Link of Fame: How to write a free RPG

Rob Lang of the Free RPG Blog has presented a guide on how to write a free RPG, and since it looks like he’s now done (which is his cue to add an Epilogue, just watch) I thought I’d present a list of links to each section of the guide.

All in all I like how it’s presented.  I’ve copied the entire thing to a Word file (so I can convert it to an EPUB and load it onto my ebook reader and read it during my commute, when I have more time to absorb the material).

RPG Blog Carnival: Fantastic Locations — Roundup, Take 3

This is embarrassing.  I feel bad about missing Simon’s post, but downright stupid for overlooking two of my own. Keith Davies — In My Campaign Fantastic Location: Rime Tower, Part 2 — Perspiration makes some decisions about what direction to go with this location and nails down some details. Fantastic …

RPG Blog Carnival: Fantastic Locations — Missed One!

I have been reviewing the carnival submissions and just realized I’d overlooked one.

My apologies, skyfullofdust, I didn’t see the pingback.

… and the sky full of dust

skyfullofdust provides some background on The City where the various groups he has been describing (including the Church of Consumption, the Church of Fleeting Dreams, and the Church of the Fleeting Light — all of which have, I think, been linked to in my Links of the Week).  This post provides some context for those religions, they certainly appear to fit.

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