Ability Score Generation

Justisaur posted an absolutely brilliant method of ability score generation to rec.games.frp.dnd. It’s simple, it provides some nicely organic scores, and it seems, as best I can tell, more fair than other random methods. I’ve seen it called a few things, perhaps the simplest name is ’27-25-23′, after the three …

Dodge Feats

While it is nice to get +1 to your AC against a single chosen opponent, I don’t think it’s really worth an entire feat – even if it does lead to a nice feat chain.  I change how Dodge works and hopefully make it a little more worth the cost, …

On Languages

Introduction Languages are handled simply — simplistically, in my opinion — in D&D, using the Speak Language ‘skill’. There are several things I don’t care for with this model. A single rank in Speak Language provides full fluency with a language; you either speak a language fluently or not at …

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