Lexicon and Microscope: Microscope Overview

We’ll be applying the Microscope and Lexicon techniques a little differently, and a few people have expressed concern about not having a copy of Microscope in the first place, so I thought I’d do a brief summary of how I see the techniques being applied. Microscope Structure and Element Types Our application of Microscope is …

Lexicon and Microscope: Project Proposal

I think this is getting  pretty close to having a framework for adapting Lexicon– and Microscope-based techniques to collaboratively develop setting information for my Seekers of Lore campaign. According to the Campaign Cosmology, the gods created the Prime Plane as a safe haven against the ravages of amorphia, raw chaos. This grand …

Lexicon and Microscope: Guidelines

I’m taking a run at the Lexicon and Microscope idea I’ve been working on. Here is the first cut of the guidelines. These guidelines are derived from Lexicon (created by Neel Krishnaswami) and Microscope (created by Ben Robbins). While both Lexicon and Microscope are presented as games, we are treating this more as a ‘shared activity’ — in part …

Touched by the Gods

… a little rambly, I’m trying to get this down before I forget. I realized the other day that I was overthinking things with regard to discovering and restoring the gods in Seekers of Lore. My initial expectation was that clerics were cultists, followers of specific gods, since that’s how …

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