Cartography Styles in Seekers of Lore

There are many ways to present campaign maps. Depending on the purpose, different map styles can be more appropriate than others. Seekers of Lore is going to be very much a sandbox campaign, with a great deal of exploration. There are two primary map styles I am considering. Artistic Maps …

Cross-Site Pollination: Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day

Technically this starts with ‘C’ and meets the A-Z Challenge criteria, but it’s awfully cheap. I’ll post another article, on cartography styles, later this evening. In the meantime, my friend Erik Tenkar is coordinating a “Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day” on April 17 (I’m not entirely sure why that day …

Books and Other Sources of Knowledge

I’ve recently touched on some ideas about spell books as rewards in Seekers of Lore, but didn’t explore the topic thoroughly. First, there are other sources of knowledge. Books are perhaps one of the most convenient overall ever — generally portable, fairly durable, human-readable, and with decent data density for …

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