Well, I’m not going to GenCon this year (maybe next year; my kids will be 15 and 10 so it might be good for them), but a comment I saw on google+ a few minutes ago reminded me of going to GenCon 2003 with a friend.
We were at the gate in the Chicago airport, getting ready to board our last plane to get to Indianapolis (I think we had three or four, we live on the west coast of Canada).
Me: “Him, him, them, her, him.”
Him: “What?”
Me: “Going the con.”
Him: “How do you…”
Me: “Skinny, wearing a classic Superman t-shirt. Not-skinny, bigger than I am, dressed in golf shirt, shorts, and sandals, with a backpack [in other words, just like I was dressed]. Sitting on the floor with their laptops networked together. Reading a unicorn book, dressed goth and black eyeshadow and nails. Laughing at the BSOD on the terminal over there.”
Him: “Oh hey, public BSOD” gets camera, takes picture
Unicorn goth comes over: “Hi, I really like L5R, what do you think of it?”
Him: “Am I the only one who can’t do this?”