My colleague and collaborator GreyKnight told me this morning that he is building a megadungeon.
I thought I’d give him a bit of a nudge, and ran a little random generator I’m working on to build a set of 500 Old School styled adventuring sites. The tables originated with Matt Finch’s excellent Tome of Adventure Design, applied a little differently than described in the book, and I’m working on rolling my own… but this might help as a start.
Normally I generate about fifty at a time and cull, but I figured since GreyKnight’s likely to want a few more locations than I usually look for, and will likely want to look for several that seem somewhat related, I’d give ten times as many as I usually work with myself.
- Skeleton Jars of the Bridal Perches
- Deceitful Breeder of the Unfinished Cradle
- Chaos-Simulacrum of the Undead Prince
- Mantis-Tribe of the Skeletal Mummy
- Sinister Abbey of the Poorly-built Galleon
- Bandit Troll(s) of the Death-Yeti
- Draining-Forge of the Howling Apparition
- Resurrected Cleric of the Madness-Cairn
- Mutation-Wheel of the Horned Wizard
- Harmonic Dancer of the Industrial Bridge
- Bone-Bazaar of the Eye-Globe
- Horrific Collector of the Discord-Globe
- Guard-Ovens of the Arachnid Haven
- Monastic Sanctuary of the Ant-Burrower
- Dark Slime(s) of the Dragonfly-Sisterhood
- Cunning Marsh of the Leech-Wyrm
- Genius Centaur of the Sapphire Labyrinth
- Enchanted Slime(s) of the Shadow-Rafts
- Slime-Kiln of the Brain-Disk
- Blood Rat(s) of the Feral Hydra
- Granite Megalith of the Plague-Statue
- Eldritch Necropolis of the Mutant Hybrid
- Flame-Eye of the Carnal Witch
- Crypt-Crown of the Deadly Pits
- Dragonfly-Witch of the Pattern Pools
- Dream-Cliffs of the Weird Webs
- Midnight Holt of the Storm-tossed Bastion
- Winged Ghouls of the Cannibal Mandala
- Ghoul-Harvester of the Poisonous Ghost(s)
- Unfinished City of the Ice Hag
- Feathered Rat(s) of the Tentacle-Flowers
- Guardian Apprentice of the Factory-Edifice
- Teleportation Prism of the Entry-Cairn
- Hellish Slime(s) of the Fever-Vortex
- Factory-Mounds of the Lunar Gatherer
- Seaweed-Mansion of the Bridal Sphere
- Circular Sanctuary of the Black Hut
- Mad Eyeball of the Betrayal-Bowl
- Witch-Tower of the Cursed Lair
- Contemplation-Hut of the Transformational Frame
- Brain-Steps of the Death-Shaman of the Ghost(s)(s)
- Unfinished Jungle of the Discord-Wards
- Meaning Forge of the Fortified Grotto
- Reawakened Manticore of the Ghostly Automaton
- Slime-Dreamer of the Pulsing Obelisk
- Buried Dome of the Brooding Stockades
- Time-Statue of the Mechanical Circlet
- Prayer-Garden of the Imprisoned Toad
- Spell-Device of the Polluted Jailer
- Gnarled Idol of the Levitating Mill
- Narcotic Emperor of the Mutation Disk
- Hollow Coronet of the Chaos-Ogre(s)
- Illusion-Sanctum of the Genius Warlord
- Eroding Hut of the Unseen Bat(s)
- Rune-Sanctuary of the Lifting-Gallery
- Eroding Globe of the Adamantine Monolith
- Fossil-Pendulum of the Singular Dome
- Dinosaur-Mother of the Secret Cultists
- Hellish Wizard of the Curse-Steps
- Cursed Father of the Reversible Stockades
- Sapphire Mines of the Coastal Edifice
- Pattern Forge of the Wasp-Actor
- Flesh-Sanctuary of the Prayer-Steps
- Paradoxical Garden of the Skeleton Spouts
- Sentient Dens of the Malformation-Catalyst
- Horned Zeppelin of the Cloned Crawler
- Eye-Wards of the Philosophical Prison
- Monkey-Larva of the Gluttonous Spider(s)
- Murder-Boxes of the Hellish Griffon
- Horned Craters of the Tumbled Crags
- Ethereal Monastery of the Tall Megalith
- Orb-Haven of the Fossilized Asylum
- Singular Shrine of the Hybrid Wyvern
- Filth-Throne of the Sabertoothed Brotherhood
- Harvest-Dimension of the Winged Bishop
- Spell-Statue of the Ice Hornet(s)
- Harvest-Forest of the Draining-Frame
- Forest Dreamer of the Mutation-Disk
- Demonic Forest of the Rat-Mother
- Simulacrum Mirror of the Pulsing Dome
- Prison-Connector of the Confluent Organs
- Slave Druid of the Death Pillars
- Slime-Salamander of the Crocodile-Behemoth
- Sea-swept Abbey of the Mutation Moat
- Skeletal Genie of the Glittering Glade
- Bandit Creature of the Twisted Egg
- Adamantine Lodging of the Slug-Hound(s)
- Earthen Forge of the Deluded Executioner
- Vision-Crown of the Scorched Golem
- Witch-Crown of the Ancient Dungeons
- Scarlet Hall of the Reaction-Crown
- Nest-Cellars of the Bubbling Hill
- Witching-Pipes of the Unfinished Pagoda
- Grotesque Colossus of the Elemental Daughter
- Many-legged Serpent of the Double Contrivance
- Hive Emperor of the Black Holt
- Centipede-Creator of the Crocodile-Statue
- Reaction-Docks of the Bubbling Forge
- Poisoned Halls of the Horrid Court
- Hunting Grotto of the Towering Rift
- Lifting-Lens of the Necromantic Spire
- Polluted Hag of the Infesting-Pillars
- Ancestral Tower of the Reawakened Hound(s)
- Oracle-Statue of the Bronze Dens
- Corroded Contrivance of the Plague-Rune
- Enclosed Kennels of the Crimson Aerie
- Offshore Necropolis of the High Marsh
- Bronze Stronghold of the Sacrificial Spiral
- Breeding-Wheel of the Factory-Cottage
- Winter Vats of the Immoral Naga
- Master Horde of the Crimson Hag
- Bone-Vines of the Concealed Pyramid
- Perfume-Orb of the Scarlet Monster
- Sand-Pools of the Quaking Hill
- Centipede-Basilisk of the Moth-Idol
- Villainous Cyclops of the Army of the Chieftain of Goblins
- Aerial Obelisk of the Painted Fane
- Vertical Necropolis of the Red Garden
- Binding-Farm of the Cunning Dens
- Tentacle-Connector of the Star-Edifice
