Crafting Graded Wands

The other day I described how graded items can be defined. That post is a bit dry, but that happens sometimes with groundwork. I’ll present an application of how spell trigger items can be implemented as graded items below. Wands are the simplest spell-trigger items to model. Per the Pathfinder Reference Document, …

Blood of Dragons? In My Veins? It’s More Common Than You Think

The first book of my Echelon Expansions line, Draconic Bloodlines, is now available at DriveThruRPG/RPGNow, the Open Gaming Store, and at Paizo. Great-grandma was seduced by a dragon, When she became the dragon’s reeve. You might think there’s no such thing as dragons, But as for me and my dad, we believe. …

Draconic Bloodlines

When the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game was released it included many changes. One that I quite liked was changing the sorcerer class by adding ‘bloodlines’. Each bloodline gave knowledge of one spell per spell level, some bonus feats, and bloodline abilities gained at 1st, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 20th level. The Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game …

13th Age-Style Icons in the Sandbox, Part 4: Creation, Second Pass

In my last post in this series I drafted a set of twelve icons, based on twenty campaign elements or themes. This is to fit a Celtic-inspired setting, so we’ve got raids (between clans and otherwise), fey, giants, curses, spirits, invasion from a couple directions (sea reavers/’vikings’, and more civilized …

13th Age-Style Icons in the Sandbox, Part 3: Creation, First Pass

I am exploring the creation of icons for a sandbox campaign setting. Icons can be useful in a sandbox for several reasons. Icon agendas provide a overarching plots for PCs to interfere with; Icon relationships provide many ‘sides’ for PCs to align with, often with conflicting or ambiguous goals; Icons …

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