Planar-Pantheon Analysis: Elemental Tetratheon

I’ll be writing up some sample planes for Planar Trappings, to show how it fits together. (In draft) I’m expanding the list of traits so it includes the core domains (which include alignments and elements, as well as major societal abstractions). This both expanded the sorts of traits available (which …

Planar-Pantheon Analysis: Goblin Pantheon

I’ll be writing up some sample planes for Planar Trappings, to show how it fits together. (In draft) I’m expanding the list of traits so it includes the core domains (which include alignments and elements, as well as major societal abstractions). This both expanded the sorts of traits available (which …

Recent Releases 2015-12-27: Rogues, Fighters, and Polyhedral Pantheons

Recent releases, as of December 2015. Echelon Explorations: Polyhedral Pantheons @d20pfsrd @DriveThruRPG @Paizo The gods create the world… and you create the gods. Whether you need only a small pantheon with a few deities, or a larger pantheon with dozens of deities, Polyhedral Pantheons gives you tools to make pantheon creation …

Examples of Adapted Polyhedral Pantheons

I’m calling ‘Examples’ close enough for ‘X Day’ of the A-Z Blog Challenge. The last couple of posts have been about ways the Polyhedral Pantheons mechanism can be adapted to other purposes. In this post I’ll start applying the adaptations. Adaptations of Polyhedral Pantheons I’m going to start with just the initial …

Working on Polyhedral Adaptations

Yesterday I wrote about adapting the Polyhedral Pantheons mechanism for other purposes. And now my brain, because it’s like that, insists I make some notes about the attributes that might be used for the various adaptations. Polyhedral Pantheons Adaptations For (almost) every adaptation in yesterday’s post, I’ll present a draft …

Variations on a Theme: Adapting Polyhedral Pantheons

I’ve been doing a lot of work on Polyhedral Pantheons this month. The processes and mechanisms were devised around creating a pantheon, but they can be adapted to other purposes. Primary elements of the process and its results are: Attributes are placed on sites (points and/or faces) of a polyhedron. Entities are …

Shu-shi Pantheon (Halfling Pantheon Revised)

I started work on a halfling pantheon to include in Polyhedral Pantheons, but it got sidelined while I worked on other things. Now that I’m up to ‘S’ in the April A-Z Blog Challenge I thought I’d look for a name for the halflings, or at least the subpantheons I expect …

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