Touched by the Gods

… a little rambly, I’m trying to get this down before I forget. I realized the other day that I was overthinking things with regard to discovering and restoring the gods in Seekers of Lore. My initial expectation was that clerics were cultists, followers of specific gods, since that’s how …

Lexicon and Microscope: A Study of an Imaginary World

Rambly rambly time. I am just starting to explore the idea of combining Ben Robbin’s game Microscope with Neel Krishnaswami. I am not aiming for a particular target or result beyond seeing if they can work together, so I will be (was, actually; I wrote this sentence after everything below …

Just Guess: Demographics in Seekers of Lore

Over the last few days I’ve been doing a lot of calculations regarding population and demographics in medieval times, in part because I’m working on rules for Demesne-Level Play. These calculations are mostly to lay groundwork for the rules I’m working on, to ensure they produce credible results. I’m certainly …

Imperial Scale to Manorial Scale in Mapping and Rulership

A few days ago I talked about Fractal Game Design and mentioned how it relates to Demesne-Level play. Yesterday I dug into Hex Population Density. Today I’m going to try to bring these things together. Definitions I am using a very simple model for the relationships between demesnes. Real feudalism is …

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