Links of the Week on Hiatus

I’ve been doing Links of the Week for about a year now (just over eleven months in fact; first in the category was September 1, 2011).

They started as a way for me to keep track of nifty things I found and to share them.  Eventually they became one of the bigger draws to this blog.

At this point, though, making sure they’re there every Monday morning has become a task in and of itself, and I have only been hitting every other week or so for the last couple of months because I haven’t had time to do much reading, let alone collating and curating.

Links of the Week is going on hiatus for a while indefinitely (let’s be honest).  I’ll still aim to share nifty stuff I find (such as Kickstarters I find cool, or posts from other blogs that I want to bring attention to), but I do not plan to collect them into weekly batches. Instead of collecting a bunch of links and providing a sentence or two about each, I want to examine them in more detail, discuss them in detail, and so on.

By removing these deadlines I had put on myself, I hope to free up time to work on my projects.  I still have the RPG blog aggregator I want to get live, I want to get Echelon to a usable state, I have several series of posts here that have stalled that I want to wrap up…

Links of the Week have been fun, they’ve caused me to spend a lot of time reading hundreds of interesting and useful blog posts, but it’s something I need to set aside for a while.

Who knows?  When winter rolls around and I get some of these projects finished to my satisfaction, Links of the Week may return.

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