Feat Descriptions
Astonishing Reflexes [Save]
Prereqs Lightning Reflexes, Reflex +4
Benefit You get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws. This stacks with with Lightning Reflexes.
Draconic Will [Save]
Prereqs Iron Will, Will +4
Benefit You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. This stacks with with Iron Will.
Fearless [Save]
You feel no fear.
Prereqs Lionhearted
Benefit You are immune to all fear effects.
Forceful Will [Save]
Your force of personality helps you fight off mental attacks.
Benefit You may add your Charisma modifier when making Will saves instead of your Wisdom modifier.
Great Fortitude [Save]
Benefit You get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
Immutable Will [Save]
Prereqs Wis 13, Iron Will
Benefit You get a +4 competence bonus to all Will saves involving mind-affecting spells.
Improved Fortitude [Save]
You are better at toughing out problems.
Benefit You treat your Fortitude saving throw ratings as one rank higher (Poor to Medium, Medium to Good) for all classes and monster types, to a maximum of Good.
Note This feat may be taken more than once, to improve a Poor Fortitude save to a Good Fortitude save.
Improved Reflexes [Save]
You are better at dodging problems.
Benefit You treat your Reflex saving throw ratings as one rank higher (Poor to Medium, Medium to Good) for all classes and monster types, to a maximum of Good.
Note This feat may be taken more than once, to improve a Poor Reflex save to a Good Reflex save.
Improved Will [Save]
You are better at outlasting problems.
Benefit You treat your Will saving throw ratings as one rank higher (Poor to Medium, Medium to Good) for all classes and monster types, to a maximum of Good.
Note This feat may be taken more than once, to improve a Poor Will save to a Good Will save.
Iron Will [Save]
Benefit You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.
Lightning Reflexes [Save]
Benefit You get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.
Lionhearted [Save]
You are unusually brave and determined.
Benefit You get a +1 bonus to all Will saves and a +4 bonus to Will saves against fear.
Lucky [Save]
You are lucky.
Benefit You receive a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.
Tactical Reflexes [Save]
Your quick thinking helps keep you out of harm’s way.
Benefit You may add your Intelligence modifier when making Reflex saves instead of your Dexterity modifier.
Tough Meat [Save]
Your muscle helps you tough out harm.
Benefit You may add your Strength modifier when making Fortitude saves instead of your Constitution modifier.