- Insidious Pudding(s) of the Killing-Lens
- Three-Part Domain of the Simulacrum Cocoons
- Obsidian Bluffs of the Oracle-Globe
- Paradoxical Kiln of the Mosaic Kennels
- Zombie Genie of the Illusion-Vortex
- Insane Salamander of the Deceptive Asylum
- Dark Circle of the Scarlet Clan
- Mist-Jars of the Crimson Pyramid
- Limestone Mill of the Entombed Barracks
- Zombie Tribe of the Imprisoned Priest(s)
- Platform Rift of the Slaying-Barracks
- Feral Cult of the Skin Ship
- Lunar Golem of the Dank Court
- Emerald Lighthouse of the Flame-Princess
- Entropy Sphere of the Vile Labyrinth
- Polluted Berserker(s) of the Watery Fortress
- Cursed Wolves of the Sea-Infiltrator
- Pattern Well of the Water Rat(s)
- Elephant-Clan of the Mental Zombies
- Moon-Statue of the Ghostly Yeti
- Furnace-Gallery of the Insatiable Coronet
- Octagonal Stockades of the Ghostly Worg(s)
- Hidden Lodgings of the Water Statue
- Summoned Alchemist of the Jade Tree
- Undead Genie of the Dragonfly-Ooze(s)
- Snake-Pudding(s) of the Jewel Keeper
- Mad Skeletons of the Dark Keys
- Focus-Keys of the Egg Laboratories
- Growth-Globe of the Grotesque Pudding(s)
- Drilling Lair of the Crocodile-Cultists
- Tuning-Gallery of the Hydroponic Bridge
- Midnight Pyramid of the Unthinkable Edifice
- Scarlet Daughter of the Death-Master
- Flesh-Beacon of the Lesser Monks
- Betrayal-Keys of the Walled Monastery
- Temporal Cocoon of the Hive Bishop
- Illusion-Globe of the Flying Monks
- Horrific Gatherer of the Reaction-Lens
- Crimson Berserker(s) of the Criminal Hall
- Dragonfly-Slitherer of the Death Cages
- Crypt-Pillars of the Obsidian Tower
- Moth-Chimera of the Bone-Octopus
- Bronze Troll(s) of the Diseased Tribe
- Iron Wizard of the Sentient Outpost
- Spell-Colossus of the Black Mill
- Raider-Apparition of the Horrific Captive
- Reaction-Mirror of the Slime-Hatchery
- Feathered Slitherer of the Sea-Sisterhood
- Mutant Sisterhood of the Mosaic Tower
- Sapphire Isles of the Dream-Lighthouse
- Skeleton Stage of the Leech-God
- Moth-Cyclops of the Brain-Barge
- Star-Maze of the Meat Organs
- Entombed Castle of the Emerald Mines
- Horned Palace of the Emerald Kennels
- White Lighthouse of the Pod-Palace
- Slime-Device of the Pleasure Vortex
- Elliptical Contrivance of the Blood Hornet(s)
- Circular Cairn of the Glittering Sanctum
- Mummification Ship of the Murder-Garden
- Crystalline Barracks of the Caterpillar-Crafter
- Dissection Catalyst of the Mutant Cultists
- Polluted Mummy of the Skeletal Lich
- Fortified Asylum of the Death Spire
- Deadly Crags of the Immortal Crown
- Mountain Cathedral of the Shaping-Disk
- Many-legged Behemoth of the Entropy Pits
- Deluded Reaver of the Smoke Scholar
- Fortress-Chapel of the Singular Galleries
- Puzzle-Crown of the Filth-Garden
- Jewel Brotherhood of the Conjoined Circlet
- Sub-House of the Coastal Edifice
- Cruel Court of the Sacrificial Hive
- Skin Sphere of the Master Wyvern
- Fever-Kiln of the Tentacle-Pens
- Shadow-Swamp of the Invulnerable Galleries
- Ship-Dimension of the Weird Hill
- War-Pipes of the Resurrected Hound(s)
- Desolate Cradle of the Plague-Rooms
- Genius Burrower of the Cliff-Zeppelin
- Heliotropic Court of the Diseased Hunter
- Blue Bazaar of the Black Quarters
- Bubbling Keep of the Killing-Tower
- Leopard-Tree of the Tuning-Catalyst
- Bone-King of the Lava Troglodytes
- Howling Lich of the Lethargy-Mansion
- Ghoul-Disk of the Lightning-Token
- Rearrangement Flowers of the Desolate Cocoon
- Eye-Hive of the Fossil-Bowl
- Twilight Hatcheries of the Genius Ceremony
- Snake-Larva of the Dinosaur-Salamander
- Minion-Pens of the Grotesque Sorcerer
- Breeding-Statue of the Gnarled Collector
- Feral Nomads of the Crimson Canyon
- Curious Obelisk of the Death Farm
- War-Pillars of the Enchanted Cocoon
- Brooding Prison of the Cruel Manse
- Vampiric Actor of the Discord-Pens
- Painted Dens of the Airborne Canyon
- Desolate Prison of the Half-breed Grail
- Prayer-Tubes of the Shadow-Stage
- Levitating Shrine of the Killing-Vines
- Meat Vines of the Dream-Disk
- Fire-Camp of the Prayer-Wards
- Earthen Barracks of the Demonic Wyvern
- Sand-Beacon of the Factory-Stockades
- Spell-Mage of the Heart-Idol
- Moon-Eye of the Armored Medusa
- Jade Goddess of the Waterborne Haven
- Malformation-Lantern of the Dragonfly-Golem
- Horrid Mansion of the Feathered Djinni
- Necromantic Jars of the Entry-Tower
- Half-breed Shaman of the Bat(s)(s) of the Death-Pits
- Obedience-Cages of the Cabalistic Efreet
- Howling Clan of the Confessional Pools
- Insane Displacer of the Waterborne Kennels
- Aromatic House of the Reaction-Pipes
- Ebony Bluffs of the Conjoined Cocktrice
- Demonic Mansion of the Sex-Shrine
- Moon-Hive of the Cannibal Pens
- Criminal Hall of the Earth-Cells
- Pod-Galleries of the Dissection Mirror
- Outer Traps of the Bandit Killer
- Mammoth Master of the Cloud-Witch
- Elliptical Craters of the Quaking Necropolis
- Titanic Hive of the Mutation-Bowl
- Monastic Pagoda of the Corroded Maze
- Focus-Hive of the Snail-Surgeon
- Skin Token of the Flame Creature
- Undead Whisperer of the Skin Organs
- Glittering City of the Changing Assassin
- Outlawed Infiltrator of the Cannibal Swamp
- Rearrangement Pillars of the Grey Glade
- Mist-Behemoth of the Fortified Barracks
- Grey Fane of the Deranged Minotaur(s)
- Entombed Mounds of the Eye-Dancer
- Bitter Demon of the Star-Nest
- Diseased Wyrm of the Tuning-Beacon
- Brain-Mother of the Mutant Berserker(s)
- Mutation Camp of the Changing Troglodytes
