Old Site Materials

Update March 6, 2011: I’ve incorporated as much material as I’m likely to from the old site.  It looks like the articles I’d posted to my old site have been migrated (look early in the archive, around 2003-2006), most of the rules documents I was putting together have as well.  The …

Back in the Saddle

Okay, yesterday I spent about 13 hours deploying the latest version of our product at work, the first major release in 18 months and most of my work since the beginning of June. About bloody time that one’s done. We’re starting our scoping exercise for the next one, but the …

Yet Another Map

Some more experimentation.  I’m generally happy with it but there are some things I’m dissatisfied with. Mountains, I’m mostly happy.  A little artifacting still visible, but applying a bit more (or a different?) displacement map to it could solve that. Hills (the brownish-green bits) could do with a bit more …

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