‘Factions’ is another topic that fits Year of the Lost. I’d not originally included in the introductory post because I hadn’t written an actual series about it. I suppose I’ll start now.
Well… I said I haven’t written a series about factions, and that’s true. I have written about factions and related topics, though, just not as a series.
- Factions, from 2011, was my first discussion of factions. The post was prompted by a conversation on G+ and covers my thoughts of the time about factions.
- A big chunk of Designing a Pantheon (A-Z Blog Challenge 2022) gets into pantheon factions. By assigning ‘faction weights’ to domains, I can calculate how deities in the pantheon align with or against the faction.
- Icons in the Sandbox also has some faction consideration. The icons were developed using the polyhedral process, and predates the polyhedral factions idea. I’d like to go back and apply that process to the icons, see how they work out.
There are several RPG books that touch on factions and organizations. Off the top of my head I can think of
- Fantasy AGE Companion
- Ultimate Intrigue (Pathfinder)
- Ultimate Factions (Pathfinder)
- Later incorporated into Ultimate Kingdoms (Pathfinder)
- Ultimate Factions (5e)
- I assume incorporated into Ultimate Kingdoms (5e), but I don’t own this one to confirm.
- D&D 3.5 Player’s Handbook II has ‘affiliations’.
- Admittedly did not think of ‘off the top of my head. I’d assumed it was Dungeon Master’s Guide II and was frustrated it wasn’t there. Found the correct book when I started rereading the one below.
- D&D 3.5 Complete Champion
- There are some articles in Dragon Magazine that cover similar structure, but I’m not going to look them up right now)
- Izirion’s Enchiridion of the West Marches
- REIGN Enchiridion has ‘Company’ rules that look quite relevant, but I have not yet read them.
I’m sure there are more, I’ll expand the list as they come to me.