Know, O Sorcerer, that the angels of the celestial realm which ye have studied, and summoned, and bound to your will are not the greatest of the celestial host. Yea, the lesser angels which ye have dealt with are but a shadow beside the terrible might of the
Gadolim, which are the greatest of all those that enter into the world of men.
Within these pages shall ye find the names of these mighty, and all that is known thereof. But I caution you strongly not to attempt to work magic to call up any of the number of the Gadolim, for they fear no mortal, and they may wax exceedingly wroth if any should take them away from their heavenly task; for it is known that the Gadolim do hold forth the sword against certain monstrous Demons in a place which man knows not. Woe to him who meddles in that war of mysteries!

First in the order of the Gadolim I count Veredicton, the Angel of Truth. In appearance, it may be likened to a great sphere of the finest lapis lazuli, from which radiate nine billowing wings of fire, and which bears a sweet aroma. Set in the sphere is the great Eye of the Angel, which sees to the truth of every matter, and about which is placed a rope of purest gold. Beware the gaze of the Eye when the Angel is filled with wrath, for then does a great swathe of holy fire pour forth in its gaze, melting the very bones of those who would oppose it.
But I tell you that this great Eye, which sees to the truth of everything, is by the selfsame principle incapable of seeing any illusion created by magic.
Those who tell falsehoods should flee before its gaze, for they are hated above all others by Veredicton, and liars will it pursue. Take note of the aura of this Angel (that is, the power of its presence), in which liars and false speakers find their blood boiling in their veins, and insects crawl out of their mouths.
Do not suppose that ye are safe when the Angel has departed! The presence of such a one is powerful, and may linger for many days; yea, I tell you truly that the aura of the Angel may take root in a place before the Angel arrives in that place. Let he who has wisdom study such omens, that he may know what is to come, and tremble.
Some of their weapons are a bit weird and don’t really sound like “hit point damage”, so I don’t really know what to do about stats. I’d say “start from the Solar stats and modify”, but I just had a look and Solars have quite a few fiddly bits in 3.5e. Allegedly 5e is much simpler, so perhaps I should look there.
…or I could do it in a nice simple system like Into The Odd!
… and now it seems I have an excuse to get a copy of Into the Odd.
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