- Black Glade of the Conquered Labyrinth
- Insane Worm of the Quaking Sanctuary
- Unreality-Frame of the Baboon-Alchemist
- Calcified Aerie of the Predatory Binder
- Vision-Vats of the Betrayal-Hive
- Asymmetrical Keep of the Materialization Perches
- Imprisoned Griffon of the Insidious Puppet
- Mud-Dwelling of the Resurrected Device
- Illusion-Quarters of the Gnarled Priest(s)
- Betrayal-Boxes of the Calcified Lighthouse
- Entry-Forge of the Singular Kennels
- Feeding Boxes of the Ant-Horror
- Reaction-Spiral of the Discord-Lantern
- Cannibal Mandala of the Circular Hatcheries
- Earth-Houses of the Limestone Marsh
- Flesh-Pools of the Moth-Master
- Bronze Emperor of the Sub-Cocoon
- Pattern Nets of the Scheming Apprentice
- Murder-Hive of the Sunken Nest
- Entombed Pyramid of the Twilight Hatcheries
- Elemental Sorcerer of the Decaying Crypt
- Lightning-Mirror of the Collapsing Bluffs
- Cannibal Portal of the Prison-Cairn
- Twilight Crypt of the Hive Chalice
- Prayer-Device of the Villainous Chieftain of Goblins
- Destroyed Plane of the Slave Hound(s)
- Killing-Perches of the Glittering Court
- Decaying Cocoon of the Dark Hall
- Pattern Rune of the Growth-Vortex
- Birthing-Bowl of the Insane Star
- Cursed Mounds of the Ruined Forge
- Lunar Mage of the Winged Maker
- Cockroach-Keeper of the Storm-Garden
- Entry-Rods of the Half-breed Priesthood
- Philosophical Foundry of the Vision-Coops
- Master Abbot of the Dark God
- Dark Machine of the Flying Chimera
- Dormant Bridge of the Reaction-Spire
- Entombed Hall of the Deceitful Worg(s)
- Circuitous Holt of the Sacrificial Island
- Bubbling Pavilion of the Crude Dungeons
- Iron Slitherer of the Transformational Tubes
- Predatory Lord of the Diseased Cliffs
- Confessional Separator of the Drilling Dungeons
- Unholy Guardian of the Bandit Harpies
- Pod-Mines of the Demonic Octopus
- Materialization Forge of the Enchanted Worm
- Cloud-Creator of the Egg Cages
- Horrific Breeder of the Flesh-Pits
- Ape-Rakshasa of the Reawakened Executioner
- Battle-Mandala of the Entombed Mounds
- Reaction-Mandala of the Teleportation Spouts
- Tall Pavilion of the Ectoplasmic Well
- Offshore Mines of the Obedience-Kennels
- Spell-Hive of the Three-Part Sanctum
- Moth-Hornet(s) of the Hyena-Spawn
- Many-legged Sphinx of the Many-legged Mage
- Philosophical Halls of the Entropy Flowers
- Raider-Doppelganger of the Legendary Pirate(s)
- Memory-Compass of the Emerald Hill
- Horrid Labyrinth of the Centipede-Eye
- Burial Webs of the Sentient Generator
- Ruined Generator of the Intriguing Manse
- Cyclopean Aerie of the Spell-Connector
- Mutant Mage of the Deceitful Giant(s)
- Ruined Mounds of the Titanic Megalith
- Enchanted Lich of the Awakening-Chimney
- Simulacrum Beacon of the Conquered Barracks
- Corroded Maze of the War-Houses
- Pod-Cellars of the Inverted Sanctum
- Man-eating Druid of the Transformational Tomb
- Awakening-Machine of the Secret Minotaur(s)
- Mosaic Dome of the Silent Bluffs
- Intermittent Court of the Diseased Horror
- Grotesque Apprentice of the Baboon-Crawler
- Cruel Aerie of the Deceitful Medusa
- Blood Father of the Invulnerable Monolith
- Temporal Cocoon of the Demolished Galleries
- Star-Hut of the Cloud Puppet
- Unholy Maker of the Cabalistic Monks
- Criminal Galleon of the Curious Prison
- Moth-Idol of the Entombed Jungle
- Breeding Simulacrum of the Tuning-Grounds
- Betrayal-Flowers of the Worm-Wyvern
- Man-eating Head of the Snail-Worm
- Skin Connector of the Imprisoned Keeper
- Dark Burrower of the Genius Wasp(s)
- Deluded Creator of the Dragonfly-Nomads
- Minion-Compass of the Crimson Mansion
- Outer Pits of the Immoral Spirits
- Heart-Beast of the Lunar Clan
- Coastal Hill of the Destroyed Pagoda
- Imprisoned Crafter of the Awakening-Keys
- Centipede-Efreet of the Star-Plane
- Perfume-Garden of the Burned Idol
- Mist-Minotaur(s) of the Sabertoothed Binder
- Vision-Nets of the Gate-Statue
- Egg Docks of the Ice God
- Demolished Rift of the Blue Contrivance
- Paradoxical Hive of the Fever-Vines
- Binding-Pits of the Wooden City
- Wooden Stronghold of the Flame-Doppelganger
- Poisonous Hunters of the Bone-Lich
- Mist-Goddess of the Ghostly Wasp(s)
- Star-Pyramid of the Teleportation Moat
- Red City of the Painted Cellars
- Frightful Hive of the Bone-Carnival
- Leech-Chanter of the Eye-Rafts
- Mental Resurrectionist of the Infesting-Rafts
- Criminal Cradle of the Unholy Exile
- Massive Killer of the Unholy Chalice
- Dragonfly-Wizard of the Titanic City
- Slug-Walker of the Inverted Mill
- Horned Grotto of the Pattern Sanctum
- Dark Bishop of the Reaction-Rooms
- Tentacle-Forge of the Discord-Flowers
- Killing-Device of the Ghostly Demigod
- Unthinkable Hall of the Hellish Zombies
- Poisoned Mines of the Undead Sorcerer
- Nest-Spire of the Eldritch Court
- Levitating Pavilion of the Aromatic Cairn
- Crude Edifice of the Cockroach-Tree
- Star-Dungeons of the Mastermind Brood
- Airborne Dimension of the Murder-Flowers
- Insane Keeper of the Black Laboratories
- Jackal-Resurrectionist of the Skeleton Circle
- Ancestral Traps of the Star-Court
- Desolate Hatcheries of the Horde of the Tree
- Conquered Maze of the Mammoth-Cult
- Shadow-Orb of the Focus-Garden
- Ebony Bastion of the Lightning-Wards
- Dissection Barge of the Mental Monster
- Ghoul-Vats of the Limestone Labyrinth
- Watery Tower of the Sex-Haven
- Teleportation Cells of the Ghostly Creature
- Cloned Hornet(s) of the Flesh-Hatchery
- Vile Necropolis of the Fossilized Megalith
