Node-Based Megadungeon: Dwarven Safehold

Dwarven Safehold

Scenario Role

Placed by the dwarven king to observe the Aboleth Conclave and as a first line of defense.

Meta, acts as relatively safe grounds if the PCs need help.


Military base staffed by professional soldiers.  Not a lot of amenities, but dwarves don’t need them.


  • Monitoring the Aboleth Conclave, prepared to attack or defend against them as needed.
  • Standoff with the goblins of the Goblin Den.  Know of them, don’t deal with them much, live and let live — more important things to do, and the goblins don’t want to rile them.


  • Safe harbor from the other inhabitants of the megadungeon.
  • Arms, armor, and other goods may be available for sale or trade.
  • Knowledge regarding Clockwork Hell and some of the other inhabitants.


  • Monitoring the Aboleth Conclave Outpost, prepared to attack or defend against them as needed.
  • Standoff with the goblins of the Goblin Warren.  Know of them, don’t deal with them much, live and let live — more important things to do, and the goblins don’t want to rile them.
  • Trade and travel agreement with the inhabitants of the Fungoid Cavern.
  • Engineers and craftsmen over in Clockwork Hell, learning how things work there by fixing or building them for… whatever runs Clockwork Hell.

Description and Identification


Very forbidding, “None Shall Pass” presence inside the megadungeon.  No direct access to the interior of the Safehold, neighboring regions lead to areas unprotected from the Safehold and well within range of the Safehold’s weapons.


Dwarven crafting, very solid and durable work.  Stoic, professional warriors, everything done by the numbers.  Rarely leave survivors, if they have to fight.


Inward of the Goblin Den, vertically spans the from the level of the Fungoid Cavern to slightly above the Aboleth Conclave.


No actual mechanics yet, but I’ll include notes for later.

The graph is much more linear than most others.  This is a defensive emplacement and nothing entering should have the ability to move around freely.

  • Greeting Area: Spen space in front of the Safehold Gate, well within range of the Safehold proper.
  • Safehold Gate: Strong, forbidding, intimidating portal granting ingress and egress to and from the Safehold.  Most visitors, especially those from the rest of the megadungeon, never pass.
  • Bleeding Ground: Battle zone inside the Safehold Gate where invaders are given the opportunity to retreat with losses.
  • Killing Ground: Battle zone where invaders are killed ruthlessly and without quarter.
  • Barracks: Where most of the dwarves actually live and sleep.
  • Armory: Where the dwarves’ additional supplies and arms and armor are kept.
  • Great Forge: Temple to the Forge-Father.
  • Thane’s Hall: Where the commander of the Safehold lives, holds court, and so on.  Bastion of the last stand if the Safehold is somehow overrun.
  • Sally Lock: Much smaller portal than the Safehold Gate, used primarily for scouting missions.  Access is very restricted by size, and leads directly into the Killing Ground.
  • Scout Staging: Staging area for scouting missions to the Conclave, again within range of the Safehold proper.
Dwarven Safehold
Dwarven Safehold



  1. Pingback: Node-Based Megadungeon: Clockwork Hell | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.

  2. Pingback: Node-Based Megadungeon: Drilling Deeper | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.

  3. Pingback: Node-Based Megadungeon: Goblin Warren | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.

  4. Pingback: Node-Based Megadungeon: Fungoid Cavern | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.

  5. Pingback: Node-Based Megadungeon: All Regions Outlined | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.

  6. Pingback: Gus’ Megadungeon Thoughts | Keith Davies — In My Campaign - Keith's thoughts on RPG design and play.

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