Technically this starts with ‘C’ and meets the A-Z Challenge criteria, but it’s awfully cheap. I’ll post another article, on cartography styles, later this evening.
In the meantime, my friend Erik Tenkar is coordinating a “Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day” on April 17 (I’m not entirely sure why that day was chosen) and I plan to post something for it. I’m not entirely certain what, yet, but I’ll come up with something.
As will, apparently, some 83 other RPG bloggers, including a broad swath of major OSR bloggers. Erik’s wondering if we can get a hundred bloggers posting for this event, and I suspect we can. To support that suspicion, I’m posting here today to amplify it.
Which is kind of daft, really. Usually Erik averages I think about three times the traffic I do… but they might be disjoint sets, so maybe it’ll help.