- Furnace-Barge of the Fossil-Wheel
- Enclosed Pyramid of the Disorienting Abbey
- Curse-Docks of the Erratic Isles
- Betrayal-Vortex of the Winter Sanctum
- Hunchback Magician of the Spell-Mandala
- Immoral Father of the Arachnid Fane
- Fossil-Hatchery of the Entombed Kennels
- Drilling Shrine of the Cursed Prison
- Hidden Keep of the Calcified Castle
- Obedience-Coops of the Centipede-Lord
- Baboon-Daughter of the Gate-Rune
- Fossil-Well of the Oracle-Trees
- Shadow-Dome of the Guard-Wards
- Bridal Prism of the Reawakened Sorceress
- Memory-Garden of the Ethereal Lair
- Growth-Sphere of the Scarlet Skeletons
- Paradoxical Tubes of the Dream-Cradle
- Deranged Magician of the Feeding Compass
- Black Priests of the Murder-Barge
- Octagonal Pavilion of the Bronze Jungle
- Harvest-Marsh of the Bleak Keep
- Storm-Hive of the Blue Pyramid
- Bone-Token of the Confessional Orb
- Massive Head of the Flame-Hydra
- Asymmetrical Bazaar of the Dream-Monolith
- Growth-Jars of the Cursed Outpost
- Mutant Monster of the Simulacrum Incubator
- Waterborne Mines of the Mind-Forge
- Poisonous Princess of the Sacrificial Rafts
- Hyena-Circlet of the Summoned Pudding(s)
- Lightning-Organs of the Dream-Cells
- Imprisoned Priest of the Eldritch Glade
- Screaming-Gallery of the Intriguing Stronghold
- Living Lair of the Cursed Sorceress
- Enclosed Crags of the Betrayal-Swamp
- Unreality-Gallery of the Killing-Cairn
- Many-legged Cannibal of the Defiled Forge
- Fossil-Cairn of the Birthing-Rooms
- Leopard-Whisperer of the Confluent Factory
- Bronze Gatherer of the Birthing-Spouts
- Spell-Compactor of the Hybrid Congregation
- Moon-Mage of the Bandit Hunter
- Egg Jars of the Slime-Idol
- Man-eating Chanter of the Screaming-Priests
- Killing-Lens of the Decomposing Labyrinth
- Tentacle-Kennels of the Minion-Vats
- Industrial Stronghold of the Resurrected Emissary
- Sinister Keep of the Inverted Pagoda
- Meat Perches of the Awakening-Caverns
- Ooze Infiltrator of the Mad Sorcerer
- Shaping-Token of the Erratic Palace
- Decayed Idol of the Breeding Collector
- Bronze Cult of the Offshore Shrine
- Belowground Hut of the Sex-Barracks
- Toxic Mounds of the Predatory Mage
- Immortal Assassin of the Outlawed Lich
- Storm-Crown of the Wasp-Minotaur(s)
- Insidious Experimenter of the Ebony Bazaar
- Blue Dungeons of the Battle-Chasm
- Sand-Wizard of the Erratic Webs
- Necromantic Portal of the Leopard-Tree
- Gluttonous Skeletons of the Sunken Cloister
- Crumbling Hill of the Fossil-Tower
- Ape-Slime(s) of the Silent Lighthouse
- Pattern Spire of the Fever-Keys
- Factory-Glade of the Octagonal Court
- Insane Princess of the Reversible Dome
- Crippled Statue of the Elemental Maker
- Ghostly Keeper of the Black Hatchery
- Sunken Foundry of the Curse-Tower
- Cloud-Artifact of the Moon-Sphere
- Broken Warlord of the Hydra(s) of the Spiraling Sanctum
- Leech-Octopus of the Deceitful Shaman of the Worg(s)(s)
- Elemental Experimenter of the Mind-Pillars
- Hyena-Goddess of the Toxic Brewery
- Gate-Wheel of the Shaping-Frame
- Spell-Kiln of the Infesting-Garden
- Dinosaur-Brood of the Legendary Mushroom
- Death Channel of the Labyrinthine Isles
- Poisonous Creature of the Bubbling Dimension
- Obsidian Webs of the Industrial Galleon
- Screaming-Mandala of the Bone-Pits
- Demonic Chalice of the Granite Dens
- Toxic Harbor of the Mental Society
- Crocodile-Golem of the Sabertoothed God
- Triangular Craters of the Prayer-Spiral
- Hybrid Sphinx of the High Tower
- Deluded Gatherer of the Collapsing Aerie
- Spider Device of the Azure Marsh
- Dark Foundry of the Centipede-Master
- Industrial Isles of the Tentacle-Houses
- Granite Grotto of the Monkey-Whisperer
- Ant-Hornet(s) of the Spider Perches
- Feeding Dens of the Mammoth Monks
- Ghoul-Altar of the Tumbled Island
- Belowground Generator of the Guard-Well
- War-Organs of the War-Vines
- Mammoth Serpent of the Storm-Barge
- Monkey-Demon of the Buried City
- Simulacrum Cages of the Star-Halls
- Eldritch Bastion of the Howling Ooze(s)
- Ethereal Pavilion of the Burial Ovens
- Fortified Galleon of the Cursed Keep
#1: Skeleton Jars of the Bridal Perches
Two of the motley settled tribes of the Castle, a collection of avians and feathered humanoids, once found themselves anticipating a happy event; the intermarriage of the tribes via three pairs of lovers. With so many cultures mixed up in each tribe it was a small struggle to find a suitable ceremony, but at last love prevailed and the three brides and the three grooms took themselves apart into two rooms for a day of ritual cleansing before the date of the wedding feast. Unfortunately at that point a timequake struck their region of the Castle, and the timestreams of the two rooms went wildly askew of each other. When at length time came back into joint enough for anyone to pass the doors, the grooms were distraught to find that over a hundred years had passed in the brides’ chamber. Their remains were lovingly interred in burial urns and that same room appointed as a memorial to them.
#5: Sinister Abbey of the Poorly-built Galleon
The waterways that flow through the dark places of the Castle may occupy chambers too vast to see one side from the other, but it is well-known that they are still more akin to great rivers than lakes. There is a distinct current one may follow, and the waterways branch and merge as they flow along. In the strange geometry of the Castle a waterway may even loop around and take one back to one’s starting-place.
