The Reliquary
I always like magic items, especially when they’re interesting. Swords with enhancement bonuses bore me.
It appears I’m not the only one who feels this way. RKDN Studios is working on a magic items supplement, The Reliquary, for 13th Age, Pathfinder, and Savage Worlds that aims to do better than that.

The pictures alone make me want to know more (the picture of The Axe That Hungers — shown below — is creepy awesome).

The goal is modest, $1,000 (already funded) and gets the book into print with ten illustrations. Every $500 more gets five more illustrations and additional supplements of other material (in PDF) for backers. If they get to $6,000 all items will be illustrated,
This project closes November 12 and is about 310% funded (3,117/1,000). Personally I’m in at the $10 so far (damn ‘international shipping’ thing again), but the way things are progressing I might be willing to put more into it just so I’ll have a physical copy of the art. I’m not sure what level, or if I’d want physical copies for all three systems… or maybe just one, and PDFs for the others. When they hit $6,000 — and I’m quite confident they will — I’ll look into it.
This is one I want to watch closely.
Thanks for the mention! We have a ton of great things coming up!