Node-Based Megadungeon Design

A better landing page for this series, including links to related materials on other blogs, can be found at KJD-IMC: Node-Based Megadungeon. — kjd I’ve spoken before about scenario design that focuses on the relationships between various elements of the scenario before the physical layout.  These techniques can be used to manage …

Rethinking Pathfinder Cleric Subdomains, Part 1

I’ll start by saying that I like Pathfinder’s domains and subdomains. Domains provide a structured means to collect divine spells and granted powers so they can be assigned and associated with gods in a structured way.  Pathfinder expanded on the D&D 3.x model by adding an intermediate power available to …

Vote Blood & Treasure!

I try to stay away from political conversations, though the US presidential race is making that difficult at times. Not only am I being inundated with political stuff from another country, but some of it is so blatantly unfair and untrue that it riles me something fierce. So, in lighter …

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