One such loop, the Way of Omjeer-kan, is a major trade route among the inmates of the Castle. Many ships ply their trade on its dank waters. One, the /Pale Boar of Light/, is even run by a group of priests who preach their frankly quite limp-wristed faith to the heathen from its shoddily-constructed deck. The cult is something of a laughing-stock among most of the Castle’s denizens, but having said that nobody is willing to venture inside the yellowish-white abbey they have constructed from fungus-wood near the river’s bank. Most who have entered, usually with mischief in mind, haven’t come out again. Those who did came back… changed.
#8: Resurrected Cleric of the Madness-Cairn
One common feature of many of the worlds that have intersected the Castle over the millenia is the existence of adventuring parties. These merry bands of violent kleptomaniacs tend to end up in the Castle’s ancient stone walls fairly often. One such group hacked its way through an infestation of strange dark spirits, saving the lives of many. Unfortunately their cleric fell to the curse of the spirits and was buried beneath a cairn in the territory of the tribe which they had just saved from the spirits. A year and a day later, the cleric’s spirit rose from the cairn wearing a dark mantle and joined by a dozen of the same evil spirits. In mere minutes the entire tribe were killed and transformed into the same shadowy form.
The other adventurers were slain while trying to locate some magic that could raise their friend from the dead, mercifully dying themselves before they had to witness what became of him.
#10: Harmonic Dancer of the Industrial Bridge
When the Wizard of Smoke managed to create a portal back to his world, he paused for thought and decided not to be too hasty about leaving the Castle. Instead he used the opportunity to bring his old minions through the other way, and began carving out a small kingdom for himself. He made sure it was well-known that he wanted the Book of the Eldritch Gaze which was held by a tribe living on the other side of a ragged chasm that runs through the Castle’s interior in that area. The Wizard put forth some magic over the course of several weeks to conjure forth a huge metal bridge spanning the chasm, in preparation for a frontal assault to seize the Book by force. However, a band of adventurers intervened. Having lured the Wizard’s forces onto the bridge, the adventurers used magical dance to set up terrific vibrations in the bridge’s structure, shattering it and sending it plummeting into the ravine. The Wizard was forced to leave through the portal empty-handed.
#12: Horrific Collector of the Discord-Globe
Nobody quite knows what to make of this pair of entities, not even whether either of them qualify as “alive” or not. One of the entities, a writhing ball of arcing elemental forces, sits high in the air in the middle of a large round hall which it has apparently claimed as its own. The other entity ensures this claim goes uncontested; in appearance a small dull greyish sphere, it trundles slowly over the ground in aimless patterns. If any creature is foolish enough to get close to it, a variety of gleaming blades appear from nowhere and slice the offender into pieces. The grey sphere collects these pieces and arranges them in the correct sequence in some spot within the hall; it appears to be laying out corpses in a geometric spiral.
Usually the grey sphere is content to guard the hall, but occasionally it leaves on short forays to hunt some nearby unfortunate.
#19: Slime-Kiln of the Brain-Disk
Since this being has no apparent language, its name is unknown. In appearance it is a scaly disk about three metres across, with a cluster of various-sized eyes around the front quarter of its rim, and a few prehensile tendrils trailing behind. It hovers in the air under its own power and is quite manoeuvrable. The Disk is apparently from quite an advanced civilisation and it has managed to construct a variety of cunning devices and even a large laboratory complete with hand-made — tentacle-made, perhaps? — glassware. It appears that the Disk is attempting to breed several species of slime and ooze creatures together; it has constructed a large metal contraption (shaped something like a beehive) which can combine two living creatures together over the course of several days.
Telepathic communication with the Disk yields only confusing static and incomprehensible images.
#21: Granite Megalith of the Plague-Statue
When a virulent plague swept through the Castle some centuries ago, a number of shamans and priests combined forces to create this magical relief carving from the side of an enormous flat stone that was found resting against the wall of a corridor. The carving is the image of a generic humanoid in the advanced stages of the disease in question, covered in horrible boils and pus. However, the magic in the carving is beneficial in nature, and anyone who touches it is purged of disease.
There is no record of how such a huge boulder came to be in the Castle in the first place.
#22: Eldritch Necropolis of the Mutant Hybrid
[kind of disturbing so consider this a warning for faint-hearted readers] It’s not common for two species trapped in the Castle to be biologically compatible, so it came as a surprise to their tribe when a couple — one an octopus-like creature, the other a reptilian humanoid — declared that they were having a child. Later medical research would determine that this coupling was in fact completely impossible, but unfortunately nobody could prove for sure that something suspicious was going on at the time. The child, a scaly humanoid with facial tentacles, was thin and sickly, and the “parents” grew quite reclusive in order to care for it. The hybrid seemed to be possessed of significant mental powers, and strange lights and sounds could frequently be seen near their dwelling. Eventually the creature took sick one last time and died, and was buried in a disused room (the tribespeople deciding not to inter it with their more… wholesome dead). The father and mother ran off and were never found. Ever since that day, every child born to the tribe, even between parents of the same species, has been hideously deformed and died after a short time. The bodies were uniformly buried in the same room. When recently the 169th such corpse was added, pale green flames began to dance around the room, and the shadowy outline of the hybrid creature could be seen, apparently engaged in laughter. The room was promptly sealed; nobody has yet decided what to do about it, but thankfully nothing has come out of the room yet either.
I must admit I like the ending, “nobody has decided what to do about it”.
#33: Teleportation Prism of the Entry-Cairn
Certain areas of the Castle seem more likely to be arrival points for newcomers than others. This hall is one such. Some of the settled peoples pooled their magical talents to construct a teleportation hub in this room for convenience; appearing as an insubstantial blue jewel hovering in mid-air, touching any side of the jewel will teleport you to a nearby area of significance. A hovering blue panel at the other end of the teleportation link allows you to return easily.
In the same hall, some of those who arrive at the Castle have taken to constructing a cairn for those who died trying to get home. Each of the stones in this cairn was torn from the walls of the Castle somewhere, and is engraved with the name of somebody’s fallen comrade. The cairn is depressingly large.
A cairn for the fallen, nice touch.
#44: Reawakened Manticore of the Ghostly Automaton
This goes back to one of the times that somebody tried to “take over” the Castle. The Arch-cerebrant Klytoshu, as he styled himself, created an army of powerful automata in the form of different terrifying creatures. This would have been bad enough, but he also used some arcana to build them in such a way that they could turn insubstantial and pass through barriers at will. The good news is that, after a long and bloody fight, the other inhabitants of the Castle managed to beat him down, and destroy or disable all his creations.
The bad news is that some fool adventurer has just managed to find and accidentally reactivate one of his mechanical manticores.
