Hilljack Deities of the Goblin Pantheon

It’s ‘H Day’ in the A-Z Challenge, and time to start fleshing out the new goblin pantheon. I will start with the Hilljack deities, who are followed by a secretive and really not that bad a tribe… for goblins, at least. Hilljack Deities Hilljacks (‘vorubec’ their own tongue) are the least …

Fire Deities of the Elemental Tetratheon

Yesterday I described the earth deities of the Tetratheon, today I describe the fire deities. I did have a couple surprises while working on this. The biggest one was while I was working on Sjajan. Originally my focus was in a different direction, but while trying to figure out what her servants …

Earth Deities of the Elemental Tetratheon

The Elemental Tetratheon is one of the bigger pantheons included in the upcoming Polyhedral Pantheons book. The pantheon is designed around the four elements, with each of the greater gods focused on a single element and having three aspects related to that element. There are also three other gods that are lesser …

Composition of an Autoscaling Magic Item

I had originally planned to write about how autoscaling magic items are enchanted (“construction of an autoscaling magic item”) but it makes more sense to describe what they look like mechanically first. Guidelines First, consumable magic items really aren’t appropriate as autoscaling items. The whole point is that the items will …

Background Information on Autoscaling Magic Items

Yesterday I started discussing the idea of magic items that automatically scale with wielder level. I’d like to explore the idea a bit further and how it might be implemented. To start, I’ll look at some existing approaches to this idea. Prior Art This is not a new idea. I can think of …

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