Walk. Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
7th-Level Spells
Project Image. Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
Shadow Conjuration, Greater. As shadow conjuration, but up to 6th level and 60% real.
8th-Level Spells
Shadow Evocation, Greater. As shadow evocation, but up to 7th level and 60% real.
9th-Level Spells
Shades. As shadow conjuration, but up to 8th level and 80% real.
Minor Power:
Lesser Shadow Form (Su)
Upon invoking this power, the eldritch weaver becomes immune to poison and critical hits, and gains a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks in areas of weak or dim light (anything less than direct sunlight or a daylight spell) for 1d4+1 rounds.
Major Power: Shadow Form (Su)
Upon invoking this power, the eldritch weaver and all her gear become partially incorporeal for 1d4+1 rounds or until dismissed. The eldritch weaver loses all benefits from her armor and natural armor bonuses, though her AC bonuses from size and Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor bonuses from force effects or ghost touch armor still apply. The eldritch weaver can fly at a speed of 30 feet (perfect maneuverability) and her land speed increases by +30 feet. Physical attacks against her have a 50% miss chance, though magical effects work normally, and. the eldritch weaver’s own physical attacks and magical attacks that rely on touch fail 25% of the time.
While in shadow form, the eldritch weaver can move through (but not see through) solid objects. However, for each 5 feet of solid material she passes through, there is a 50% chance that the eldritch weaver is shunted off to the nearest open space, taking 1d6 points of damage per 5 feet so traveled.
Thread of the Skald
1st-Level Spells
Alarm. Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Hypnotism. Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Ventriloquism. Throws voice for 1 min./level.
2nd-Level Spells
Blindness/Deafness. Makes subject blinded or deafened.
Eagle’s Splendor. Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.
Enthrall. Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
3rd-Level Spells
Glibness. You gain +30 bonus on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical discernment.
Sculpt Sound. Creates new sounds or changes existing ones.
Tongues. Speak any language.
4th-Level Spells
Break Enchantment. Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
Geas, Lesser. Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
Shout. Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic
5th-Level Spells
Mind Fog. Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks.
Seeming. Changes appearance of one person per two levels.
Sending. Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
6th-Level Spells
Geas/Quest. As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature.
Legend LoreMF. Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.
Eagle’s Splendor, Mass. As eagle’s splendor, affects one subject/level.
7th-Level Spells
Limited WishX. Alters reality—within spell limits.
Project Image. Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
8th-Level Spells
Demand. As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
Shout, Greater. Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects.
9th-Level Spells
Wail of the Banshee. Kills one creature/level.
Minor Power:
Harmonic Performance (Su)
This power creates harmonics in a 10-foot emanation centered on the eldritch weaver, which negates sonic or language-dependant effects for 1d4+1 rounds. Each round, the eldritch weaver makes a level check (1d20 + class level), with sonic or language-dependent effects negated within the emanation unless the creatures wielding those effects make a level check equal to or higher than the eldritch weaver’s level check.
If a creature is already under the effect of an ongoing sonic or language-dependent effect when it finds itself within the emanation, the effect is negated if the wielder’s level check fails to overcome the eldritch weaver’s.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can use this power when making a Perform check, adding her class level as a bonus on the check if she has at least one rank in the skill, or one-half her class level if untrained.
Major Power:
Destructive Harmonics (Su)
This power creates harmonics in a 10-foot-radius burst centered anywhere within 60 feet of the eldritch weaver. Objects, constructs, and undead within the burst take 3d8 points of sonic damage, while living creatures within the area of effect are deafened for 1d4 rounds and may be stunned for 1 round if they fail a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier).
Creatures, attended objects, and unattended magic items in the burst are allowed Fortitude saves against the effect, with objects, constructs, and undead taking no damage on a successful save.
Thread of Smiting
1st-Level Spells
Chill Touch. One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
Magic Missile. 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
True Strike. +20 on your next attack roll.
2nd-Level Spells
Bull’s Strength. Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Shatter. Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
Touch of Idiocy. Subject takes 1d6 points of Int, Wis, and Cha damage.
3rd-Level Spells
Heroism. Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
Ray of Exhaustion. Ray makes subject exhausted.
Vampiric Touch. Touch deals 1d6/two levels damage; caster gains damage as hp.
4th-Level Spells
Enervation. Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
Ice Storm. Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Shout. Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic
5th-Level Spells
Interposing Hand. Hand provides cover against one opponent.
Feeblemind. Subject’s Int and Cha drop to 1.
Forceful Hand. Hand pushes creatures away.
Telekinesis. Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
6th-Level Spells
Heroism, Greater. Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.
Bull’s Strength, Mass. As bull’s strength, affects one subject/level.
7th-Level Spells
Grasping Hand. Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.
Mage’s Sword F. Floating magic blade strikes opponents.
Power Word Blind. Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
8th-Level Spells
Clenched Fist. Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes.
Power Word Stun. Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
9th-Level Spells
Crushing Hand. Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes.
Power Word Kill. Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.
