I Blame GreyKnight

Today GreyKnight tagged me in a G+ post regarding some machine-assisted mapping software by Martin O’Leary (Uncharted Atlas on Twitter). Well, I say ‘machine-assisted’, but it looks like the software does most of the work. It’s also frighteningly close to some ideas I explored about fifteen years ago, but Martin made it work much better than …

Several Mountain Ranges Together

I’ve written a couple times recently about simple techniques for drawing mountain ranges. Yesterday I showed how I draw the basic landforms, and on Sunday I showed how I manipulate them to relieve monotonous elements and make them look better to me. Under normal circumstances I would have presented the material …

Revisiting the Mountain Tutorial, Drawing the Initial Landform

On Sunday I posted a tutorial on a technique I use when drawing mountains. This tutorial focused on a specific set of techniques used to cause a frighteningly boring mountain range — in this case, several parallel ‘ranges’ that were completely straight, uniformly straight, and parallel. They demonstrated how to …

Fantastic (Hex) Maps

Jonathan Roberts of Fantastic Maps (who worked on a little thing I linked to on the right) is working on a hex mapping web application. This morning I got access to it and put together a little map. Quickly. Pretty easily. There are some interface improvements to come, but overall I’m excited about …

Sample Geomorphs

GreyKnight asked for some sample tiles that show ‘nonlinear features’, so I’ve done up three tiles. Sample Cave Tiles I decided to do cave tiles because it was quick and easy (draw some squiggles, floodfill them, and call it done).  Drawing with a mouse sucks. Tile 1: Simple Cave This …

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