Flight in Echelon

I thought I’d take a look at flight. It’s a pretty common ability, even in real life. It should be possible for creatures to fly. Fairly close again, I think. 75% of the creatures can pay for their flight out of the slots available at their tier, and it’s not …

More Iron Heroes

About three weeks ago I posted how to incorporate some Iron Heroes Feats. I had put off writing some more partly because I was interested in other matters, but also because the mastery feats often use a token mechanism that I wasn’t sure I wanted to include. I’d forgotten that …

Another Place

I thought I’d try another experiment, I’m working a bit now with forest techniques. Next one, I think I’ll take it a little farther — plan the image, for one thing, and  get a few more terrain types and the like in.  The rivers need a little more work, too. …

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