Race and Class, or ‘Favored Class’ Mechanics

D&D 3e opened the door (in D&D-land) to any race/class combination. To encourage archetypal combinations they introduced the ‘favored class’, where characters of each race could (potentially) enjoy reduced experience point penalties when multiclassing with their favored class — with no effect whatsoever if they didn’t multiclass at all, regardless …

Very Rules-Light RPG

Matt Jackson (of lapsus calumni) asked on Google+ about the minimum required character traits for a light-weight RPG. Light enough that it doesn’t have classes. Taking some of the ideas there, I think the following might be workable. First, reduce things to their very basics and abstract them. What do …

New RPG Blog Planet?

I am aware of the RPG Blog Alliance (RPGBA) and the RPG Bloggers Network.  Neither of them does exactly what I want. If I were to create a new RPG blog aggregator that would store the article texts in full (for search and index purposes only, I don’t want to …

Sandbox Resource Site

I floated an idea yesterday at google+, and figured I’d see if there’s broader appeal. I am considering (because I don’t seem to have enough things to do) starting a sandbox resource site, ideally with shared input.  I’d likely create and manage the site but want submissions from other people …

Gods and Alignment

Something I’m considering for my next campaign is largely divorcing gods and the like from alignments altogether. Basically, the more powerful the god, the less the god is aligned. The idea here is that to gain full power over something, the god must encompass all aspects of it. This would …

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