Kickstarter: Tenra Bansho Zero – An Art and Culture-Rich RPG from Japan

Update: already backed, 13,122/9,000.  127 backers and someone took the big one for $2,800. Oh Kickstarter, you get me in trouble sometimes. [Actually, that’s not quite true… yet.  My wife hasn’t said a word about my little bad habit here, she even likes the PennyGems because they’re “shiny and sparkly”] I’ve wanted …

Kickstarter: Blood Red Sands – Competitive Swords-and-Sorcery RPG

Let’s see if I can’t get this a little boost toward getting over the top. Blood Red Sands – Competitive Swords-and-Sorcery RPG is a little different from my normal thing — a competitive roleplaying game, where ultimately only one PC goes on to face the Witch King. This game has many trappings …

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