#48: Prayer-Garden of the Imprisoned Toad
Joamulk is an amphibious humanoid with brightly-coloured lumpy skin. His skin constantly exudes dust which is rapidly fatal to a wide variety of species, including most of the dominant tribes nearby. Since it is too dangerous for him to even exit his room to leave their territory, the various tribes instead trade him food and water (carefully, through a hatch) in exchange for him remaining shut up in a single chamber. Joamulk is fairly content with this, being solitary by nature. He is devoutly religious and has made his room into a meditation chamber.
#54: Eroding Hut of the Unseen Bat(s)
The Thuroi were/are a group of leather-winged nocturnal predators who, having found the Castle easier hunting-grounds than their home world, decided to stick around for the food. They especially enjoy hunting intelligent prey. Luckily for the rest of us, a shift in the Castle’s magical fields caused their lair to get stuck in a fast-flowing time stream. While this has made them faster than before, and effectively invisible to boot, it also means that they can’t leave the lair for long without suffering the fatal effects of all the accumulated time catching up with them. However, it is dangerous to get too close to the lair, as they can still pop out long enough to disembowel some hapless wanderer.
#56: Eroding Globe of the Adamantine Monolith
One of the few artefacts that gives us a real sense of the Castle’s impossible age. In the centre of this hall stands a tall monolithic structure topped by a sphere, the whole thing apparently of solid adamantium. In the air of the room swarm a cloud of what appear to be ordinary flies, but inspection by an observant wizard will reveal that they are bred through with a genetic magical compulsion. Ordinarily the flies are compelled to avoid the monolith completely, but once in a thousand years (using approximate human time units, that is) a single fly from the swarm will be compelled to alight on the top of the sphere for a moment before taking off again.
There is a worn-away dent in the top of the sphere about the size of a large grapefruit.
#64: Paradoxical Garden of the Skeleton Spouts
Nobody seems to know who planted this bizarre vegetation or why, but the dirt of this hall is covered with little plants, all an ugly shade of very bright green. Occasionally one will bud and open into what should be a flower but which instead is invariably a cluster of miniature bones wrapped around a skull. The species which the skeletal blossom is composed from varies and is not usually to the correct scale. The plants scream horrifically if plucked from the ground; anyone who does so is at risk of a curse: slipping into a catatonic state as their memories fold in on themselves and begin to self-destruct.
(I know it’s “spouts” rather than “sprouts” but the misreading was more interesting to me :-)
Making changes is totally cool by me. This random generator is to provoke thought and spur ideas, so if changing a word makes it work better, feel free to do so.
#67: Eye-Wards of the Philosophical Prison
Qonciqe the Master of Sight is a mage from a world of surpassing order and stasis. The changing and confusing nature of life in the Castle has taken its toll on his mind, and at length he decided to imprison the entire Castle for crimes against reason: a capital offense in his world. He elected to accomplish this by securing a few halls for his own use, and declaring all of the Castle outside their walls to be the inside of the prison. He takes his job very seriously and will not allow anyone or anything to leave the prison (i.e., enter his halls). From the bodies of those escaping inmates he has been forced to kill, he has animated a set of eyeball golems to patrol the perimeter.
“Philosophical prison”… topologically he’s right, “inside” and “outside” is a matter of opinion and frame of reference.
I seem to recall something like this in one of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books.
Oh, that’s just because I shamelessly ripped off the idea from there. :-) The source in question was Wonko the Sane, who put the world in an Asylum.
#68: Monkey-Larva of the Gluttonous Spider(s)
[arachnophobia warning, big time] This species of monkey seem to crop up in various places throughout the Castle. They aren’t very intelligent so it’s a mystery how they came to arrive here, but arrive they do; on more than one occasion they’ve been spotted appearing in a flash of light just like any other new arrival. Their numbers are kept down by a parasitic arachnid that, laden with eggs, voluntarily crawls inside the mouth of a sleeping monkey and dies. The eggs hatch inside the monkey and eventually the poor creature is consumed from the inside by baby spiders.
#89: Vision-Crown of the Scorched Golem
This golem lies broken and burnt from some battle ages past. Curiously, it doesn’t seem to have been crafted with eyes of its own; instead, a diadem on its head bears two startling facsimilies of very human-like eyes artfully made of gemstones. Wearing the diadem grants one the ability to see through walls.
I wonder, what’s the down side to wearing the diadem?
Part of me wants to say “…but you can no longer see anything on this side of the wall”. But the more sensible part of me is winning!
#90: Witch-Crown of the Ancient Dungeons
This part of the Castle appears to be arranged as a rough, dank dungeon. Mossy skeletons in various stages of decay adorn its damp and mouldy cells. One cell, oddly, is larger than the others and contains an opulent golden throne. Manacled to it is a small skeleton wearing an ornate crown of shining silver, on the front of which an enormous blood-red ruby sits in pride of place. Strange lights seem to dance in the depths of the gem, and the crown as a whole seems to gleam a little too brightly considering the amount of illumination in the room.
#482: Crocodile-Golem of the Sabertoothed God
The priest of Ung was an unpleasant-looking fellow with sweaty, rubbery-looking skin. Nobody insulted him to his face because of the large jade golem that came with him to the Castle — and its sharp crocodile jaws. The priest claimed a room of the castle and converted it into a shrine to Ung, where he whiled away the time doubtless praying for return to his own world; visitors were actively discouraged by the stationing of the golem at the entrance. The priest eventually died of natural causes, but his green stone servant still guards the shrine aggressively. Although the golem is big, it is surprisingly fast and agile.
#483: Triangular Craters of the Prayer-Spiral
The Monks of Mond became trapped in the Castle while exploring certain higher-dimensional spaces. They were successfully able to escape by praying for the stones of the Castle to themselves be capable of prayer. The resulting exponential growth brought several sections of the Castle under the Monks’ control, and they were able to return to their home plane by causing those parts of the castle to merge with their fractal god. The affected sections of the castle (now gaping holes) were uniformly restricted to a tetrahedral growth pattern, a source of some interest to scholars.
The large open spaces left behind have been aggressively colonised by flying species, and those with rampant claustrophobia.
obviously related to the Sierpinski triangle, yes?
Not actually my original thought, but you could add that allusion too. I was thinking more along the lines of a bunch of disjoint tetrahedral spaces cut neatly out of the Castle’s bulk, exposing floors along the boundary. The largest of the spaces could accommodate a small city (and in fact does so).
#486: Spider Device of the Azure Marsh
[arachnophobes might want to skip this one too? :-)]
This cavernous hall of the Castle is set below the floor level of the surrounding corridors. Inside, betwixt the looming support pillars, is marshy terrain filled with an assortment of luminescent blue fungi.
