Legendary/Spontaneous Graded Items

During this year’s A-Z Challenge, many of my posts have discussed graded items, items with multiple qualities of different grades. Often these items are enchanted, and many of them are simply very well crafted, with special materials and processes to get around spell prerequisites. I’d overlooked another option: spontaneous enchantment, as …

Improving Encounter Economy and Design

Developing encounters for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game can be simplified, and easily made more flexible and scalable. I will show how below, contrasting with the PRD Designing Encounters text. Sample Encounter Design In the sample encounter design in the PRD, the party consists of two fourth-level PCs and four fifth-level PCs. Step 1: Determine …

Graded Weapons and Armor

Graded weapons and armor are very simple. Rather than working spells, exactly, they work with enhancement bonuses, plus weapon, armor, and general qualities. They can be crafted or enchanted, and follow the same guidelines regarding assignment of graded abilities. Graded Qualities for Weapons and Armor Many weapon and armor qualities are …

Forging Graded Items

Over the last week or so I’ve talked about assigning graded abilities, graded wands, graded staves, how I determined their market price, and how to adjust their caster level. The first post was fundamental to all graded items, and the other articles were because spell trigger items are quite easy to work …

Fey Bloodlines

I released Draconic Bloodlines late last week, and it’s seen some favorable response (decent sales, for me, and a five-star review). Owen’s Law: include links to your stuff! Draconic Bloodlines is available in PDF from the following online stores. DriveThruRPG/RPGNow Open Gaming Store (shop.d20pfsrd.com) Paizo I’ve been asked to give the sorcerer …

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