Minor Power: Unarmed Strike (Ex)
The eldritch weaver can use the attack or full attack action to deal an unarmed blow (or several unarmed blows if his base attack bonus is high enough) without provoking an attack of opportunity. The eldritch weaver can deliver the blows with either hand or even with elbows, knees, and feet (and so can make unarmed strikes even with his hands full). He never suffers the penalty for an off -hand attack using this power, and always applies his full Strength bonus to the damage he deals.
The eldritch weaver’s unarmed strike deals either lethal or nonlethal damage at the character’s discretion, with no penalty on the attack roll. Damage dealt while grappling can likewise be lethal or nonlethal. The eldritch weaver’s unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either weapon type.
Damage dealt with this power depends on the eldritch weaver’s size:
Size | Unarmed Damage |
Tiny | 1d3 |
Small | 1d4 |
Medium | 1d6 |
Large | 1d8 |
Huge | 2d6 |
Gargantuan | 2d8 |
Colossal | 4d6 |
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can use the unarmed strike as a secondary natural attack when he uses the full attack action with a weapon, making a single extra attack at his highest base attack bonus (though this attack takes a –2 penalty).
Major Power: Smite (Su)
As a standard action, the eldritch weaver can make a single melee attack at a +4 bonus, getting a bonus on the damage roll equal to her class level if she hits. The eldritch weaver must declare the smite attempt before making the attack.
If the eldritch weaver uses this power in conjunction with the unarmed strike power, she makes a single unarmed attack as a standard action.
Thread of Spheres
1st-Level Spells
Brimstone*. Fiery stone deals 1d4 fire damage/level (max. 5d4) plus nauseates targets, as melee touch attack or splash weapon.
Pearl of Brilliance*. Silvery sphere deals 1d6 + 1 point/level damage plus dazzles targets (undead take more damage and are blinded), as melee touch attack or splash weapon.
Thought Sphere*. Thoughts become visible for you or touched creature.
2nd-Level Spells
Air Bubble*. Surrounds your head to let you breathe underwater, gain +4 save bonus against airborne disease or poison.
Amber Globes*. Up to five globes of energy deal 1d6 electricity damage total (max. 10d6) as splash weapon, or can be detonated remotely.
Flaming Sphere. Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level.
3rd-Level Spells
Tiny Hut. Creates shelter for ten creatures.
Force Marbles*. Invisible spheres of force impede movement and increase strength of any surface.
Sunglobe*. Searing globe deals 1d8 fire damage/level (max. 10d8) plus blinds targets, as melee touch attack or splash weapon.
4th-Level Spells
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser. Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects.
Puff ball*. Leathery sphere releases acidic vapor and toxic dust as splash weapon, deals 1d8/two levels damage (max. 5d8) plus Con damage and blindness.
Resilient Sphere. Force globe protects but traps one subject.
5th-Level Spells
Brimstone Storm*. Hot, smoking stones deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage plus 3d6 fire damage; smoke obscures vision, grants concealment, and nauseates creatures.
Iron Sphere*. Deals 1d4 piercing/force damage/level (max. 15d4) plus magnetizes metal on targets, as melee touch attack or splash weapon.
6th-Level Spells
Freezing Sphere. Freezes water or deals cold damage. Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser. Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects.
7th-Level Spells
Crystal Globes*. Up to five globes of energy deal 1d6 force damage (max. 20d6) as splash weapon, or can be detonated remotely; one globe petrifies target.
8th-Level Spells
Telekinetic Sphere. As resilient sphere, but you move sphere telekinetically.
9th-Level Spells
Prismatic Sphere. As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
Minor Power: Dancing Sphere (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates a 5-foot diameter pulsating sphere of magical force at any point within 30 feet, shedding light as a lantern and dealing damage at the eldritch weaver’s discretion.
Once created, the sphere moves at a speed of 30 feet through the air or along a surface as the eldritch weaver directs, or can be made to follow a simple movement program set at the time of casting. Directing the sphere requires a move action, but the sphere follows a program without any further attention from the eldritch weaver. Movement programs must be fairly simple and clear (move forward or backward, up or down; follow a circular path at a specified height; move along the left side of a corridor; and so on). Once the eldritch weaver sets a program for the sphere, it cannot be changed.
The sphere can pass through creatures but not solid objects, and if created to deal damage, deals 1d8 points of force damage to any creature in its path not succeeding on a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier).
The sphere lasts 1 minute once created.
Major Power: Stasis Sphere (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates a sphere of magical force large enough to enclose a single object or creature of up to Tiny size. By touching an unattended item or an item he holds while invoking the power, the eldritch weaver places it within the sphere in a state of suspended animation. For the item, time ceases to flow, such that the item does not deteriorate or spoil, and the duration of any spell placed upon it is temporarily suspended for as long as it remains in the sphere (though any effects created by the item are halted while in stasis). For example, if the eldritch weaver placed a sunrod or a lit torch within the sphere for several hours, either item would still be burning when removed as if no time had passed, but would shed no light or heat while in stasis within the sphere.
Once created, the sphere lasts one day or until the eldritch weaver who created it touches it and dismisses the effect (a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity). No force or effect can harm the item within the sphere, and the sphere itself is impervious to damage and to dispelling (though a disintegrate or mage’s disjunction effect destroys it, leaving anything inside unharmed).
