Rethinking Pathfinder Cleric Subdomains, Part 1

I’ll start by saying that I like Pathfinder’s domains and subdomains. Domains provide a structured means to collect divine spells and granted powers so they can be assigned and associated with gods in a structured way.  Pathfinder expanded on the D&D 3.x model by adding an intermediate power available to …

Dividing the Population

I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to split up populations. There are many possibilities: race, class, faction, alignment, level, profession (distinctly different from faction), and so on. In D&D 3.x these appear to be handled pretty inconsistently. Analysis Before delving too deeply into solutions, let’s think a …

DCC Funnel Development

Erik Tenkar runs the Adventurer Conqueror King or Die! campaign most Saturday nights.  The session reports I’ve been posting for the last couple months are shameless pandering to his ego (in exchange for a 10% increase in XP… I’m not proud). We recently acquired henchmen who accompany us into the …

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