In the hall is a small plinth holding a crystal lectern. The lectern is magical, and its original function seems to have been the ability to allow one to “step inside” the world described in any book placed on it. However, at some unknown point an interloper has magically fused the lectern with the copy of the Seerithian Manuscripts which now rests on it. The lectern now leads only to a nightmare world brimming with a sea of twitching chitinous body parts and no solid ground in sight; above all of which presides the darkly glowing symbol of the spider-god Ykah in a blood-red sky.
#487: Dark Foundry of the Centipede-Master
Although nobody can understand the chittering language of the Great Centipede, people are all too aware of its intellect and ambitions. The Centipede was captured by a minor faction shortly after his arrival in the Castle, but after he had bided his time and gathered enough information, he used his mind-control powers to enslave his captors and put them to work creating a more suitable environment for him. The Centipede appears to be fond of metal furnishings employing sharp edges; a fleshy creature could have trouble even walking around his dominion without getting a series of nasty cuts. He has also armed some of his slaves with weapons and armour in a similar style, and of course has constructed a set of segmented armour for himself.
Certain bands of warriors have set up fortified rooms on the outskirts of the Centipede’s territory to check his territory’s growth.
Related entry: #97 “Centipede-Creator of the Crocodile-Statue”: the Great Centipede has constructed an altar to some sort of crocodilian deity, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the priest of Ung’s golem (see #482 above). It’s possible that they hail from the same plane and worship the same deity.
From #150 “Drilling Lair of the Crocodile-Cultists” I further infer that the Centipede is trying to evade the enemies surrounding him by the simple expedient of digging downwards into lower floors of the Castle. In fact he’s digging down quite a long way, into unexplored territory; goodness knows what’s down there.
#334: Intermittent Court of the Diseased Horror
(see also: #99: Poisoned Halls of the Horrid Court)
The Plague Court arose from a madman who was driven insane by sickness, and began declaring to any who would listen that diseases were noble things to be venerated. Whether by some strange quirk of magic or divine intervention nobody knows, but although the man still carried his illness, it never killed him; nor did any disease seem to have the power to fell him or the followers he acquired. He eventually passed away of old age, but not before appointing a new Plague King from amongst his followers. The sixty-fifth Plague King now sits on the rotted wooden throne, covered in hideous boils and weeping pustules, but enduring and thriving in a terrible mockery of the natural order. The Plague Court is quite numerous, having had its ranks swelled in recent times by an epidemic that flashed through this region of the Castle; when a person discovers they may have only days to live, the prospect of joining the ranks of the Court suddenly seems quite appealing.
I like it, actually. I can see all sorts of events coming out of this.
#317: Many-legged Sphinx of the Many-legged Mage (too good to pass up!)
The Stilt-walker is a being with bizarre anatomy, having fourteen long rigid spikes along the length of its body which it uses to perambulate. Along its back a series of large tentacles gives it the ability to manipulate items. Its blank face has a large crude eyespot which it can use to detect the general light intensity in a given direction. However, the Stilt-walker appears to be extremely sensitive to smell and vibration. Its toothy mouth is on the back of its head, facing along the row of tentacles.
The Stilt-walker has demonstrated considerable magical and artistic aptitude, and spends much of its time transmuting stones from the Castle walls into marble with which to complete its sculptures, some of which are then magically animated. The sculptures appear to be animals of some sort, although all are utterly alien and unrecognisable to humanoids. Its largest unfinished project appears to be similar to its own form, except possessed of large wing-like structures, and posed with its leg-spikes splayed out horizontally.
The Stilt-walker and the Brain-Disk (see #19) are suspected to be from the same world. Certainly they despise each other, and often send their various creations to attack the other’s dwelling. Both creatures, apart from this apparent grudge, generally ignore others.
#312: Reaction-Mandala of the Teleportation Spouts
This tall cylindrical room contains a cylindrical platform, the top of which is accessible via a spiral walkway up its sides. On the top is a turntable with a padded spot in the centre seemingly shaped to hold a humanoid lying down on its back. Several smooth channels lead away from the turntable, each facing towards a blank stone disk set in the wall. When enough weight is placed on the padded area, a system of cunning counterweights and mechanisms causes the occupant of the padded part to be hurled out along one of the channels at terrific speed, reaching the flat stone disk in the wall just exactly at the same time that a magical pulse causes the latter to open up into an arcane portal. The portal closes behind the traveller just as quickly. Each portal disk always leads to the same place, a spot somewhere else in the Castle; the turntable can be manipulated in the obvious manner to choose which portal will be used.
#112: Bone-Vines of the Concealed Pyramid
This titanic hall contains a decent-sized jungle, including a long-abandoned ziggurat built from the same stones as the Castle itself. The jungle plants appear to be similar to the Skeleton Sprouts (#64); the vegetation is frequently a too-bright unpleasant shade of green, and any flowering plants have delicate patterns of tiny bones and skulls in place of blossoms. The plants are harmless unless one is uprooted or killed, in which case a piercing scream from the vegetation will signal the beginning of a terrible curse.
#122: Three-Part Domain of the Simulacrum Cocoons
A ladder tucked up in the corner of a room full of broken glassware leads down into this small circular chamber, barely big enough for two men to stand abreast. Three doors equally spaced around the wall lead into three identical kidney-shaped chambers in which can be found row upon row of large leathery cocoons. A human or similarly-sized creature can wrap itself up in one of these cocoons, whereupon they will instantly fall asleep for a day. When the cocoon opens, two identical-looking beings will emerge.
A simulacrum from the cocoon is very suggestible in the first few hours of its existence, and its future behaviour will depend on how it is treated during this time. It has all the memories of the original but understands that it is a copy. A simulacrum will instantly collapse into a quantity of violet sticky goop upon the moment of its death.
Awesome work, Keith. Chuck full of cool idea names and inspiring.
GreyKnight’s doing some wonderful things here.
Creepy things, but wonderful. I’m rather excited by what he’s coming up with, based just on short strings like this.
In the list above, I’ve basically just applied the tables from Matt Finch’s Tome of Adventure Design (I say ‘basically’ because I’m combining them in ways other than described in the book… but the tables themselves have not changed all that much yet). Tome of Adventure Design is becoming my weapon of mass construction.
Thanks! It doesn’t look like I’m finished with the weird stuff just yet though ;-)
#26: Dream-Cliffs of the Weird Webs
(I hope you like spiders)
This ragged chasm has torn through uncounted levels of the Castle. Deep in its depths, the edges of the ravine and the rooms exposed thereby are coated in dense silvery cobwebs. Touching them releases a pleasing sound of jangling chimes; the psychic effect of this supernatural sound makes people feel happy and safe. The webs are not sticky, and some of the denser piles of silk are quite soft and cushiony.
