
Data domain objects. Originally named ‘d20’ because it was intended for use with D&D 3.x/Pathfinder 1e data, when each object type was its own distinct element. After I went to the more abstract model using taxonomy files the entities could basically be anything (including recipes and database tables). Still, the name sticks.

Major (Object Level) Elements

Game Object Elements

Only d20:object actually defines a game object. The rest manipulate a defined object:

  • provide metadata (d20:declaration, d20:tags)
  • augment (d20:sidebar, d20:statblock, d20:supplement, d20:tldr)
  • connect (d20:reflink)
  • copy (d20:refcopy)
  • format (d20:override)
d20:declarationIdentifies type of the objects (overrides, refcopy, etc.) that follow, such as ‘feat’ or ‘spell’ or ‘class’.
d20:objectActual game (business) object being defined and described.
d20:overrideContains formatting instructions for matching objects, overriding the normal automated layout. Not included in the object definition because they are specific to the document being formatted, not the object in question.
d20:refcopyInstruction to pull copy of the reference object(s) to this location. May be specific (refid) or query (declaration — object type, level or cost to gain, parent object, letc.)
d20:reflinkAssociates the referenced object with the current object. Used most often for spell lists, domain spells, etc.
d20:section15Section 15 (Open Gaming License requirement) entry.
d20:sidebarContent such as might be used in the Sidebar Reference System. Haven’t decided if this means “use this text when presenting SRS for this item” (i.e. has all the content to put next to this item) or “use this text when this item is flagged for inclusion in another object’s SRS”.
d20:statblockInformation to be added to the stat block of the indicated item.
d20:supplementSupplementary information to be added to the indicated object. There actually are five potential locations: before the object is output, start of the object (after stat block and TLDR), middle of the object (after object content but before included content), end of the object (after any included content), after the object has been output.
d20:tagsAssigns tags or keywords to an object, such as marking a feat with ‘dodge bonus’. Done outside the source documents to centralize the file management. Might make tagging a workbook item instead.
d20:tldrSummary information about what an object is or does. Object text has the details, this can be very abbreviated. For an odd value of ‘abbreviated’, since sometimes it rolls up the effect of several objects, such as when one object is defined in terms of how it changes a base object (alchemist discoveries, especially mutagens, do this a lot).

Secondary Elements

These elements define or describe game object elements.

d20:prereqA single prerequisite of a d20:object. When a prerequisite may be satisfied in more than one way (‘or’ prerequisites — ‘BAB +1 or Weapon Focus’) a d20:prereq element may have child d20:prereq elements.
d20:prerequisitesCollection of all d20:prereq of a d20:object.
d20:sectionHeading within the d20:object, such as ‘Class Skills’ or ‘Class Features’ within a class definition.
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