Defining Covenants

I’m still working my way around the edges of this, but I think it’s starting to come together. A covenant is an agreement between two entities. The structure is fairly standardized, and while there may be some common exchanges, notionally each is a unique construct. Each Covenant consists of at …

Patreon Support: Mark Gedak and Monsters of Porphyra II

While it’s been quite a while since I announced a Kickstarter project I was backing (though that hasn’t stopped me from backing Kickstarter projects), I think it may be time to start announcing Patreon artists I’d like to support. Today, it’s Mark Gedak, primary mover behind Purple Duck Games and …

Race and Class, or ‘Favored Class’ Mechanics

D&D 3e opened the door (in D&D-land) to any race/class combination. To encourage archetypal combinations they introduced the ‘favored class’, where characters of each race could (potentially) enjoy reduced experience point penalties when multiclassing with their favored class — with no effect whatsoever if they didn’t multiclass at all, regardless …

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