Feat Descriptions
Greater Psychic Focus [Psychic]
Your psychic skills within a particular talent are more potent than normal.
Prereqs Psychic Ability, Improved Psychic Focus, Psychic Focus
Benefit Choose a psychic talent (Clairsentience, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Telepathy). Add +6 to the DC of all saving throws against skills from the selected talent. This includes (and does not stack with) the bonus for Improved Psychic Focus.
Special You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it applies to a new talent.
Greater Shield Penetration [Psychic]
You are adept at overcoming the resistance of a skill.psychic-shield with your powers.
Prereqs Improved Shield Penetration, Psychic Ability, Shield Penetration
Benefit You get a +6 bonus on skill checks to overcome a target’s Psychic Shield check. This bonus includes the bonus from Improved Shield Penetration and does not stack with it.
Imbue Weapon [Psychic]
You can focus your powers to imbue a melee weapon with psychic force.
Prereqs Psychic Ability
Benefit As a full-round action costing 3 strain you can imbue a melee weapon with a field of psychic energy that enhances its striking power. The weapon does an additional 1d8 points of damage per six character levels you possess (round down, with a minimum of +1d8). You can imbue a psychic weapon (created by the skill.psychic-weapon skill) and this damage bonus stacks with the weapon’s normal damage. An imbued weapon can also block a psychic weapon, unlike most physical weapons. The imbued weapon is considered to be magic for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level.
Improved Psychic Focus [Psychic]
Your psychic skills within a particular talent are more potent than normal.
Prereqs Psychic Ability, Psychic Focus
Benefit Choose a psychic talent (Clairsentience, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Telepathy). Add +4 to the DC of all saving throws against skills from the selected talent. This includes (and does not stack with) the bonus for Psychic Focus.
Special You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it applies to a new talent.
Improved Shield Penetration [Psychic]
You are adept at overcoming the resistance of a Psychic Shield with your powers.
Prereqs Psychic Ability, Shield Penetration
Benefit You get a +4 bonus on skill checks to overcome a target’s Psychic Shield check. This bonus includes the bonus from Shield Penetration and does not stack with it.
Mental Fortitude [Psychic]
You are particularly resistant to psychic attack.
Prereqs Wis 13
Benefit You have a Mental Damage Reduction score of 1, meaning you ignore the first point of damage from any psychic attack. This includes nonlethal damage, hit point damage, and ability damage (but not strain). Psychic abilities that don’t deal damage affect you normally and you still suffer normal damage from the indirect effects of psychic skills, such as being struck by an object thrown with Telekinesis.
Special You can take this feat more than once. Its effects stack, so the second time you have Mental Damage Reduction 2, the third time 3, and so forth. Your Mental Damage Reduction score cannot exceed your Wisdom modifier.
Multitasking [Psychic]
You can maintain multiple psychic skills with less difficulty.
Prereqs Wis 13, Psychic Ability
Benefit Reduce the DC modifier to Concentration and psychic skill checks for maintaining psychic skills by 2. This means you can maintain one psychic skill while using another at no increase in difficulty an dthat maintaining multiple psychic skills is somewhat easier for you.
Special You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, reducing the DC modifier by 2 each additional time. This allows you to maintain more psychic skills at once without any increase in difficulty.
Psychic Ability [Psychic]
You may have psychic abilities.
Benefit You add Psychic and Metapsychic feats to your class list.
Normal Characters without this feat cannot acquire Psychic feats or learn psychic skills that require them.
Psychic Channeling [Psychic]
You can channel spell energy to fuel your psychic abilities.
Prereqs Psychic Ability, Ability to cast arcane or divine spells
Benefit When using a psychic skills, you can choose to expend one of your spell slots for the day to help fuel that skill, converting the magical energy into psychic power. The strain for the psychic skill use is reduced by an amount equal to the level of the spell slot squared, so a 3rd-level spell slot would reduced a skill’s strain by 9 points, for example (3*3). A skill’s strain cost cannot be reduced below 0, and any additional points from the spell slot are lost. If the spell slot is a prepared spell, you lose that spell. If it is a spontaneous spell slot, you lose the use of it for that day.
Special Note that this feat does not work in reverse; you cannot suffer strain to cast additional spells per day, only convert spell energy into psychic fuel.
Psychic Companion [Psychic]
You have a psychic companion creature.
Prereqs Psychic Ability, Animal companion or familiar.
Benefit Apply the psychic creature template to your animal companion or familiar. It gains all the benefits of the template. You may choose to spend your own skill ranks and feats to purchance psychic skill ranks and psychic feats for your companion.
Psychic Focus [Psychic]
Your psychic skills within a particular talent are more potent than normal.
Prereqs Psychic Ability
Benefit Choose a psychic talent (Clairsentience, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, or Telepathy). Add +2 to the DC of all saving throws against skills from the selected talent.
Special You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time it applies to a new talent.
Psychic Link [Psychic]
You have a mental connection with someone.
Benefit You and another character (who must also have this feat) are considered to always be in mental contact (such as a use of the Mental Contact skill). If some outside force, such as Psychic Static, interferes you can make a Mental Contact or Wisdom check to overcome it. If your psychic link is broken, it is automatically reestablished as soon as possible.
Special If both of you have ranks in the Mental Contact skill, you can deepen your psychic link, making it a rapport, at will as a full-round action.
Psychic Weapon [Psychic]
You have the potential to learn the Psychic Weapon skill.
Prereqs Psychic Ability
Benefit You can learn the skill.psychic-weapon skill and add it to your class list.
Normal You cannot learn the skill.psychic-weapon skill.
Shield Penetration [Psychic]
You are adept at overcoming the resistance of a Psychic Shield with your powers.
Prereqs Psychic Ability
Benefit You get a +2 bonus on skill checks to overcome a target’s Psychic Shield check.
Wild Talent [Psychic]
You can learn and use a single psychic skill.
Benefit You can substitute Wild Talent in place of Psychic Ability and one other psychic talent feat as the prerequisite for learning one psychic skill. You do not have access to any other psychic skills or to psychic feats (including the untrained use of skill.psychic-sense granted by the Psychic Ability feat.
This psychic skill is added to your class list.
Special You can take this feat more than once. Each time, it applies to a different psychic skill.