I may have mentioned that my son and his friends are interested in playing Pathfinder RPG. I offered to run a few sessions, and realized this is a good opportunity to get my West Marches-style sandbox off the ground.
I broke out some old tools, including a random-table-roller I built… 12-14 (d3+11) years ago, maybe? and constructed a set of tables out of Matt Finch’s Tome of Adventure Design to get some ideas of places to put in the sandbox. I messed with things a little; instead of just the three sets of tables provided, I mixed and matched between them.
The first fifty results I got:
- Birthing-Boxes of the Carnal Horror
- Blue Isles of the Ancestral Frame
- Breathing Dungeons of the Flame-Hunters
- Bronze Jungle of the Guard-Farm
- Brooding Cellars of the Bandit Nomads
- Calcified Garden of the Flying Tribe
- Calcified Pits of the Witch Caverns
- Circuitous Sanctuary of the Jewel Titan
- Clay Mansion of the Lion-Wizard
- Collapsing Edifice of the Feral Guardian
- Collapsing Island of the Elemental Minotaur(s)
- Confessional Game of the Monkey-Golem
- Confluent Portal of the Howling Druid
- Crude Grotto of the Cockroach-Hybrid
- Crumbling Outpost of the Loathsome Goddess
- Crypt-Fountain of the Flame-Tribe
- Crypt-Swamp of the Centipede-Manticore
- Cursed Foundry of the Hyena-Spawn
- Cyclopean Barracks of the Vampiric Centaur
- Dank Cocoon of the Elephant-Horde
- Dank Prison of the Winged Mother
- Deadly Isles of the Reaction-Connector
- Ectoplasmic Rune of the Howling Ooze(s)
- Entry-Cells of the Sabertooth Gargoyle(s)
- Eroding Barracks of the Killing-Organs
- Factory-Keep of the Heart-Combiner
- Filth-Vines of the Monkey-Efreet
- Fossil-Orb of the Imprisoned Society
- Fossil-Pools of the Ice Rat(s)
- Fossil-Wards of the Loathsome Seed
- Ghoul-Tower of the Leeching Golem
- Granite Dimension of the Massive Wizard
- Horned Sanctuary of the Reaction-Gallery
- Hunting Dens of the Skeleton Swamp
- Lethargy-Church of the Dragonfly-Cannibal
- Lethargy-Haven of the Brain Octopus
- Mud-Pits of the Ice Combiner
- Prayer-Cairn of the Bat-Chieftain of Goblins
- Sacrificial Statue of the Snake-Rakshasa
- Sentient Pyramid of the Lava Warlord
- Shadow-Harvester of the Army of the Alchemist
- Skin Bowl of the Mad Warlord of the Orcs
- Teleportation Rafts of the Dragonfly-Keeper
- Teleportation Spouts of the Master Congregation
- Three-Part Cliffs of the Sacrificial Barge
- Toxic Halls of the Spell-Hatchery
- Unreality-Token of the Elemental Whisperer
- Unthinkable Brewery of the Jade Displacer
- Vision-Incubator of the Blood Crown
- Vision-Preserver of the Elemental Priest(s)
Obviously not all are usable as they are, but an impressive number of them will need some consideration before I cull them.
This has some possibilities. Let’s see where this goes….
When you get your sandbox more developed, do you need a map? As long as its not too complicated, I’ll do one for free, as I was always enjoy introducing new player to the hobby!
I might be. I usually do my own mapping (Vale of Elsir, Reinterpreted is a map I did for a friend of mine) but will happily admit that your skills outstrip mine. I’ll certainly keep your offer in mind.