The sphere weighs as much as whatever it holds, and if the contents are buoyant enough to float in water the sphere floats as well. Once the sphere is created, anyone can hold or carry it.
A creature placed in the sphere enjoys the same protection as an object, with all biological function ceasing until it is released. Only willing creatures can be placed within the sphere, and while inside, the creature has no senses and no thoughts.
Thread of Storms
1st-Level Spells
Heat Lightning*. Vertical strokes of lightning deal 1d6 nonlethal damage +1/level (max. +5), plus dazzle and set creatures on fire.
Precipitate*. Driving rain, sleet, or snow blocks sight and grants concealment, plus quenches fires, impedes movement.
Shocking Grasp. Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
2nd-Level Spells
Gust of Wind. Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Ride Winds*. Fall safely, levitate, or fly by floating on the air.
Whispering Wind. Sends a short message 1 mile/level.
3rd-Level Spells
Lightning Bolt. Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
Sleet Storm. Hampers vision and movement.
Wind Wall. Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
4th-Level Spells
Call Lightning. Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
Ice Storm. Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Wall of Ice. Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp +1/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures inside.
5th-Level Spells
Cone of Cold. 1d6/level cold damage.
Control Winds. Change wind direction and speed.
6th-Level Spells
Call Lightning Storm. As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt.
Chain Lightning. 1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage.
7th-Level Spells
Control Weather. Changes weather in local area.
Fire Storm. Deals 1d6/level fire damage.
8th-Level Spells
Polar Ray. Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage.
Whirlwind. Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
9th-Level Spells
Storm of Vengeance. Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.
Minor Power: Stormburst (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates an instantaneous blast of icy wind, rain, and lightning that fills a 20-foot-radius burst centered within 30 feet of her. The blast deals 2d6 points of electricity damage and 1d6 points of cold damage to creatures and objects within the burst, and leaves the area drenched with water. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) reduces the damage by half.
Major Power: Stormcloud (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates a mass of roiling cloud shot through with flashes of lightning and churning hailstones. The cloud fills a 30-foot-radius spread initially centered within 60 feet of the eldritch weaver, and lasts 1 round per two class levels. As a move action, the eldritch weaver can direct the cloud at a speed of 30 feet, moving along the ground or through the air but not through solid objects. The cloud can be created underwater, but if so, cannot be made to pass or extend above the surface. Likewise, a cloud created in air cannot be made to pass into or below a body of water.
Creatures and objects within the cloud take 3d8 points of electricity damage, 2d8 points of cold damage, and 2d8 points of bludgeoning damage. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) reduces damage from the cloud by half.
The cloud obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance), while creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target).
Thread of the Sun & Moon
1st-Level Spells
Aff ect Flames*. Dampen or fan nonmagical fires.
Color Spray. Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.
Faerie Fire. Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.
2nd-Level Spells
Darkness. 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Darkvision. See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Hypnotic Pattern. Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures.
3rd-Level Spells
Daylight. 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Searing Light. Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage, more against undead.
Sunglobe*. Searing globe deals 1d8 fire damage/level (max. 10d8) plus blinds targets, as melee touch attack or splash weapon.
4th-Level Spells
Deeper Darkness. Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius.
Rainbow Pattern. Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
Sunray*. Ambient light fuels scorching beam, deals varying damage as ranged touch attack and may set targets on fire.
5th-Level Spells
Cloak of Gloom*. Barrier or personal effect grants concealment, dims light, and saps your enemies’ will.
Moonbright*. Globe of light dazzles and deals 4d4 damage (1d4/level damage against undead).
Shooting Star*. 1d6/two levels fire/sonic damage (max 15d6) along line of path, plus 1d6/two levels fire/sonic damage in 15-ft.-radius burst.
6th-Level Spells
Moonshadows*. Target creatures’ shadows become shadow monsters which attack, dealing 1d4 damage plus 1d4 Str damage.
Sun Motes*. Searing cloud blinds creatures and deals 4d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage/round.
7th-Level Spells
Prismatic Spray. Rays hit subjects with variety of effects.
StarbladeF*. Blade of force is wielded as weapon, deals 3d6 damage.
8th-Level Spells
Blackburst*. Globe of blackness sickens, deals 1d6/level cold/negative energy damage (max. 25d6).
Sunburst. Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage.
9th-Level Spells
Prismatic Sphere. As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
Prismatic Wall. Wall’s colors have array of effects.
Minor Power: Nighteyes (Su)
The eldritch weaver can give himself low-light vision, enabling him to see twice as well as a human at night or in dim illumination, or darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Neither effect stacks with any other source of low-light vision or darkvision.
This effect lasts 1d4+1 hours.
Major Power:
Stone of the Sun and Moon (Su)
To use this power, the eldritch weaver requires a moonstone or crystal prism worth at least 50 gp. As a standard action, the eldritch weaver can make the stone emit a 60-foot cone of dim light or a 30-foot cone of bright light, with either effect lasting for 1d6+1 hours.