Sleeping in a dream-webbed area has both risks and benefits. A sleeper can project his awareness across large distances in his dreams, allowing him to explore otherwise inaccessible areas. However, doing so draws the attentions of the dream-spiders who dwell in the area. The dream-spiders can only be seen or interacted with in dreams (or similar states of existence). The spiders will methodically track down the sleeper’s consciousness and attempt to consume it. The sleeper must, avoiding the spiders, return his awareness to the location of his body in order to awaken.
(the ravine here is the same one mentioned in #10: Harmonic Dancer of the Industrial Bridge, but much lower down)
#18: Enchanted Slimes of the Shadow-Rafts
Recently, some of the Disk’s experimental slime-creatures have been seen trekking to the Waterways and entering the rivers. It’s not clear if they are being deliberately sent there to accomplish something, being discarded as experimental failures, or if they are refugees escaping from their master. Regardless, it’s a source of some concern for the Waterway Folk.
One of the groups of oozes consists of dark blue blobs floating as a thin disk of matter on the surface of the water. These can be difficult to spot in the darkness of the Waterways until a ship has run into them. If this happens, the slime crawls up around the ship and attacks the shadows of living creatures on board. The slime is magically able to infest a creature’s shadow and turn it into more slime. The slimes are uninterested in the creatures themselves, or the shadows of inanimate objects.
A person whose shadow has been consumed suffers periodic nightmares about being watched, hunted, helpless. Victims report an urgent feeling of lacking some form of protection which was previously taken for granted. The nightmares seem to reach a peak after a fortnight or so, after which they abruptly cease; however, after this point the victim reacts with fear to the presence of shadows. Their friends sometimes report strange changes in their personality at this point.
Mages on Opportunity Barge are experimenting with thaumic surgery to restore a person’s shadow.
#37: Circular Sanctuary of the Black Hut
This chamber is a perfect hemisphere about 50m in radius, whose floor is marked with concentric coloured rings. There is a plain grey border approximately 5 metres wide around the outermost (red) ring; the colours then progress through the colours of the rainbow to the innermost violet ring. Each is about 5 metres in width. The centre of the pattern is a black circle, 10 metres in radius. Within the circle is a black hemisphere about the size of a man’s head, embedded in the ground.
Progressing through the pattern of rings causes memory loss. The process is completely reversible by walking back out of the pattern again. The subject always retains new memories acquired since entering the pattern, including the existence of the memory-erasing effect once they become aware of it. The subject also remains aware of his intentions upon entering the pattern (e.g. “I’ll go as far as the yellow ring and come back”). Memories are lost as follows:
Entering the red ring removes one’s memories since entering the room. They appear to have suddenly gone from the door to the start of the red ring.
Entering the orange ring removes one’s memories of entering the Castle. The subject feels as if the teleportation accident that stranded them here has deposited them directly at the start of the red ring.
Entering the yellow ring removes one’s memories of events for the years leading up to arriving at the Castle. The subject will have no clear idea how he ended up entering the red ring.
Entering the green ring removes one’s memories of adult life. They will be surprised to find themselves in an adult body. They still remember friends acquired in adulthood, but the memories are distorted.
Entering the blue ring removes one’s memories of friends and lovers. They will no longer recognise their adventuring team-mates, which may be problematic if the latter are shouting advice from the border.
Entering the indigo ring removes the memories of one’s parents. They can still remember the general experience of their childhood, but any presence of parental figures in these memories are a vague void.
Entering the violet ring removes one’s childhood memories. The subject now remembers nothing except their experience of walking through the pattern, and any information conveyed to them at this time. They may feel as if they were born into existence at the edge of the red ring.
Entering the black circle has no extra effect on memory.
If the hemisphere in the centre of the black circle is pressed down, a hemispherical dome of magical energy surrounds the circle. The dome is completely black and does not allow light or sound in or out; likewise, no object or force can penetrate the dome. Objects and creatures inside the dome are protected from all harmful effects, including injury, ageing, hunger, or thirst. They are not, however, protected from boredom. The dome can be made to vanish by pressing the hemisphere a second time.
The memory-erasing effects of the rings only affect the mind of an intelligent creature; notebooks, for example, are unaffected.
#121: Insidious Pudding of the Killing-Lens
This was an incident from a few years back. A particularly large transparent pudding came crawling out of the Disk’s rooms, shrugged off all attempts to stop it, and began oozing its way through the Jungle Hall. The Jungle People, annoyed at the destruction it was causing to their plants, launched a heavy magical attack and killed it. Unfortunately, the death of the creature caused its body to crystallise instantly into a supernatural lens. Light which passes through this lens causes rapid ageing in any living creature it shines upon. The original lens was shattered and disposed of by the Jungle People, but pieces of it are rumoured to still turn up here and there.
It’s not known whether this was part of the pudding’s original purpose, or a side-effect of the magic used to slay it interacting with its own magical fields.
#170: Sapphire Isles of the Dream-Lighthouse
This broad pillar is about four metres high, and two across at the base. On the narrow head is perched a brilliant dodecahedron which shines a pale sky blue. It is constructed of the same kind of marble which the Stilt-Walker transmutes Castle bricks into, and was therefore probably built by it. The structure is positioned off to one side of a hall a couple of hours’ walk from the Stilt-Walker’s usual rooms.
From the outside, the door of the structure seems to lead into a featureless blue light. Walking into this doorway transports one to a pocket dimension filled with an apparently-infinite number of floating islands of blue crystal, in an otherwise featureless expanse of white. One in eight islands has a copy of the pillar structure, which can be entered to leave the pocket dimension. Gravity acts uniformly downwards; the islands are close enough to each other that falling off one usually results in landing on a lower one after a moderate drop. The islands are all pentagonal in plan and about thirteen metres across.
Falling asleep within the pocket dimension has a curious effect; the sleeper will consistently dream of wandering around within the pocket dimension itself.
#342: Moth-Idol of the Entombed Jungle
This marble statue was crafted by the Stilt-Walker and carried to the Jungle Hall by some of his golem-like creations. It is a non-animated depiction of some sort of flying creature with a barrel-like body and five great billowy wings. It stands about three metres tall and is perched on a marble plinth.
Approaching within a few metres of the statue grants an extremely acute sense of spatial awareness. This awareness increases exponentially, rapidly giving one a sense of the enormous mass of stone from the body of the Castle hemming in around the Jungle Hall (where it is normally hard to see the chamber walls due to its immensity). This frequently causes extreme claustrophobic reactions even in those not normally prone to such things. Avians and other flying creatures find the experience quite horrifying. At least one person with an existing condition of claustrophobia has died from heart failure when exposed to the statue’s effect.
Moving away from the statue relieves the sensation, although it is difficult to muster the will to move when under the claustrophobic effect.
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