13th Age-Style Icons in the Sandbox, Part 3: Creation, First Pass

I am exploring the creation of icons for a sandbox campaign setting. Icons can be useful in a sandbox for several reasons. Icon agendas provide a overarching plots for PCs to interfere with; Icon relationships provide many ‘sides’ for PCs to align with, often with conflicting or ambiguous goals; Icons …

13th Age-Style Icons in the Sandbox, Part 2: Definition and Planning

A couple days ago I briefly considered using something like 13th Age-style icons in a sandbox setting. Having had a couple days to let it sink in, I still like the idea and I’m ready to develop it further. Defining Icons Icons in 13th Age are powerful NPCs. They are personally powerful …

13th Age-Style Icons in the Sandbox, Part 1: Introduction

One of the cooler ideas in 13th Age is the icons, thirteen powerful figures who have their fingers in intrigues all around the campaign. In fact, I consider the breadth of their influence their defining factor rather than their personal power. I am starting a new project where I will facilitate the creation of …

A Quick Overview of The Keys of Heraka-at

The Keys of Heraka-at is an adventure that allows the PCs to learn the truth of the fall of the Donnerkonig, and to potentially become the new Donnerkonig. This adventure takes place in and around a large stone outcrop near Heraka-at, the capital of Sturmhame. The adventure site as a …

Preparation and Player Agency in the Sandbox

Player agency is a critical element of role playing games to me. One of the things that greatly dissatisfies me about most series of modules is how much they tend to need the story to progress in a certain direction. The label ‘Adventure Path’ itself rings player agency warning bells …

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