While either of the above light effects is in operation and the eldritch weaver holds the stone, she can make the stone emit a blinding ray of light up to 60 feet long. Any creature struck by a ranged touch attack is blinded for 1d4 rounds unless it makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). This use of the stone extinguishes the light until the power is used again.
The eldritch weaver can have any number of stones operational at once (subject to her daily use limit for the power), but each requires a 50 gp stone as a focus. Other creatures can carry the stone for illumination, but only the eldritch weaver can evoke the blinding ray.
Thread of Surcease
1st-Level Spells
Hypnotism. Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
Sleep. Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Id Seizure*. Disorienting thoughts limit actions in target creature.
2nd-Level Spells
Daze Monster. Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action.
Ghoul Touch. Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened.
Hypnotic Pattern. Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures.
3rd-Level Spells
Deep Slumber. Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
Dispel Magic. Cancels spells and magical effects.
Hold Person. Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.
4th-Level Spells
Dimensional Anchor. Bars extradimensional movement.
Rainbow Pattern. Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
Remove Curse. Frees object or person from curse.
5th-Level Spells
Break Enchantment. Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
Dismissal. Forces a creature to return to native plane.
Hold Monster. As hold person, but any creature.
6th-Level Spells
Circle of DeathM. Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures.
Dispel Magic, Greater. As dispel magic, but +20 on check.
Flesh to Stone. Turns subject creature into statue.
7th-Level Spells
Banishment. Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.
Hold Person, Mass. As hold person, but all within 30 ft.
Sequester. Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose.
8th-Level Spells
BindingM. Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature.
Dimensional Lock. Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level.
Trap the SoulMF. Imprisons subject within gem.
9th-Level Spells
Hold Monster, Mass. As hold monster, but all within 30 ft.
Imprisonment. Entombs subject beneath the earth.
Mage’s Disjunction. Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.
Minor Power: Wall of Inertia (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates an invisible barrier centered at any point within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) which slows down creatures or objects passing through it. The barrier fills one 10-foot square per point of its creator’s Wisdom bonus (minimum one square), and can be made longer by reducing its width (one 20-foot by 5-foot square per point of Wisdom bonus, minimum one square). The wall must be must be flat, unbroken, and oriented either vertically or horizontally when created, and lasts 1d4+1 rounds.
A creature can only pass through the wall by making a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). On a failed save, its movement ends, though it can try to pass through the barrier again if it still has a move action available in its turn. If the wall stops a flying creature’s movement, the creature must land, or will fall if it has not met its minimum forward speed (if any) for the turn.
Falling creatures will be stopped by a horizontal wall without taking falling damage. Once stopped, the falling creature’s turn ends if it has fallen more than 500 feet in the current round, but if it has fallen 500 feet or less, it can take a standard or move action after stopping (though it cannot actually move unless it has a fly speed or the wall touches some area where it could normally move). A creature which cannot move off the wall must await rescue or the end of the effect’s duration, at which point it will fall again.
Projectiles and other propelled objects are deflected slightly by the wall, such that the targets of ranged weapon attacks passing through it gain a +4 AC bonus. Targeted magical effects, including rays, ignore the wall.
A creature can make melee attacks through the wall even without passing through it, though any targets gain a +4 AC bonus.
Major Power: Wall of Negation (Su)
The eldritch weaver creates an invisible barrier whose form and duration are as for the wall of inertia, but which can negate magical effects that pass through it. If the line of effect for a spell or spell-like ability passes through the barrier, the eldritch weaver makes a dispel check to negate the effect (see Dispel Magic
in the PHB, except the maximum caster level is +20). When the line of effect for a supernatural ability passes through the wall, the eldritch weaver makes a dispel check to negate the effect but uses only half his caster level (maximum +10). The caster level for the supernatural effect is equal to the Hit Dice of the creature using the ability.
The wall of negation has no effect on spells or other magical effects operating on creatures or objects that pass or reach through it, nor does it affect magical effects delivered through the barrier by touch.
Thread of Travelers
1st-Level Spells
Floating Disk. Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lb./level.
Mount. Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
Unseen Servant. Invisible force obeys your commands.
2nd-Level Spells
Levitate. Subject moves up and down at your direction.
Longstrider. Your speed increases by 10 ft.
Ride Winds*. Fall safely, levitate, or fly by floating on the air.
3rd-Level Spells
Fly. Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.
Phantom Steed. Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.
Tiny Hut. Creates shelter for ten creatures.
4th-Level Spells
Dimension Door. Teleports you short distance.
Secure Shelter. Creates sturdy cottage.
5th-Level Spells
Mage’s Faithful Hound. Phantom dog can guard, attack.
Overland Flight. You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
Teleport. Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level.
6th-Level Spells
Control Water. Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Shadow Walk. Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
7th-Level Spells
Mage’s Magnificent Mansion F. Door leads to extradimensional mansion.
Plane ShiftF. As many as eight subjects travel to another plane.
Teleport, Greater. As teleport, but no range limit and no off-target arrival.
9th-Level Spells
GateX. Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
Teleportation CircleM. Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot.
