Hit Point Variations: Mana and Madness and Taint, Oh My!

A couple of years ago I wrote a post On Hit Points and Healing, and a couple months after that a post exploring the Implications of Changes to the Hit Point Model. According to my logs, it seems both have been fairly well-received. It occurred to me recently that the …

Entity Scope, Updated and Explained

This article expands on a sometimes troublesome piece of the Entity Template I posted earlier. ‘Scope’ measures how broad an influence or impact an entity has on a game. This is not necessarily a measure of how much power an entity has, but power and scope often are related. Scope …

Entity Template, Updated and Explained

The Entity Template is one of the more frequently used tools in my campaign and scenario design toolbox. Whether I actually present it or not, the template guides my thoughts to ensure I don’t miss any standard design elements. There was a time, long ago, when much of my scenario …

Burgeoning Barbarian Book Brewing

That should have ‘B’ well and truly covered. The first release from Echelon Game Design is nearing completion. I aim to have Echelon Reference Series: Barbarian ready for release by the end of June. The Echelon Reference Series is (or will be) a collection of books gathering information on specific …

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