Z-A Index, 2018

As usual, here is my ‘Z-A Index’ roundup of my blog challenge. I feel like I’ve done better in previous years. This time around I was late many of the days, and I did not actually reach the target (by subject completion, not word count) I was aiming for. The …

Wayyyy Back: Teratic Monsters, and the Quickstart Adventure

Several years ago I bought Rafael Chandler’s Teratic Tome. Today I realized — prompted by a post at Against the Wicked City — that I should keep teratic design considerations in mind when I create monsters for Echelon. Possibly not for the quickstart adventure, since I want the focus to …

Unwanted Effects: Dark & Dangerous Checks in Low Fantasy Gaming

We recently had a season finale in our Low Fantasy Gaming campaign, and I mentioned the Dark & Dangerous checks. Certain creatures (undead for sure, and probably demons) trigger Dark & Dangerous checks under certain circumstances. So to most spell casters (every time they cast a spell). The Dark & …

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