Minor Power: Unflagging Traveler (Su)
Whenever the eldritch weaver makes a Survival check to get along in the wild, deal with or predict the weather, keep from getting lost, or avoid wilderness hazards, she can add her class level to the check result. This power does not affect Survival checks made to follow tracks.
Major Power: Speedy Traveler (Su)
By invoking this power, the eldritch weaver gains +10 feet to his base speed for 1 hour.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can use this power to instantly transport himself and up to 50 lb. of equipment (and his familiar if touched) up to 7 leagues (21 miles). This power otherwise works like the greater teleport spell, but the eldritch weaver can only instantly transport himself once per day, no matter how many daily uses of this power he normally has.
Thread of the Undead
1st-Level Spells
Chill Touch. One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
Detect Undead. Reveals undead within 60 ft.
Ray of Enfeeblement. Ray deals 1d6 +1 per two levels Str damage.
2nd-Level Spells
Command Undead. Undead creature obeys your commands.
False Life. Gain 1d10 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).
Spectral Hand. Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks.
3rd-Level Spells
Gentle Repose. Preserves one corpse.
Halt Undead. Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level.
Vampiric Touch. Touch deals 1d6/two levels damage; caster gains damage as hp.
4th-Level Spells
Animate DeadM. Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
Contagion. Infects subject with chosen disease.
Enervation. Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
5th-Level Spells
Blight. Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature.
Magic JarF. Enables possession of another creature.
Waves of Fatigue. Several targets become fatigued.
6th-Level Spells
Circle of DeathM. Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures.
Create UndeadM. Creates ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs.
Undeath to DeathM. Destroys 1d4/level HD of undead (max 20d4).
7th-Level Spells
Control Undead. Undead don’t attack you while under your command.
Finger of Death. Kills one subject.
Waves of Exhaustion. Several targets become exhausted.
8th-Level Spells
Create Greater UndeadM. Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers.
Horrid Wilting. Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
9th-Level Spells
Energy Drain. Subject gains 2d4 negative levels.
Soul BindF. Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection.
Minor Power: Rebuke Undead (Su)
The eldritch weaver can rebuke undead as an evil cleric of one-half her eldritch weaver level.
Major Power: Vampiric Fortitude (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power to gain damage reduction 5/silver, fast healing 2, and resistance to cold and electricity 10 for 1d6 minutes. The following types of attacks and effects have a 25% chance of failure when used against the eldritch weaver: physical ability damage (Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength), critical hits, magical death effects, death from massive damage, energy drain, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, and stunning. If the above attacks or effects fail, the eldritch weaver suffers no harm from the effect (though area effects still work normally against other creatures in the area). If a critical hit fails against the eldritch weaver, he still takes normal damage from the attack.
Thread of Veils
1st-Level Spells
Disguise Self. Changes your appearance.
Magic Aura. Alters object’s magic aura.
Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you.
2nd-Level Spells
Fog Cloud. Fog obscures vision.
Invisibility. Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
Misdirection. Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
Shadow Curtain*. Curtain or hemisphere of blackness blocks line of sight and line of effect for low-level divination spells.
3rd-Level Spells
Invisibility Sphere. Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible.
NondetectionM. Hides subject from divination, scrying.
Stinking Cloud. Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
4th-Level Spells
Invisibility, Greater. As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.
Polymorph. Gives one willing subject a new form.
Solid Fog. Blocks vision and slows movement.
5th-Level Spells
Cloak of Gloom*. Barrier or personal effect grants concealment, dims light, and saps your enemies’ will.
Cloudkill. Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.
Hold Monster. As hold person, but any creature.
Seeming. Changes appearance of one person per two levels.
6th-Level Spells
Acid Fog. Fog deals acid damage.
Mislead. Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Veil. Changes appearance of group of creatures.
7th-Level Spells
Invisibility, Mass. As invisibility, but affects all in range.
Project Image. Illusory double can talk and cast spells.
Statue. Subject can become a statue at will.
8th-Level Spells
Incendiary Cloud. Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round.
Screen. Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.
9th-Level Spells
ShapechangeF. Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round.
Minor Power: Concealing Shroud (Su)
The eldritch weaver covers himself with a shroud of dull gray motes that partially mask his movements and exact location, granting concealment (20% miss chance). Magical effects that defeat illusions, such as true seeing, negate the eldritch weaver’s concealment, as does the blindsight special quality, but neither see invisibility nor the blindsense special quality have any effect.
This power is an illusion (glamer) effect, and once invoked, lasts 1d6+1 rounds.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can use this power when making a single Disguise or Hide check, adding his class level as a bonus on the check if he has at least one rank in the skill, or one-half his class level if untrained.
Major Power: Hide Self (Su)
As a move action or as a free action combined with a regular move, the eldritch weaver can hide herself without having a place to hide, or can hide while being observed without needing to first create a distraction with the Bluff skill.
The eldritch weaver must make a Hide check at a –10 penalty, but adds her class level as a bonus on the check if she has at least one rank in the skill (one-half her class level if untrained). Once hidden, the eldritch weaver remains so for 1d4+1 rounds or until spotted with the Spot skill. The eldritch weaver can choose to remain visible to her allies when hiding, but must decide to do so when she uses this power.
