Generating Hoards by the Cards, Updated Card Values

A few days ago I described approximate card values for generating hoards by the cards.  Ultimately I found the card values really hard to work with because the range for each card was so narrow.

For shiggles I reworked the table, expanding the range for each card to span three of the previous cells in each direction rather than just one, then modified my worksheet so it showed the range of values for each card in each tier rather than the specific average value.  I printed off a few copies and took them upstairs with my D&D 3.5 Dungeon Master’s Guide and started to populate them.

This worked way, way better.

Updated Card Values

Bearing in mind that these are still guidelines rather than strict ranges and that it’s totally legitimate to go outside them, the values below seem to fit several treasure types fairly well.

To be honest, I find that the ‘coin’ treasure type is proving to be one of the more challenging to populate, mostly because I can’t be bothered to sit down and do it.  It’ll be easy enough once I get around to it, for now populating from DMG tables is mostly pretty straightforward.

Ace 3-5 8-14 25-43 75-130 225-390 675-1,169 2,025-3,507 6,705-10,522 18,225-31,567
2 3-6 10-17 29-50 86-149 258-447 774-1,341 2,323-4,024 6,969-12,071 20,908-36,213
3 4-6 11-19 33-57 99-171 296-513 888-1,539 2,665-4,616 7,995-13,848 23,985-41,544
4 4-7 13-22 38-65 113-196 340-588 1,019-1,765 3,057-5,295 9,172-15,886 27,516-47,659
5 5-8 14-25 43-75 130-225 390-675 1,169-2,025 3,507-6.075 10,522-18,225 31,567-54,675
6 6-10 17-29 50-86 149-258 447-774 1,341-2,323 4,024-6,696 12,071-20,908 36,213-62,723
7 6-11 19-33 57-99 171-296 513-888 1,539-2,665 4,616-7,995 13,848-23,985 41,544-71,956
8 7-13 22-38 65-113 196-340 588-1,019 1,765-3,057 5,295-9,172 15,886-27,516 47,659-82,549
9 8-14 25-43 75-130 225-390 675-1,169 2,025-3,507 6,075-10,522 18,225-31,567 54,675-94,700
10 10-17 29-50 86-149 258-447 774-1,341 2,323-4,024 6,969-12,071 20,908-36,213 62,723-108,640
Jack 11-19 33-57 99-171 296-513 888-1,539 2,665-4,616 7,995-13,848 23,985-41,544 71,956-124,632
Queen 13-22 50-65 113-196 340-588 1,019-1,765 3,057-5,295 9,172-15,886 27,516-47,659 82,549-142,978
King 14-25 57-75 130-225 390-675 1,169-2,025 3,507-6.075 10,522-18,225 31,567-54,675 94,700-164,025
Tier Basic– Basic- Basic Expert Heroic Master Champion Legendary Epic
Echelon Level -7..-4 -3..0 1..4 5..8 9..12 13..16 17..20 21..24 25..28
D&D 3.x CR ? ? 1/6..1/2 1..4 5..8 9..12 13..16 17..20 21..24

Closing Comments

I’ll put my worksheet up in another post.

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  1. Pingback: Generating Hoards by the Cards, Scrolls | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.

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