
Feat Descriptions

Extended Frenzy [Rage]

Your frenzies last longer than normal.

Prereqs Frenzy

Benefit Your frenzies last 4 rounds longer than normal.

Normal Your frenzies last for three rounds plus a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.

Extended Rage [Rage]

Your rages last longer than normal.

Prereqs Rage

Benefit Your rages last 4 rounds longer than normal.

Normal Your rages last for three rounds plus a number of rounds equal to your increased Constitution modifier.

Special This feat may be taken multiple times, with the number of additional rounds stacking.

Extra Frenzy [Rage]

You can frenzy more often name normal.

Prereqs Rage

Benefit You can frenzy one more time per day than your other feats and base Fortitude save would otherwise allow.

Special This feat may be taken multiple times, adding one additional frenzy per day above the limit set by other feats taken and base Fortitude save.

Extra Rage [Rage]

You can rage more often than normal.

Prereqs Rage

Benefit You can rage one more time per day than your other feats and base Fortitude save would otherwise allow.

Special This feat may be taken multiple times, adding one additional rage per day above the limit set by other feats taken and base Fortitude save.

Frenzied Casting [Rage]

You can cast spells while frenzied.

Prereqs Frenzy, Skill Focus (Concentration) , Will +4, Wis 13

Benefit You can cast spells while frenzied.

Normal You cannot cast spells while frenzied.

Frenzied Rage [Rage]

You can enter a frenzied rage.

Prereqs Frenzy, Rage, BAB +5

Benefit You can combine the effects of frenzy and rage. Doing so uses a daily use each of frenzy and rage.

Normal You can rage or frenzy, but not both at the same time.

Frenzy [Rage]

You are a frenzied fighter.

Prereqs Fort +2, Non-chaotic alignment

Benefit You can frenzy once per day.

Note This feat may be taken more than once and uses per day stack. You may take this feat a maximum number of times equal to one-half your base Fortitude save bonus.

Furious Strength [Rage]

You can channel your fury for acts of power.

Prereqs Rage

Benefit You can rage and gain a +20 bonus to Strength for a single action (lasting no longer than one minute) in place of the normal effects of raging. At the end of this action you are fatigued as normal after raging.

Greater Frenzy [Rage]

You are an even more frenzied fighter.

Prereqs Frenzy, Fort +8

Benefit Your frenzy bonuses increase to +6 Strength, +6 Dexterity. When you make a full attack action, you may make two additional attacks at your highest base attack bonus, but all attacks take a -2 penalty to-hit.

You also get to frenzy once more per day, as the Frenzy feat.

Greater Rage [Rage]

You are an even more savage fighter.

Prereqs Rage, Fort +8

Benefit Your rage bonuses increase to +6 Strength, +6 Constitution, and +3 morale bonus to Will saves. Your AC penalty remains at -2.

You also get to rage once more per day, as the Rage feat.

Instant Frenzy [Rage]

You enter a frenzy instantly.

Prereqs Frenzy, Combat Reflexes, Int 13

Benefit You enter a frenzy as a free action, and may do so on someone else’s turn. You can do so after someone else acts but before learning the result.

Normal You can only enter a frenzy as a free action on your turn.

Instant Rage [Rage]

Your rage flares instantly.

Prereqs Rage, Combat Reflexes, Int 13

Benefit You activate your rage as a free action, and may do so on someone else’s turn. You can do so after someone else acts and learning the result, but before it takes effect.

Normal You can only enter a rage as a free action on your turn.

Mighty Frenzy [Rage]

You are an even more frenzied fighter.

Prereqs Frenzy, Greater Frenzy, Tireless Frenzy, Fort +12

Benefit Your frenzy bonuses increase to +8 Strength and +8 Dexterity. When you make a full attack action, you may make two additional attacks at your highest base attack bonus, but all attacks take a -2 penalty to-hit.

You also get to frenzy once more per day, as the Frenzy feat.

Mighty Rage [Rage]

You are an even more savage fighter.

Prereqs Rage, Greater Rage, Tireless Rage, Fort +12

Benefit Your rage bonuses increase to +8 Strength, +8 Constitution, and +4 morale bonus to Will saves. Your AC penalty remains at -2.

You also get to rage once more per day, as the Rage feat.

Rage [Rage]

You are a savage fighter.

Prereqs Fort +2, Non-lawful alignment

Benefit You can rage once per day.

Note This feat may be taken more than once and uses per day stack. You may take this feat a maximum number of times equal to one-half your base Fortitude save bonus.

Rage Casting [Rage]

You can cast spells while raging.

Prereqs Rage, Skill Focus (Concentration) , Will +4, Wis 13

Benefit You can cast spells while raging.

Normal You cannot cast spells while raging.

Tireless Frenzy [Rage]

You are no longer winded after a frenzy.

Prereqs Frenzy, Greater Frenzy, Fort +10

Benefit You are no longer suffer fatigue penalties (-2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, can’t charge or run) after a frenzy.

You also get to rage once more per day, as the Frenzy feat.

Tireless Rage [Rage]

You are no longer winded after raging.

Prereqs Rage, Greater Rage, Fort +10

Benefit You are no longer suffer fatigue penalties (-2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, can’t charge or run) after raging.

You also get to rage once more per day, as the Rage feat.

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