There is another element that might be included in domain aspects: visions and portents.
One of the elements from Dungeons & Dragons 3e’s Deities and Demigods that I had overlooked, deities have a ‘portfolio sense’. I may want to make it an element of the domain aspects.
Demigods have a limited ability to sense events involving their portfolios. They automatically sense any event that involves one thousand or more people. The ability is limited to the present. Lesser deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios and affects five hundred or more people. Intermediate deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past for every divine rank they have. Greater deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past and one week into the future for every divine rank they have. When a deity senses an event, it merely knows that the event is occurring and where it is. The deity receives no sensory information about the event. Once a deity notices an event, it can use its remote sensing power to perceive the event.
Revised System Resource Document (D&D 3.5 SRD)
On reading the description of portfolio sense, I’m not entirely sure I will want to. I’m confident I’ll want to include the ability, it seems like something a deity should have. I’m not entirely sure I need to call it out specifically because the list will probably look very much like the portfolio list.
At least as far as the domain aspects are concerned. I can easily imagine wanting to make notes in the deity descriptions, especially if the portfolio sense has any special conditions, or if there are variations on the assumed “everything to do with” awareness. Perhaps a deity of Travel and Water (explorers and seafarers) is aware of every ship on a particular body of water, despite being only a demigod (‘greater deity’-grade awareness, but only in a very constrained topic).
To be pondered further. Definitely want ‘portfolio awareness’ sort of information on the deity, but it seems the element in the domain aspect would be redundant because it’s so similar to the portfolio list, and it’s only when we get to the deity specifics that we can apply details.
Excellent tips and well-written thoughts. Thank you for sharing this.
It’s hard to believe the blogging challenge is almost over for 2021. Down to the after survey, reflections, and the road trip sign-up.
Plus, I’m taking part in the Bout of Books read-a-thon in May. So much excitement!
J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author