Feat Descriptions
Elite Familiar [Familiar]
Your familiar is of a superior calibre.
Prereqs Familiar
Benefit Your familiar is treated as an elite: it uses the elite ability score array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) rather than the standard or nonelite array. The familiar also has hit points as an elite character of the same Hit Dice. This usually means full hit points for the first hit die, and a campaign may set minimum hit points per Hit Die after that.
Enhanced Familiar [Familiar]
You have an unusually capable familiar.
Prereqs Familiar
Benefit Your master rank is considered one higher for all purposes related to your familiar’s abilities.
Special This feat may be taken more than once and its effects stack.
Familiar [Familiar]
You have a magical assistant.
Prereqs base.will +2, caster.level 1
Benefit You gain a familiar, per the Familiars Rules.
Greater Familiar [Familiar]
You have a much better familiar than normal.
Prereqs Familiar, Improved Familiar
Benefit Your familiar gains a number of points equal to three times you master rank, to be applied to its mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). No more than half of these may be spent on a single ability score. These points do not stack with those normally gained by your familiar, nor with those from Improved Familiar.
Your familiar may take ‘Greater Familiar Abilities’. These may not be changed retroactively — what ever familiar abilities he has, he keeps — but any and all familiar abilities gained may be chosen from the ‘Greater Familiar Abilities’ list.
Improved Familiar [Familiar]
You have a better familiar than normal.
Prereqs Familiar
Benefit Your familiar gains a number of points equal to twice your master rank, to be applied to its mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). No more than your master rank may be applied to a single ability score. These points do not stack with those normally gained by your familiar.
Your familiar may take ‘Improved Familiar Abilities’. These may not be changed retroactively — what ever familiar abilities he has, he keeps — but any and all familiar abilities gained may be chosen from the ‘Improved Familiar Abilities’ list.
Larger Familiar [Familiar]
You have a larger familiar.
Prereqs Familiar
Benefit You may have a larger animal as your familiar. You may choose as a familiar animal any creature with a number of hit dice equal to your master rank. However, your master rank is reduced by the number of Hit Dice of the animal, for all purposes related to the familiar.
There is no limit to the size of the familiar. A spellcaster with a high enough caster level could have an elephant, or even a giant squid as a familiar.
For instance, a 10th-level spellcaster could have a cat (Tiny animal) as a familiar. It has 5.5 Hit Dice, a +5 luck bonus to AC, has gained five familiar abilities and five points to be spent on its mental ability scores.
This same spellcaster could take this feat and gain a lion as a familiar. This is a 5 HD animal, so his master rank is considered five less: the familiar has no additional Hit Dice, no luck bonus to AC, has gained no familiar ablities, and has gained no points to be spent on mental ability scores (but does still have a higher intelligence than normal).
This same spellcaster could take this feat and have a leopard as a familiar instead. As a 3 HD animal, his master rank would be treated as three less: the familiar gains two additional Hit Dice, +2 luck bonus to AC, and gains two familiar abilities and two points to be spent on mental ability scores.
Normal You may have only a Tiny or Diminutive animal as your familiar.