Divine Powers in Echelon

I think arcane spellcasters are fairly well handled with the Eldritch Weaving rules I’m adapting. Bards aren’t specifically addressed, but the adaptations needed are fairly straightforward. The Eldritch Weaving rules I’m adapting don’t really address divine spellcasters. Divine spellcasters also have other powers (domain powers, druidic abilities, and so on). …

On Alignments

Given the scope of the changes I have planned for Echelon, and even just what I’m got in mind for my D&D 3.x campaign, I think it’s a good time to review alignment systems to see what would best fit my settings. It’s pretty easy to say “no alignments”, and …

Some Common Talents

I’ve posted some talents for specific character facets (combat and spellcasting), but there are some general improvements that can be made to any character that are probably worth presenting. Everyone has ability scores, and it seems everyone wants to improve their saving throws.  It’s easy to write talents that give …

Echelon Basics

Echelon is derived from D&D 3.x and tries to address problems experienced or described with that edition. Some elements are drawn from D&D 4e, but this game is an evolution of 3.x. The rules of play are much as they were, unless specifically changed, and the same ability scores and …

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