My Favorite D&D

Every time I get drawn into a conversation regarding the relative merits of D&D 4e and D&D 3.x I end up saying much the same thing. While I do like the consistency of my position, I think it’s time I posted something here I can just point at the next time the question comes up.

TL;DR (for those with no patience — and this is long, about 2700 words worth): I don’t play 4e, I don’t have the books, I don’t expect to every do so. But I don’t particularly dislike 4e on a system design level.

Okay, Important Lesson

When using the feedwordpress plugin, do not point it back at your site so you ‘download your own posts’.  They collide with the original ones and take over the originals… and when you remove the feed it might (and did in my case, because I told it to) stomp on …

Implications of Changes to the Hit Point Model

A couple of months ago I posted some thoughts about hit points and healing . This is playable model, and the martial artists I discussed it with said that while it’s not exactly realistic, it has the shape of something believable.  That is, the relationship between ‘hard to kill’ (or ‘hard to beat down’, more …

RSS Aggregation Tools

I am looking for an RSS aggregation tool. I have found in the last few weeks that I read about 250-300 blog posts a week, which then get summarized into my ‘Links of the Week’ posts.  This is a lot of reading, and I end up spending either way too …

It Must Be Mined!

Well, what else would be the past tense of “it must be mine!”? Called up the FLGS today to see if they would be able to get a copy of Tome of Adventure Design from Frog God Games, when it was available (since it’s still shown as pre-order at FGG).  The conversation …

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