RPG Blog Carnival: Fantastic Locations, Final Roundup

I am really impressed with the turnout for this Carnival.  I make it forty-one forty-four posts (it seems I missed a few, including two of my own!) from twenty-one blogs.  I think the weekly roundups were a good idea, I just have to collect them all and I’m mostly done.

This has been a very busy month for me, and honestly I stayed up way too late finishing my last post to be clever in writing a closing vignette.  Pretend the old guy who greeted everyone at the beginning is musing on the broad and surprising nature of the posts seen this month, and musing what question to raise for the next one.

Because I plan to do this again.  It was more work than I expected, but I had a great time.

Thanks for coming out, everyone.

Complete List of Carnival Posts

… at least as far as I know it.

I suppose alphabetical order of blog title is as fair as anything.

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Fantastic Location: Rime Tower, Part 3 — Implementation

Finally, I am in a position to describe Rime Tower in (hopefully succinct) detail.  I started more than two weeks ago looking for Inspiration, applied some Perspiration, and now move to Implementation. Potential (because I’m not describing them now) other entities are highlighted in bold.  Text in <angle brackets> indicates …

Fantastic Location: Rime Tower, Part 2 — Perspiration

A couple of days ago I came up with the idea of Rime Tower.  I started basically from a blank sheet of paper, some dice, and a small (mmm… about six-inch) stack of RPG books and went looking for ideas. I ended up with a rough idea of what I …

Fantastic Locations: January 26, 2012 Roundup

Heh, cool.  Almost half of the first two pages when I google ‘fantastic locations’ have to do with this carnival.  Throw in ‘rpg blog carnival’ and it was page six before I started finding more than one or two per page that weren’t directly related.  Sweet! Here is this week’s …

Fantastic Locations: January 12, 2012 Roundup

Here is this week’s roundup for the RPG Blog Carnival: Fantastic Locations.

Erik at Wampus Country tells us of the Vulture-Men of Buzzard Gulch (because really, where else would you expect to find them?).  On the face of it this is a place made special by those who live here, but there is a deeper secret that is not spoken of.  He also tells us of the Sobbing-Stone of the Disappointed, a sad place inspired by a comment from his son on his parents exhibiting some romance.  The comment was funny (I have kids too and have heard similar), and while the place Erik describes here isn’t funny, it is fantastic.

Berin Kinsman has his first post for this carnival, describing how to use abandoned and ruined places in world building.

Ravyn of Exchange of Realities comes in with yet another post, Impractical Applications (In the… Er, Corpus… of the Beast).  I thought I had a place of necromantic fun in the Ghost Hills, but I may have been outplayed for weird here.  I must admit that I love the description, “Some kind of demented Magic School Bus trip” (why yes, I do have kids, why do you ask?).

John at Sycarion Diversions tells a brief story about The World Beside, a fantastic location you visit without necessarily going elsewhere… but you can still get lost forever.

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Fantastic Location: Rime Tower, Part 1 – Inspiration

For the last week or so I have been talking about fantastic locations.  I have described one, I have discussed even more the resources I use when devising them.  I thought it time to describe another one, and I realized that I didn’t feel like going back to revise an …

Fantastic Locations: Resources for the Lands of Chaos

In the last couple of days I’ve reviewed some books that have information that looks useful for developing fantastic locations.  Of those there are four that I look to most often. Revised System Reference Document The only thing I’ve found in the RSRD regarding chaos lands has to do with …

Fantastic Locations: Places of Power

A common trope of fantasy settings is that there are places of unusual power.  Whether they are ley lines (or better yet the confluence of ley lines), nodes of power, holy sites, or something else, there is something about them that makes them valuable and useful.  They are typically fairly …

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