The eldritch weaver remains hidden only if she remains motionless or moves at one-half speed or less. Moving at more than one-half speed requires a new Hide check at a –5 penalty, while running or charging requires a new Hide check at a –20 penalty. Attacking while moving adds an additional –20 penalty on any new check.
This power relies on both misdirection and illusion magic, such that blindsight and blindsense remain effective against the hidden eldritch weaver so long as the creatures using them have line of effect to her. True seeing reveals an illusory curtain around the eldritch weaver but does not pinpoint her location, such that she has total concealment (50% miss chance and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target) against the creature using the spell. See invisibility has no effect against this power.
Thread of Vision
1st-Level Spells
Deathwatch. Reveals how near death subjects within 30 ft. are.
Detect Secret Doors. Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
Eagle Eyes*. You gain a +5 bonus on Spot checks.
2nd-Level Spells
Glitterdust. Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
Owl’s Wisdom. Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
3rd-Level Spells
Arcane Sight. Magical auras become visible to you.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance. Hear or see at a distance for 1min./level.
Third Eye*. Additional eye grants +4 on Search and Spot checks, prevents you from being flanked.
4th-Level Spells
Arcane Eye. Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
Detect Scrying. Alerts you of magical eavesdropping.
ScryingF. Spies on subject from a distance.
5th-Level Spells
Manyeyes*. You see in all directions, gain darkvision, see invisibility, +10 on Search and Spot checks, and can’t be flat-footed or flanked.
Prying Eyes. 1d4 +1/level floating eyes scout for you.
True SeeingM. Lets you see all things as they really are.
6th-Level Spells
Eyebite. Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
Owl’s Wisdom, Mass. As owl’s wisdom, affects one subject/level.
Shaded Sight*. 20-ft. radius of shadow grants targets total concealment.
7th-Level Spells
Arcane Sight, Greater. As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.
Scrying, Greater. As scrying, but faster and longer.
8th-Level Spells
Moment of Prescience. You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
9th-Level Spells
Foresight. “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.
Minor Power: Protected Sight (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power in order to gain resistance (equal to the eldritch weaver’s class level +10) against magical blindness and dazzle effects for 1d6 minutes. Only the eldritch weaver benefits from the resistance, which applies to only one use of any particular blindness or dazzle effect.
If this power fails to protect the eldritch weaver against a particular blindness or dazzle effect, she is still entitled to any saving throw the effect normally allows.
Major Power: Clearsight (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power to gain exceptional visual perception for 1d6 minutes. The eldritch weaver can see clearly for 30 feet even through effects that normally obscure vision such as fog or darkness (including magical darkness), and ignores any miss chance from concealment against targets within that range. The eldritch weaver still cannot see through solid, opaque objects, however, and is affected by cover as normal.
While this power is in effect, the eldritch weaver also has better than normal distance vision, and the DC of any Spot checks he makes increases by +1 for every 20 feet of distance (rather than the normal +1 per 10 feet). He also gains a +4 bonus to Spot checks made to reveal disguises and a +2 saving throw bonus on Will saves to disbelieve any illusion with a visible element.
Alternatively, the eldritch weaver can select any location within line of sight and view that location for 1 round as if he were at that location. Except for the range and duration, this version of the power works just like clairaudience/clairvoyance spell with the visual sensor placed at the location the eldritch weaver selects.
Thread of Wards
1st-Level Spells
Alarm. Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Endure Elements. Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Shield. Invisible disk gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
2nd-Level Spells
Arcane LockM. Magically locks a portal or chest.
Obscure Object. Masks object against scrying.
Protection from Arrows. Subject immune to most ranged attacks.
Resist Energy. Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
3rd-Level Spells
Explosive Runes. Deals 6d6 damage when read.
Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law. As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
NondetectionM. Hides subject from divination, scrying.
Protection from Energy. Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
4th-Level Spells
Fire TrapM. Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level damage.
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser. Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects.
StoneskinM. Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
5th-Level Spells
Mage’s Private Sanctum. Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours.
Wall of Force. Wall is immune to damage.
Wall of Stone. Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
6th-Level Spells
Antimagic Field. Negates magic within 10 ft.
Globe of Invulnerability. As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects.
Guards and Wards. Array of magic effects protect area.
7th-Level Spells
ForcecageM. Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.
Sequester. Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose.
Spell Turning. Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.
8th-Level Spells
Dimensional Lock. Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level.
Mind Blank. Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
Protection from SpellsMF. Confers +8 resistance bonus.
9th-Level Spells
Prismatic Sphere. As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
Minor Power:
Ward Against Blows (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power to increase his natural armor bonus, either gaining a natural armor bonus of +2 plus his positive Wisdom modifier if he has no natural armor bonus, or adding his positive Wisdom modifier to any natural armor bonus he already has. In either case, the power lasts 1d6 minutes.
Major Power:
Ward Against Magic (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power to gain spell resistance equal to 11 + her class level for 1d6 minutes.
