Divine Trappings: Obediences

The basic deity descriptions in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game are very basic indeed. Name, alignment, domains (and later, subdomains) assigned, and favored weapon. Some deities have expanded descriptions, needed to support some feats and prestige classes that grant power (including spell-like abilities) in exchange for performing obediences, ritualistic activities done …

Alternate-Rules Campaign

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game has an immense amount of content. I know. I publish PDFs that were originally created as research documents for various topics and character classes. Believe me, there’s a huge amount of content. Many people use only the core subset, others kitchen-sink it and allow basically anything (possibly …

Next Generation of the Echelon Reference Series

In my previous post I wrote about the evolution of the Echelon Reference Series. So far there have been four stages: Raw copy and paste aggregation. Ultimately not useful to me because it threw away so much information without gaining me much. Aggregating by source document, marking up in Word …

Reviewing the Elemental Tetratheon

The Elemental Tetratheon is a deliberately polarized pantheon focusing primarily on the hermetic elements. While I like how most of the deities in this pantheon turned out, and the individual subpantheons show merit, I decided to take a closer look to see how they fit together as a whole. Final List …

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