AGE of Rediscovery: 1.1 – The Kingdom of Bandisal

Seekers of Lore
Seekers of Lore

AGE of Rediscovery is a ‘points of light’ setting. This post describes the kingdom of Bandisal, the supposed center of a point of light and nominal homeland of the PCs.

Kingdom of Bandisal


  • Theme: settled lands, fairly regulated and peaceful, where ‘normal people’ live.
  • Goals: grow and prosper for the population.
  • Threats.
    • Threatened by: disruptive elements to social structure (misfits, troublemakers, outcasts).
    • Threatened by: incursion by foreigners, such as gebbling raids.
    • Threatens: societies beyond the borderland, as they are ‘discovered’ and pacified to be brought into the kingdom.
  • Rewards:
    • For those able and willing to abide by the rules, a safe (and unexciting) place to live and grow.
    • For those less able to do so, possibly the chance to gain position and status by claiming new land for the kingdom.


  • Allies/positive.
    • Lords of the Border Marches. The demesnes in the borderlands are usually not ready for full incorporation into the kingdom for at least a generation after settlement, but they do generally come to the fold.
    • Dwarven Mountains of Thraz-Dul. The dwarves are pretty insular and do not integrate with the kingdom, but relations are generally positive.
  • Enemies/negative.
    • Gebbling Tribes. Most often the gebblings invade the northern-most of the border marches, but they recognize the border marches as part of the kingdom rather than as a separate group.
  • Conflicted/neutral.
    • Elven Forests of Tirebanil. Where the dwarves are pretty insular, the elves are almost xenophobic… but content to leave well enough alone. They would rather ignore those outside than attack them, unless provoked.
    • Kingdom of du’Chade. Mercantile nation across the water. Relations vary from trading partner to trade wars.


  • Description.
    • Fertile plains and hills, with sufficient rivers for water. Population is mostly along the waterways, sparser the farther you get from moving water.
    • Bucolic and structured society; everyone knows their place and their duties.
  • Signature.
    • Things are done correctly, in their proper place, time, and means.
    • Tools, gear, and arms and armor are serviceable and well-made, rarely ornamented or striking in appearance: they are what they seem to be.
  • Location.
    • Temperate land, bounded on west and north by the sea, on the east by the Thraz-Dul mountains and on the south by the forest of Tirebanil.
  • Scope.
    • Campaign, obviously, but mostly as a place to have been from than as a place to campaign.


  • Entanglements.
    • Pending marriage between two major houses in Bandisal and du’Chade… a possibility of establishing better peace? or grounds for increased tension?
  • Hooks.
    • None at this time.
  • Events.
    • Established after the Age of Upheaval and grown in the centuries since to occupy their current borders.
    • Made contact with the elves about 260 years ago and eventually agreed on boundaries. Deemed too dangerous to try to force the issue, but act as a buffer zone between the kingdom and whatever is on the other side of the Forest. Might revisit if the kingdom can annex the lands surrounding the Forest.
    • Made contact with the dwarves about 180 years ago and were initially rebuffed, but had learned from the elves and did not push the issue. Moderate amount of trust grown since then, dwarves allow small expeditions through their passes to the border marches beyond.


This campaign uses the Fantasy AGE system, with some changes.


  • Humans are basically as presented. Most people are staid and the culture structured. Undesirable elements are sometimes executed but more often exiled (to foreign trade, to the military, or to the borderlands to become Seekers).
  • Dwarves are basically as presented. Dwarven settlements are even more rules-bound than humans but it is not uncommon that some dwarves find it necessary to adventure before settling down. These dwarves are often encouraged to become Seekers.
  • Halflings are basically as presented. There are halfling villages in Bandisal, many halflings form itinerant groups such as traders and performing troupes.
  • Elves are basically as presented but gain a racial bonus to Accuracy rather than Dexterity. They are very uncommon outside Tirebanil, and any that became Seekers would almost by definition be considered alien by their own people.
  • Gnomes are basically as presented but gain a racial bonus to Perception rather than Dexterity. Largely irrelevant at this time because there are none known in the kingdom.
  • Orcs are basically as presented but largely irrelevant at this time because there are none known in the kingdom.

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