Thread of the Warrior
1st-Level Spells
Mage Armor. Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Shield. Invisible disk gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
True Strike. +20 on your next attack roll.
2nd-Level Spells
Bear’s Endurance. Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
Bull’s Strength. Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Protection from Arrows. Subject immune to most ranged attacks.
3rd-Level Spells
Haste. One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Heroism. Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.
Keen Edge. Doubles normal weapon’s threat range.
4th-Level Spells
Fire Shield. Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.
Freedom of Movement. Subject moves normally despite impediments.
StoneskinM. Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
5th-Level Spells
Arcane Ram*. Shaped force deals 3d6 damage plus delivers bull rush.
Interposing Hand. Hand provides cover against one opponent.
Telepathic Bond. Link lets allies communicate.
6th-Level Spells
Forceful Hand. Hand pushes creatures away.
Heroism, Greater. Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.
TransformationM. You gain combat bonuses.
7th-Level Spells
Grasping Hand. Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.
Mage’s SwordF. Floating magic blade strikes opponents.
8th-Level Spells
Clenched Fist. Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes.
Moment of Prescience. You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
9th-Level Spells
Crushing Hand. Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes.
Foresight. “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.
Minor Power:
Lesser Skill at Arms (Su)
Upon invoking this power, the eldritch weaver gains proficiency in all simple and martial weapons, and gains three temporary hit points per class level. Both effects last for one hour.
Major Power: Skill at Arms (Su)
Upon invoking this power, the eldritch weaver’s base attack bonus becomes equal to his character level (which may give him multiple attacks with the full attack action) for one hour.
Thread of Water
1st-Level Spells
Alter LiquidM*. Transmute 1 pint/level (max. 5 pints) of liquid.
Endure Elements. Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Obscuring Mist. Fog surrounds you.
2nd-Level Spells
Acid Arrow. Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round +1 round/three levels.
Fog Cloud. Fog obscures vision.
Water Jet*. High-pressure water extinguishes fires, deals 1d6/level damage (max. 5d6), can knock creatures back.
3rd-Level Spells
Sleet Storm. Hampers vision and movement.
Water Breathing. Subjects can breathe underwater.
Water Shape*. Target becomes water, gains slam attack, immunity to critical hits, and other abilities.
4th-Level Spells
Ice Storm. Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Solid Fog. Blocks vision and slows movement.
Steam Jet*. High-pressure steam deals 1d6/level damage (max. 10d6), heats equipment, can knock creatures back.
5th-Level Spells
Air and Water*. Intermix air and water in 15-ft.-radius emanation to allow breathing and impede movement or melee.
Cloudkill. Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.
Cone of Cold. 1d6/level cold damage.
Hold Monster. As hold person, but any creature.
6th-Level Spells
Acid Fog. Fog deals acid damage.
Control Water. Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Freezing Sphere. Freezes water or deals cold damage.
7th-Level Spells
Control Weather. Changes weather in local area.
Plane ShiftF. As many as eight subjects travel to another plane.
8th-Level Spells
Horrid Wilting. Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
Polar Ray. Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage.
9th-Level Spells
Maelstrom*. Creates whirlpool or killer wave with devastating effects.
Waterform*. Transmute your body into solid water to gain Str and Con bonus, swim speed, water breathing, damage reduction, and water immunity.
Minor Power:
Call Water Elemental (Su)
As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the eldritch weaver can call a Small water elemental (see the MM) to a location within 60 feet of herself. The elemental can act immediately upon arriving, and it serves the eldritch weaver for 1 round per class level. This is a calling effect (see Chapter Ten of the PHB), but otherwise works just like a summon monster spell. At 6th level, the eldritch weaver can call one Medium or up to two Small water elementals with a single use of this power. At 12th level, the eldritch weaver can call one Large, or up to two Medium or four Small water elementals.
Once the eldritch weaver uses this power, she must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again, though her Wisdom bonus still determines how often she can use it each day (see Minor Thread Power in the eldritch weaver class description in Chapter Three).
Major Power:
Create/Destroy Water (Su)
The eldritch weaver can instantly create about 30,000 cubic feet of pure water or cause the same amount of water to vanish. When used to create water, this power creates a 20-foot-radius burst of high-pressure water centered on a point within 60 feet of the caster. The water deals 8d4 points of bludgeoning damage, or half-damage on a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). Creatures with the water subtype take no damage on a successful save and only half-damage on a failed save.
In addition, Tiny or smaller creatures within the area of the blast are knocked down and rolled 2d4x10 feet if standing on the ground, or are blown back 4d6x10 feet if flying. Small creatures are knocked down and rolled 1d4x10 feet by the force of the water, or if flying are blown back 2d6x10 feet. Medium creatures are knocked prone by the force of the water, or if flying are blown back 1d6x10 feet. Large creatures are checked (unable to move toward the burst’s point of origin) for 1 round, while Huge or larger creatures suffer no additional effects.
The burst of water extinguishes nonmagical fires in its area, but any fire larger than the area of the burst is unaffected.
