Feat Descriptions
Expanded Witchsight [Witchsight, Reserve]
You can detect magic at greater range.
Prereqs Witchsight, Magic 1 Point Reserve,Will +3
Benefit Your witchsight reaches to a 60′ radius.
Improved Witchsight [Witchsight, Reserve]
You are better at detecting magic.
Prereqs Witchsight, Magic 1 Point Reserve, Will +3
Benefit When you use your witchsight, your attention is not entirely focused on the ethereal plane. You are no longer blind or flatfooted when using this feat, but are limited to one standard action per round and still provoke an attack of opportunity when you activate this feat.
Witchsight [Witchsight, Reserve]
You can detect magic.
Prereqs Magic 1 Point Reserve, Will +2
Benefit You can shift your senses to the ethereal plane and detect magic in a 30′ radius. This requires a great deal of concentration.
As a full-round action, you can shift your senses to the etheral plane and detect magic around you in a 30′ radius. While using this feat you are flatfooted, blind (senses are projected into another plane), and provoke an attack of opportunity each round.
This ability can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
This feat does not use any magic points, but does require you to have at least one magic point available. If you have no magic points available you cannot use this feat.
Unlike the detect magic spell (which this feat replaces) you get no information about the type of magic or its strength, only its presence or absence. You can still pinpoint individual sources of magic.