
Feat Descriptions

Direct Talent [Metapsychic]

You can use a psychic skill directly, without requiring mental contact.

Prereqs Psychic Ability, Telepathy

Benefit Choose a psychic skill that requires mental contact. You may now use that skill without being in mental contact. You must still have a line of sight to the subject. The subject’s Psychic Shield (if any) still affects your skill check DC.

The direct skill costs twice the normal amount of strain (or 1 if the normal strain is 0).

Special You may choose this feat more than once. You must choose a different skill each time.

Empower Talent [Metapsychic]

You can strengthen the effects of your psychic skills.

Prereqs Wis 13, Psychic Ability

Benefit You can increase the variables of your psychic skills to 150% of normal. So, a psychic skill that normally does 2d6 damage does 3d6, for example.

The empowered skill costs twice the normal amount of strain (or 1 if the normal strain is 0).

Extend Talent [Metapsychic]

You’re more adept at affecting multiple targets with your psychic skills.

Prereqs Wis 13, Psychic Ability

Benefit You reduce the penalties to Difficulty Class and strain for affecting more than one target with a psychic skill by 2. That means you can affect two targets at once with no additional difficult or strain.

Special You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack, so each time you can affect an additional target with your psychic skills without any additional difficulty or strain.

Maximize Talent [Metapsychic]

You can maximize the effects of your psychic skills.

Prereqs Wis 13, Psychic Ability

Benefit You can shoose to maximize the variables of a psychic skill when you use it. A variable is any die roll other than the skill check itself. If you maximize your skill.psychic-healing skill, for example, you automatically heal the maximum amount of damage based on your skill check. If you maximize your skill.psychic-blast skill, you automatically deal the maximum amount of damage, and so forth.

The maximized skill costs twice the normal amount of strain (or 1 if the normal strain is 0).

Quicken Talent [Metapsychic]

You can use psychic skills more quickly than normal.

Prereqs Wis 15, Psychic Ability

Benefit Once per round you may reduce the time required to use a psychic skill. A skill that normally requires a full-round action may be used as a standard action, a skill that normally requires a standard action may be used as a move action, and a skill that requires a move action may be used as a swift action.

The quickened skill costs twice the normal amount of strain (or 1 if the normal strain is 0).

Reduced Strain [Metapsychic]

One of your psychic skills causes less strain on you.

Prereqs Psychic Ability, 5 or more ranks in a psychic skill

Benefit Choose a psychic skill that you have at least 5 ranks in. You suffer only half the normal strain for using that skill (round any fractions down). A strain value of less than 1 means you suffer no strain from using that skill. Halve the skill’s strain after applying all other modifiers (including metapsychic modifiers to strain).

Special You may choose this feat more than once. You must choose a different skill each time.

Subtle Talent [Metapsychic]

You can use your psychic skills with less chance of people noticing.

Prereqs Wis 13, Psychic Ability

Benefit When using a psychic skill you can ‘mute’ its psychic signature. Characters using the skill.psychic-sense skill canot detect your skill use, nor can its used by detected later using skill.psychic-sense.

The subtle skill costs twice the normal amount of strain (or 1 if the normal strain is 0).

Widen Talent [Metapsychic]

You can affect a radius with a single use of a psychic skill.

Prereqs Wis 13, Psychic Ability

Benefit When using a psychic skill that normally affects a single target, you can have it affect a burst with a radius of up to twice your skill rank in feet. The skill affets all targets in the area of the burst normally. You must still meet any requirements for range, including mental contact, if the skill requires it. Make a single skill check and compare the result to each target in the area. Targets save individually against the skill’s effects.

The widened skill costs twice the normal amount of strain (or 1 if the normal strain is 0).

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