If used to destroy water, this power dries up all open water within a 20-foot-radius burst, but has no effect on water in sealed containers. If used underwater, destroy water creates a 120-foot radius vortex that can drag creatures toward its center. Tiny or smaller creature s within the area of the vortex are pulled 2d6x10 feet toward its center, Small creatures are pulled 2d4x10 feet, and Medium creatures 1d6x10 feet. Large creatures are checked (unable to move away from the vortex’s point of origin) for 1 round, while Huge or larger creatures suffer no effects. Creatures pulled toward the center of the vortex suffer 1d4 points of nonlethal bludgeoning damage per 10 feet moved.
The eldritch weaver can also use the power to destroy water as a targeted effect against a single creature with the water subtype, or against a single magic item that creates or controls water, within 60 feet. The eldritch weaver deals 1d6 points of damage per two class levels (maximum 10d6) to target creatures, or 3d6 points of damage if the target creature makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). In either event, if the damage dealt reduces a water creature to 0 or fewer hit points, it is destroyed without a trace.
A target magic item takes no damage but loses all its water-based magical abilities for 1d4 hours unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier). Artifacts are immune to this effect.
Thread of the Wyrm
1st-Level Spells
Mage Armor. Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Sleep. Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.
Ventriloquism. Throws voice for 1 min./level.
2nd-Level Spells
Senses of the Wyrmling*. Gain blindsense, +1/level bonus on Listen, Search, Spot checks (max. +5).
Scare. Panics creatures of less than 6 HD.
See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
3rd-Level Spells
Deep Slumber. Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.
Fly. Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.
Thievesbane*. Create a ward in which stealth skills work less effectively.
4th-Level Spells
Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your ally.
Fear. Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
StoneskinM. Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
5th-Level Spells
Mind Fog. Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks.
Overland Flight. You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
Spell Resistance. Subject gains SR 12 + level.
6th-Level Spells
Eyebite. Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.
Scales of the Wyrm*. Scaly skin grants you +5 natural armor bonus plus DR 20/magic and immunity to one energy type.
True SeeingM. Lets you see all things as they really are.
7th-Level Spells
Control Weather. Changes weather in local area.
Insanity. Subject suffers continuous confusion.
VisionMX. As legend lore, but quicker and strenuous.
8th-Level Spells
Charm Monster, Mass. As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
Earthquake. Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.
Temporal StasisM. Puts subject into suspended animation.
9th-Level Spells
Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but any creature.
Foresight. “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.
Minor Power: Lesser Draconic Adept (Su)
As a free action, the eldritch weaver can invoke this power in order to gain resistance (equal to the eldritch weaver’s class level +10) against magical sleep and paralysis effects for 1d6 minutes. Only the eldritch weaver benefits from the resistance, which applies to only one use of any particular sleep or paralysis effect.
If this power fails to protect the eldritch weaver against a particular sleep or paralysis effect, she is still entitled to any saving throw that effect normally allows.
Special: Elven eldritch weavers with this thread gain a slightly different ability. They are immune to all paralysis effects when they invoke this power, and gain a +4 bonus to enchantment spells and effects.
Major Power: Draconic Adept (Ex)
By invoking this power, the eldritch weaver can breathe a cone of cold or fire, or a line of acid or electricity. A cone is 5 feet long per point of the eldritch weaver’s Wisdom bonus (minimum 5 feet), while a line is 10 feet long per point of Wisdom bonus (minimum 10 feet). No matter what its shape or type of energy, the eldritch weaver’s breath weapon deals 1d4 points of damage per two class levels. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) reduces damage by half.
Once the eldritch weaver uses this power, he must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again, though his Wisdom bonus still determines how often he can use it each day (see Minor Thread Power in the eldritch weaver class description in Chapter Three).
I put these in the form of Echelon talents here.
Shiny! The only change I’d make if I were doing this is pointing out that the spells identified are added to the list of spells the character can cast if he has access to the spell level. I believe that’s explained in the article that describes the use of Eldritch Weaver threads, but it would make these a little more clear. Of course, I’d also expand on the Minor and Major Powers, probably below the tables… but that’s ‘extra stuff’.
Otherwise, it looks great. I may actually grab them myself to put up at Echelond20. Thanks!
Yeah, at first I was intending to put the power descriptions inside the table, but then I caught sight of the length of the very first one (Air) and went “Uhhhh… maybe not.”. Anyway I have added them now, below each table.
Not sure what kind of markup you use to put stuff on, but I can probably adapt the code that generated the wiki markup to spit it out in something else if you need it?
Don’t worry about specific formatting, do what’s easiest for you. I wasn’t asking that you make a change to the talents, just saying what I would probably do.
And yeah, the power descriptions can get longish.
What I meant was, what markup language do you use to write stuff for the site? HTML, BBCode, MediaWiki markup, etc etc? I can get this code to spit out most things, could save you some work if you need it converted. I guess if you’re using MediaWiki markup or HTML you can just grab it off that wiki page already, of course.
I’m actually using tinymce, comes with WordPress. I’m tweaking text as I go, so markup’s actually the small part of the effort. If I were working large or complex bits of text it would be different.
Okay, well I had text, HTML, and mediawiki formatters, so here’s the output of them.