Threshold d20 Review: Running an Encounter

In this review I look at and the pages under it. Encounter Checklist The encounter sequence looks fairly reasonable. Surprise and Initiative It might be worth changing “those that exceed the DC by a large margin” in the Perception check description to “those that make the Threshold on their …

Thanks John

I’d like to thank John Reyst for taking a look over what I’ve written for Echelon d20 and providing feedback.  I’ve been doing a series of articles that does much the same for his Threshold d20 system. This post is my response to his initial feedback.

Threshold d20 Review: Resources, Races, and Allegiances Part 2

Responding to John’s post “In Response…” Resources Yes, resources/money/etc. is a tricky thing, especially when you’re trying to be generic.  You might look at FantasyCraft’s approach here (which I have to admit I don’t remember well enough off the top of my head to summarize, and I don’t have the …

Anime and RPGs

In the last couple of months I have seen comments linking anime and role playing games.  It is not a bad link, really, given the overlap between ‘watchers of anime’ and ‘players of RPGs’ and the influence anime and RPGs have on each other.  However, it is incomplete because ‘anime’ …

Threshold d20 Review: Resources, Races, and Allegiances

I take a quick look at how Threshold handles other character considerations, including resources (money and stuff) and races.  Talents will be in another review. Here, I look primarily at and their subpages.

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